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Published: 01 February 2019
Figure 1. This image of a skull appears above the poem “Of the Traveling Piper,” which describes the piping of a danse macabre . Source: Der Eigene 2, no. 2 (1898): 62. More
Published: 01 February 2019
Figure 3. This image of death appears before the cycle of poems “From Death’s Harp,” which describes, in part, a gay double suicide. Source: Der Eigene 1, nos. 6–7 (1899): 201. More
Journal Article
New German Critique (2024) 51 (2 (152)): 27–50.
Published: 01 August 2024
...Lukas Hoffman This article explores the revolutionary politics in Else Lasker-Schüler’s early poetry, particularly focusing on her 1905 poem “Erkenntnis” (“Knowledge”). The article argues that Lasker-Schüler’s poetic revision of the biblical garden myth presents a conception of abjected...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2018) 45 (2 (134)): 99–132.
Published: 01 August 2018
... concentrated scholarly discussions away from Brecht and Steffin’s more urgent priorities as exiles, socialists, and antifascists. This article uses Brecht’s poems of mourning for Steffin, collectively known as “Nach dem Tod Meiner Mitarbeiterin M.S.,” along with letters, journal entries, and relevant...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (1 (127)): 37–58.
Published: 01 February 2016
...Joshua Dittrich Literary primitivism in select poems and essays by Gottfried Benn reveals complex interrelations of primitivist discourse with modernism, colonialism, and fascism in Weimar Germany. Arguing that Benn explicitly enters the discourse of Weimar (post)colonialism in the mid-1920s...
Published: 01 February 2019
Figure 2. This image of a skull resting at the bottom of a body of water adorns the bottom of a page, on which a poem concerned with same-sex love appears. Source: Der Eigene 6 (1906): 73. More
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (2 (149)): 37–48.
Published: 01 August 2023
... convictions. For example, his criticism of mixing genres disappears in his identification of Faust ’s peculiar form as an “epic-dramatic form” said to approximate the elusive epical poem. But as such, it is also the paradoxical manifestation of a singular form without predecessors or followers. The essay...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2013) 40 (1 (118)): 199–205.
Published: 01 February 2013
...Felicitas von Lovenberg In a conversation with Felicitas von Lovenberg of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published on April 13, 2012, Fritz Stern gives his reaction to Günter Grass's controversial poem on Israel, “What Must Be Said,” first published in April 2012 in the Süddeutsche Zeitung...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2013) 40 (2 (119)): 167–184.
Published: 01 August 2013
...Thomas Freeland Heiner Müller's dramatic poem Mommsen's Block (1993) presents an image of the great classical historian stymied, as Müller reports, by the “depravity of the later Caesars,” unable to finish the projected fourth volume of his Roman History . This case of an author unable to write...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2018) 45 (1 (133)): 155–179.
Published: 01 February 2018
... to its thesis. As much as the poem’s eponymous hero, Helen exhibits the incipient features of an individuated (and alienated) protobourgeois subject. Ultimately, this article contends that Horkheimer and Adorno undertheorize women’s experience of subjectivity, which seems to explain why they exclude...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2012) 39 (2 (116)): 103–118.
Published: 01 August 2012
... of triptych, with two long texts, “Traumtext” (“Dreamtext”) and “Lagerfeld,” forming the right and left panels, as it were.13 The central panel consists of a cycle of ten poems, “Der Stoff zum Leben 4: Tumulus” (“The Stuff of Life 4: Tumulus which dwell on the theme in both the personal...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2024) 51 (2 (152)): 79–104.
Published: 01 August 2024
... Women’s Club of 1900 bearing the indistinct title “Friedrich Hölderlin in His Poems” ( “Friedrich Hölderlin in seinen Gedichten” ). The lecture focuses on Hölderlin’s hymn “The Rhine” (“Der Rhein,” 1802) and forms part of a lecture course titled “Celestial and Terrestrial Love in the Poetry of Goethe...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2006) 33 (3 (99)): 121–149.
Published: 01 November 2006
... Poems of his New Poems, Rilke will associate the cathedral with strength, permanence, and eternity in con- trast to the random accidents and chance occurrences of the streets below.1 And in a letter dated to his wife, Clara Rilke, less than one month before the October trip to Rouen, Rilke...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2006) 33 (1 (97)): 73–118.
Published: 01 February 2006
... Masters series. 80 Aesthetic Illusion and Sociopolitical Delusion poetics breaking from or periodically pronouncing itself allergic to such per- ceived decorum. For the poem’s creation of a “truly ought to be” will involve the image- construction of a different state of substantive affairs...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2018) 45 (2 (134)): 133–153.
Published: 01 August 2018
... . In Gespräche André refers to Celan’s reading of Leibniz in a footnote. Roche expands his analysis “Poem and Monad” to Monadologie des Gedichts and devotes equal amounts to outlining the influence of Leibniz’s ontology on the poetological conceptions of Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, and Celan, only...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (2 (131)): 163–200.
Published: 01 August 2017
... , ed. and trans. 2010 . West-East Divan: The Poems, with “Notes and Essays”; Goethe's Intercultural Dialogues , by von Goethe Johann Wolfgang . Albany : State University of New York Press . Brenner Michael . 1998 . The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany . New Haven...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2018) 45 (2 (134)): 179–200.
Published: 01 August 2018
... values and structures of power the pavilion is embedded in? Hamit’s decision to translate Ingeborg Bachmann’s poem “Herbstmanöver” (“Autumn Maneuver”) into modern Turkish from the site of this Ottoman pavilion takes such questions of ownership and habitation into the realm of language; it recalls...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (1 (136)): 127–166.
Published: 01 February 2019
...Figure 1. This image of a skull appears above the poem “Of the Traveling Piper,” which describes the piping of a danse macabre . Source: Der Eigene 2, no. 2 (1898): 62. ...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2012) 39 (1 (115)): 49–66.
Published: 01 February 2012
.... 49 50 Earthquake in Haiti fiction. After the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon, Western culture has been flooded with disasters in poems, novels, short stories, operas, cartoons, movies, computer games, and the like. What role does this tsunami of fictional disas- ters play in the way we cope...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2008) 35 (3 (105)): 71–96.
Published: 01 November 2008
.... Samuel Moyn 89 A preliminary word on the Fourth Eclogue is needed to put Arendt’s discussion in its proper context. The poem’s afterlife over the centuries has not been told in any comprehensive history, but its prophecy of a sempiter- nal regime had major resonance in Germany...