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civil rights movement

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Journal Article
Nka (2012) 2012 (30): 90–97.
Published: 01 May 2012
... or irresponsive during the civil rights movement. action. As we attempted communications across country, we continued to work and develop, but Note at a slower pace. Before long another AfriCOBRA This essay was originally published in the exhibition catalogue Afri...
Journal Article
Nka (2011) 2011 (29): 100–109.
Published: 01 November 2011
... individualism that embraces the overriding challenge confronted by Spiral, an artistic alliance that represented African American artists in the March on Washington and that sought to formulate an ongoing artistic response to the civil rights movement. Copyright © 2011 Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 60–65.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and second-line parades, military marches and marching bands, funeral processions and civil rights movement demonstrations for historical antecedents and to Lorraine O’Grady and Shani Peters (three decades apart from each other), Cauleen Smith, Daniel Bernard Roumain, Sol Sax, and Rashaad Newsome...
Journal Article
Nka (2018) 2018 (42-43): 222–232.
Published: 01 November 2018
... the Western conceit of Africa as primitive, his 1960s and early ’70s writings chart a new direction, showing the linked struggle between African independence and the civil rights and Black Power movements in the United States. Again, we see another figure of the continent emerging in Baldwin’s late works...
Journal Article
Nka (2023) 2023 (53): 88–98.
Published: 01 November 2023
... Assifa member whose candidacy was seen as an extended public performance meant to reveal the ways in which migrants were denied civil rights. [email protected] Copyright © 2023 by Nka Publications 2023 Contemporary art Sharjah Biennial Bouchra Khalili Movement of Arab Workers Al Assifa...
Journal Article
Nka (2015) 2015 (36): 4–5.
Published: 01 May 2015
... of the AND THE black male, by state security agents and a reawak- ening of mass resistance to systemic oppression of #BLACKLIVESMATTER blacks in America, despite the supposed gains of MOVEMENT the civil rights...
Journal Article
Nka (2023) 2023 (52): 4–5.
Published: 01 May 2023
... that followed in the tradition of nonviolent struggle, like the Civil Rights movement in the United States in the 1960s. Second, and most interesting for many people across the globe, the revolution has been viewed as exceptional, not only for its peacefulness and sustained endurance, but also...
Journal Article
Nka (1998) 1998 (9): 24–27.
Published: 01 November 1998
...• lations, assemblages and photographs, all of which addressed the experience and memory of the Civil Rights Movement. Opposite : Souvenir 1,1998, mixed media on canvas, courtesy, Renaissance Society, Chicago...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (41): 30–42.
Published: 01 November 2017
...,” when and nation among Africans who exited before and he turned to the medium of collage in the midst during the slave trade. The African, too, was transna- of the civil rights movement. His collages visualize tional in the process of leaving some interior nation the repressed memories...
Journal Article
Nka (2011) 2011 (29): 22–31.
Published: 01 November 2011
... Publications Amiri Baraka, New York City, 1976. Photo: Anthony Barboza y the late 1950s the US civil rights movement Movement had formed out of the Greensboro Black had reached a new height of intensity with student sit-­ins, and soon the Student Nonviolent B the victory...
Journal Article
Nka (2001) 2001 (15): 58–63.
Published: 01 November 2001
... his early involvement in the Civil a group exhibition of Jacob Lawrence, Benny Andrews, Romare Rights movement. It was in 1952, while he was working for the Post Bearden, and Vincent Smith would be of interest, for" both their Office, that a friend invited him alongto visit the Cezanne...
Journal Article
Nka (2008) 2008 (22-23): 50–59.
Published: 01 May 2008
... compositions and drawings for the of the Civil Rights movement.7 banners are rooted in Sufi significations, and their South African artist Berni Searle continues her symbolism and ordering of numbers suggest the exploration of issues related to history, memory, transcendent link between human beings...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (41): 4–5.
Published: 01 November 2017
...; and the radical reclamation of Africa attention to the continent’s history, cultures, and and support of its decolonizing nations during the peoples in the early twentieth century, most impor- civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It tantly during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. is during...
Journal Article
Nka (2000) 2000 (11-12): 11.
Published: 01 May 2000
... is in process and that the new century might turn out to be no better-if not worse-than the last. On a whole array of different planes this negative turn is pro• ceeding without adequate challenge. If we look carefully, for instance, we can see the gains of the civil rights movement or those...
Journal Article
Nka (2006) 2006 (20): 144–150.
Published: 01 May 2006
...: The Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Rights Movement. Troy, Mich: Bedford Publishers. Fall 2006 Nka «147 Pfeifer, M. (2004). Rough Justice: Lynching and Whitfield, S. J. (1988...
Journal Article
Nka (2002) 2002 (16-17): 114–115.
Published: 01 May 2002
... Multimedia interior agreement and collabo• presents the original format of civil rights movement...
Journal Article
Nka (2022) 2022 (50): 36–47.
Published: 01 May 2022
... drawing may have been brokered by their mutual friend, the singer, actor, and activist Harry Belafonte, a leader in the civil rights movement and popularizer in the 1960s of African folk music. In his memoir, Belafonte wrote that by the late 1950s, American and African blacks saw themselves as allies...
Journal Article
Nka (2011) 2011 (29): 50–61.
Published: 01 November 2011
...-­dominated African American art rights movement had affected her, Faith recalls: scene. In 1967 Martin Luther King Jr., denouncing the During the years from 1968 to 1970, I was caught up Vietnam War, joined the future of the civil rights in a steady stream of activities protesting MOMA’s movement...
Journal Article
Nka (2012) 2012 (30): 36–43.
Published: 01 May 2012
... the flames of the American civil rights movement. They made the acquaintance of W. E. B. Du Bois in Accra; Du Bois’s stepson, David; and Maya Make, aka Maya Angelou. It was in Cairo that Hatch and Billops made their first collaboration. He coauthored Poems for Niggers and Crackers with Ibrahim...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (40): 16–27.
Published: 01 June 2017
... in in the history of the nonviolent civil rights move- color and process. These early works developed into ment led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Whitten left a psychedelic explosion of expressionist gestures in the movement because he found it “too difficult to the later years of the decade. Uniting the room...