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posthuman self-presentation

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Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (1 (130)): 205–216.
Published: 01 February 2017
... Relationships.” Computers in Human Behavior 24 , no. 1 : 1816 – 36 . posthuman self-presentation episodic identity self-reflection horror vacui ...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 83–104.
Published: 01 August 2016
... versions of ecological posthumanism. Where Blumenberg seems to just loosely paraphrase, he in fact subtly shifts the point: Rica closes his letter with the view from space, suggesting the attain- ment, however precarious, of a level of reflexivity that allows him to transcend the human self...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 1–20.
Published: 01 August 2016
... or drives)—such as identity and a sense of belong- ing, friendship and love, a scope for self-expression and creativity.29 The eco- logical question is thus also a cultural and spiritual one.30 24. See Mayr, This Is Biology, 210–18. 25. Soper, “Humanism in Posthumanism,” 366. 26. Weber...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 105–126.
Published: 01 August 2016
... language. Third, eudemonic values are traced back to Goethean and Romantic traditions. Fourth, the scope of eudemonic values is opened. Fifth, the paradigm example of experiencing natural beauty is presented. Sixth, the gap between phenomenology, eudemonic values, and morals is addressed. In respect...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (1 (139)): 81–103.
Published: 01 February 2020
... a concept of body and subjectivity that appears as a consequence of an increasingly voracious capitalist modernity while embedding a sense of obstinacy and self-propulsion. Nonetheless, the film’s reliance on transatlantic techno risks excluding the Black musical and social contexts that inspired...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (3 (132)): 189–203.
Published: 01 November 2017
.... Chicago : University of Chicago Press . ———. 1990 . Essays on Self-Reference . New York : Columbia University Press . ———. 1990 . Political Theory in the Welfare State , translated by Bednarz John Jr. Berlin : de Gruyter . ———. 1994 . “Speaking and Silence.” New German...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 55–82.
Published: 01 August 2016
... and zoological gardens in the 1940s, where he first depicted humans as rogue mammals caged by self- created walls of modernity and other animals, even lice and wolves, as agents of human history. Such narration had striking parallels with the presentment of nature’s agentic capacity in works seen...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (2 (137)): 27–34.
Published: 01 August 2019
... monetizes its users’ data and attention. Here one normally would tackle issues such as algorithmic economy, consumer profiling, and behavioral targeting. Another typical sort of social media critique would aim at the sociopsychological effect of self-presentation and identity construction in the context...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 127–151.
Published: 01 August 2016
... society challenged traditional conceptions of Heimat based on historical continuity and exclusion of others, and in doing so raised awkward questions about self-definition through shared beliefs, customs, and values, and openness to cultural change. Finally, reunification triggered a new series...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2022) 49 (1 (145)): 97–130.
Published: 01 February 2022
... of Man: A Presentation of Philosophical Anthropogenealogy and Some Ensuing Methodological Considerations .” Human Studies 35 , no. 1 ( 2012 ): 115 – 30 . Lysemose Kasper . “ The Self-Preservation of Man: Remarks on the Relation between Modernity and Philosophical Anthropology...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (3 (138)): 125–155.
Published: 01 November 2019
...) , Stonework and Lime Kilns (2013). 69. See Götz Adriani’s foreword to Becher and Becher , Typologien industrieller Bauten 1963–1975 , 5. 70. In regard to their self-presentation, see Liesbrock, “Objektivität und Imagination,” 7 . Armin Zweite also discusses the conceptual problems...
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Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (3 (132)): 205–224.
Published: 01 November 2017
... Gérard , 128 – 36 . Münster : Westfälisches Dampfboot . Lorenz Chris Bevernage Berber , eds. 2013 . Breaking Up Time: Negotiating the Borders between Present, Past, and Future . Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht . Lotringer Sylvère . 2003 . “Better than Life—My 80s...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2022) 49 (1 (145)): 67–96.
Published: 01 February 2022
... through multiple layers of references, presented as second-order observations of observations of others. What complicates the matter even further is that the subjects of Blumenberg’s aesthetic thoughts, such as ancient philosophical theories of imitation, the reality concept of the eighteenth...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (1 (127)): 1–35.
Published: 01 February 2016
... of Weimar cultural politics; rather, the dispute between Benn and his opponents is a manifestation of ruptures that continue to rever- berate in a present that is sometimes conceived of as posthuman or postsubjec- tive. Kracauer and Benn mark out two trajectories that lead to this situation: both...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2021) 48 (3 (144)): 65–98.
Published: 01 November 2021
... were the Nazi perpetrators rendered as “sympathetic” family men by stars such as Rufus Sewell, as in the recent TV adaptation of Dick’s novel. Clearly, important changes in the representation of the Nazis and cannibals have occurred in popular culture between the 1960s and the present...