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Journal Article
Nka (2021) 2021 (49): 132–143.
Published: 01 November 2021
... Egyptian at heart. The author, a novelist, poet, and critic himself, takes each of these writers and individually explores the aesthetics and impact of their work to ultimately consider the question: Is what they wrote considered Egyptian literature, or does it remain Francophone and, thus, French...
Journal Article
Nka (2013) 2013 (32): 62–69.
Published: 01 May 2013
... add “fun” narrative structure, guiding the spectator smoothly to these “austere ninjas of emancipation,” seems from place to place and across time with the pro- unable to generate the same kind of sympathy that tagonists, who move about within the French he and his fellow actors did just four...
Journal Article
Nka (2013) 2013 (32): 146–148.
Published: 01 May 2013
... of the French Empire in which the film takes place: West Africa and Southeast Asia, Benin, and Vietnam; the 1950s and today. Far from a politicohistorical documentary, however, Indochina explores the human possibilities of racial mixing and the psychological traumas of the Afro-Asian children most often torn...
Journal Article
Nka (1994) 1994 (1): 16–18.
Published: 01 May 1994
Journal Article
Nka (2013) 2013 (32): 8–17.
Published: 01 May 2013
..., on an leaving us his last testament, The Wretched extensive scale, the “widespread use of inhuman F of the Earth. When he was nineteen, con- practices,” in which many of the colonized people vinced that being French meant defending a cer- felt they were “participating in a veritable apoca- tain idea...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (24): 98–101.
Published: 01 May 2009
... terpillaring up to th e d'Hypnos (Leaves of Hypnosi, com posed during Hispanic foot of Europe, its nakedness where th e French Resistan ce and among the greatest death scythes wildly." No t th e explorer's discover y, poems of our age, one whi ch for me carr ies a but th at essential part of th e so...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (27): 22–27.
Published: 01 November 2010
... discovered in East Africa]. They SG: Yes, but in the library of the CGT [Confédération Générale also speak to us of Egypt. Cheikh Anta Diop [the great Sen- du Travail, the French leftist union] in Marseille, you discov- egalese academic and “Afrocentrist in his book, which I ered the great writers. Later...
Journal Article
Nka (2018) 2018 (42-43): 234–249.
Published: 01 November 2018
...Richard J. Powell In his collection of essays, Caribbean Discourse, ´Edouard Glissant describes the Creole languages and literatures of the French Antilles and the pedagogical projects that strive to bring greater understanding and appreciation to créolitié as an “exploded discourse.” In Glissant’s...
Journal Article
Nka (2015) 2015 (37): 94–103.
Published: 01 November 2015
...: American Runway Revolution, which revisits the famed fashion battle at Versailles and examines the dynamics of race, economics, beauty, history, and the epic results of that legendary night in 1973 at the Chateau de Versailles. When five American designers enjoy victory against their French counterparts...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (27): 129–131.
Published: 01 November 2010
... in Ballen’s photographs remain semiotically unclear, as do the arranged part-objects, people, and animals in the photographs. The French psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva’s (and French Romantic poet Gérard de Nerval’s) description of the Thing of melancholia as “a light without representation” provides a poetic...
Journal Article
Nka (2021) 2021 (49): 64–81.
Published: 01 November 2021
... through the Arabic-language magazine Al Tatawwur ( Evolution ) and the French-language newpaper Don Quichotte in the early 1940s. Henein also created the publishing company Éditions Masses to help build the reputation of emerging poets, organized and financed five exhibitions in Cairo of surrealist...
Journal Article
Nka (2016) 2016 (38-39): 210–217.
Published: 01 November 2016
.... French hip-hop is the second-largest-selling in its genre in the world, and it is not surprising that it has resonated with young immigrant populations. There is a vital jazz scene in France but also a growing specter of racism. I am interested in recording the ways in which black bodies exist...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (41): 14–29.
Published: 01 November 2017
... these works in the context of the epic 1931 Paris Exposition Coloniale Internationale, contemporary representations of Africans and African Americans in French visual culture, and Hayden’s acknowledged penchant for visual satire, I contend that the exaggerated physiognomy and general ridiculousness...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (41): 192–197.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Brett M. Van Hoesen This article provides a review of the French-Algerian artist Kader Attia’s solo exhibition, Sacrifice and Harmony , a selection of twenty-nine works of installation, video, sculpture, collage, and assemblage, hosted by the Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK) in Frankfurt, Germany...
Journal Article
Nka (2019) 2019 (44): 132–142.
Published: 01 May 2019
... open a space for theorization and discussion on the concept of ontological distance . French anthropologist Philippe Descola’s ideas on existing differences in ontological conceptualizations of the world share a wide view of the world and its cosmologies akin to the alternative ways of thinking about...
Journal Article
Nka (2021) 2021 (48): 54–69.
Published: 01 May 2021
...Susette Min In 2012, Okwui Enwezor was appointed artistic director of the third iteration of La Triennale, which he titled Intense Proximité ( IP ). While Enwezor had the credentials to legitimize the French art scene, he was also keenly aware of his own revolving roles as guest and host...
Journal Article
Nka (2015) 2015 (37): 54–61.
Published: 01 November 2015
..., but who simultaneously has French roots. He was classified as an individual whose self-importance, impeccable dress, and manners attract attention and afford status. A black dandy can be defined as a self-fashioned gentleman who intentionally appropriates classical European fashion with an African...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (26): 60–69.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Hannah Feldman Kader Attia is a French Algerian artist who now divides his time among Berlin, Algiers, and Paris. This article surveys his sculptural and photographic practice since his provocative Piste d’atterrissage (1997). It argues that Attia’s invocation of modernist urbanism, religious...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (26): 70–79.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Régis Durand In this interview Régis Durand asks the French Algerian artist Kader Attia about his 2008 exhibition at the Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo (Navarra) and his ideas for the four different pieces exhibited. Durand is particularly interested in the genesis of these different works...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (27): 70–75.
Published: 01 November 2010
... and Third Worlds, looking at vehicular transport as a metonymic element within consciousness. His Colours of Cotonou installation uses the device of the frame as a relatively traditional meditation on art and value, but Gaba goes beyond this in two ways: in his conscious play on the French word cadre...