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Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 48–51.
Published: 01 May 2014
... within jazz and improvised music, with particular attention to the varieties of musical and social configuration. Starting with the concept of the solo and its place in ad hoc ensembles and in working bands, the article then considers other manifestations of organization in creative music, especially...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 60–65.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and second-line parades, military marches and marching bands, funeral processions and civil rights movement demonstrations for historical antecedents and to Lorraine O’Grady and Shani Peters (three decades apart from each other), Cauleen Smith, Daniel Bernard Roumain, Sol Sax, and Rashaad Newsome...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 66–73.
Published: 01 May 2014
... with a high school marching band and her research into Sun Ra’s time in Chicago. Together the cinematic and the social relational threads highlight the complex roles of a filmmaker who engages her community and examines art’s political and creative stakes. Smith concludes that an artist must sometimes operate...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 40–47.
Published: 01 May 2014
... reflected ties that take shape as “bands” or “orchestras,” but I larger societal, institutional, and political concep- intend to concentrate here on the implications of col- tions but also enacted those conceptions. lective orientation, as distinct from the band model. Ultimately, I regard the AACM...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (25): 106–119.
Published: 01 November 2009
... Indeed, it should come as no surprise that a carni - the opposing yet concomitant currents of accrued Power? Trinidad Carnival. As a proponent of Mas’ , the val designer whose first carnival band was individual freedom on one hand and increased...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 4–7.
Published: 01 May 2014
... Cauleen Smith, Solar Flare Arkestral Marching Band, Rich South High School, Garfield, Green Line Stop, Chicago, March 4, 2013 Huey Copeland and Naomi Beckwith Journal of Contemporary African Art • 34 • Spring 2014 4 • Nka...
Journal Article
Nka (1996) 1996 (5): 72.
Published: 01 November 1996
..., and the Ellington's handmaid arranger and inaugurated the Swing Era and age of fifty-one. During his glorious swing bands that everybody had occasional collaborator, or was invented the big band as a popular...
Journal Article
Nka (2001) 2001 (15): 70–73.
Published: 01 November 2001
... appears of a cattle auction hall, a motel and a bar with a mariachi band. As he dressed in pajamas and spinning aimlessly in wheelchair. In another, does elsewhere, he folds in references to contemporary art (Andy he is floating underwater, his face covered by drifting rose petals. Like Warhol, David...
Journal Article
Nka (2014) 2014 (34): 52–54.
Published: 01 May 2014
... situation through I know you have had a long ongoing discussion about the discourse. So if you thought about it, the AACM could have stakes of different models and forms of jazz bands. So I been called the AAJM, the Association for the Advance- won’t even lead in with a question. I just want to get you...
Journal Article
Nka (2021) 2021 (48): 112–130.
Published: 01 May 2021
... narratives and environmental a diversity of music from the Fox Family Fiddlers, lessons. For centuries, the European imaginary a Métis group from the Fort Belknap Reservation, mistakenly believed that an all-water route across Montana, on the Madison River; a brass band from the North American continent...
Journal Article
Nka (2017) 2017 (40): 8–15.
Published: 01 June 2017
... was released in 1961, only Miles Davis could. Cool, we can say without Coltrane was a band leader in his own right. The LP hesitation, was born with Miles. Whatever Miles itself, however, featured appearances by Coleman did, whatever the direction in which he took jazz, he Hawkins (tenor) and Art Blakey...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (24): 150–157.
Published: 01 May 2009
...), and olive oi,l in A Matter of Time (2003). Fall, Searle invited Zolani Mahola, lead singer Searle's use of organic matter to mask her body from one of South Africa's most popular bands, functions is a method to complicate notions of Freshlyground, to collaborate on the soundtrack...
Journal Article
Nka (1996) 1996 (5): 58–61.
Published: 01 November 1996
... and the rock emblema• tizes the intrusion of the military, adage. For ill-trained and reckless bands Issa Samb's powerfully minimalist pieces, Konate's message is driven home: of power-hungry men marauding in mil• lis Sont Debout (1994) and Kanaga...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (24): 82–91.
Published: 01 May 2009
.... Photo by Michael Cavanagh and Kevin Montague, courtesy Indiana University Art Museum of the materials and techniques he encountered, the artist incorporates a square metal fragment often by chance, in his diverse environments. In and nails at the center and a long metal band...
Journal Article
Nka (2004) 2004 (19): 90.
Published: 01 May 2004
... by quite explore the formal and con• The show has is great moments bands on several continents. But ceptual conditions of Fela's art...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (25): 158–160.
Published: 01 November 2009
... bands of South their own festivities. From these begin - What is important in all of these is Such exuberant challenging or sub - Jesus Christ. Here however, the asser - tism in the late 1990s, 3 but also in the African xenophobes. nings the Coon Carnival...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (25): 161–162.
Published: 01 November 2009
... bands of South their own festivities. From these begin - What is important in all of these is Such exuberant challenging or sub - Jesus Christ. Here however, the asser - tism in the late 1990s, 3 but also in the African xenophobes. nings the Coon Carnival...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (25): 163–165.
Published: 01 November 2009
... bands of South their own festivities. From these begin - What is important in all of these is Such exuberant challenging or sub - Jesus Christ. Here however, the asser - tism in the late 1990s, 3 but also in the African xenophobes. nings the Coon Carnival...
Journal Article
Nka (2009) 2009 (25): 166–168.
Published: 01 November 2009
... bands of South their own festivities. From these begin - What is important in all of these is Such exuberant challenging or sub - Jesus Christ. Here however, the asser - tism in the late 1990s, 3 but also in the African xenophobes. nings the Coon Carnival...
Journal Article
Nka (1996) 1996 (5): 21–23.
Published: 01 November 1996
... city, we get a glimpse of a metafictional dimension that making; each now lost in his own private world. And there, in the mirrors our own world. Take "Hoyt and Schermerhorn," (1985), in center of the room the filled coat rack symbolizes absence; each band which the bare...