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Published: 01 November 2022
Figure 2. The Guernica foldout, most likely the one used by Peter Weiss when writing The Aesthetics of Resistance , in Arnheim, Picasso’s “Guernica .” Photo: Stefan Jonsson. More
Journal Article
New German Critique (2013) 40 (3 (120)): 171–191.
Published: 01 November 2013
... of gentrification in Germany. It takes up theoretical investigations of urban planning by Henri Lefebvre and Thomas Dörfler, reviews the influence of urban planners like Richard Florida, and considers resistance movements like the militante gruppe and Marke Hamburg. In a survey of recent documentaries, the analysis...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2009) 36 (3 (108)): 39–71.
Published: 01 November 2009
..., Gesellschaft versus Gemeinschaft , traditional versus modern, rural versus urban, handicraft versus machine-made. But many important architects, like Adolf Rading in Breslau, who were considered members of the avant-garde did not fully accept or reject modernizing tendencies but embraced modernization...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (1 (127)): 37–58.
Published: 01 February 2016
... with poems like “Erst wenn” and “Ostafrika,” this essay contextualizes Benn's colonial turn in the primitivist/modernist poetics of his earlier Rönne novellas and his brief turn to a fascist aesthetic in essays of the early 1930s. His primitivist poetic fantasy of the “Southern Word” becomes an imaginary...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 83–104.
Published: 01 August 2016
..., this article argues that the proponents of this view fail to recognize that the desire to overcome anthropocentrism was central to Enlightenment thought. Like the latter, ecological posthumanism accords itself cognitive privileges that presuppose a successful distantiation of the world. According...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2013) 40 (2 (119)): 53–75.
Published: 01 August 2013
..., before it is socially divided and politically organized. No wonder such a theory emerged in a historical situation like the Weimar period, when social divisions were contested and political institutions weak or defunct. © 2013 by New German Critique, Inc. 2013 After Individuality: Freud’s Mass...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2014) 41 (3 (123)): 57–73.
Published: 01 November 2014
...Manuel Köppen Claude Lanzmann's Sobibor (2001) and Romuald Karmakar's Land of Annihilation (2004) are contrasting cinematic documentaries that return the viewer to German concentration camps in Poland. While Lanzmann insists on the pathos of the primary witness, whose words, like the places...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2014) 41 (3 (123)): 199–218.
Published: 01 November 2014
... the “anticolonial” hero Aghion. Through Hesse's self-fictionalization as Aghion, he casts a critical light on his own anticolonial exoticism: Aghion, like the young Hesse, hates colonialism because it creates a frighteningly “uncanny” ( unheimlich ) mixture of India and Europe, and so ruins Aghion's fantasies...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (3 (132)): 225–240.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Robert Zwarg Critical theory has had an extraordinarily productive reception in the United States, most notably in journals like Telos and New German Critique . The article, based on a larger study, sketches the American reception of the Frankfurt School as (1) an attempt to come to grips...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2018) 45 (1 (133)): 111–154.
Published: 01 February 2018
... and culture than has hitherto been recognized. Far from merely secularizing figural interpretation by subtracting its transcendent referent, Auerbach’s insight into the seriality of the figure provides an indication of what figurality might look like under the conditions of modernity. Erich Auerbach...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (2 (137)): 1–25.
Published: 01 August 2019
... for the self; episodic selves, living as tourists from one experience to the next; and Facebook eye, seeing the world in terms of garnering “likes.” These notions point to a deeper change in identity construction that is undermining the age of authenticity. In an age of profile-based identity or “profilicity...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (3 (138)): 53–78.
Published: 01 November 2019
... films combine a playful eclecticism with an acute sense of contemporary political issues like precarious working conditions, gentrification, and the commodification of art and culture. Copyright © 2019 by New German Critique, Inc. 2019 Max Linz Julian Radlmaier dffb comedy political cinema...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (2 (140)): 81–106.
Published: 01 August 2020
... of Social Research he accentuated the unequal power recourses of conflicting social groups and different institutional mechanisms to deal with these conflicts politically. This approach made his work interesting for authors of a later generation of Critical Theory like Jürgen Habermas and Claus Offe. Max...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (3 (141)): 33–44.
Published: 01 November 2020
...Eric Rentschler Abstract The often bemoaned crisis of West German cinema in the 1980s coincided with a dramatic changing of the nation’s film critical guard. The symptomatic impetus that had figured so strongly during the postwar era gave way to the so-called new subjectivism of young critics like...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2021) 48 (1 (142)): 71–102.
Published: 01 February 2021
... of philosophical anthropology by thinkers like Axel Honneth and Jürgen Habermas, who explore positive theories of human limits and needs as the basis of social critique. As Adorno consistently refused to define the human on philosophical and political grounds, this article asks whether his work offers...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2022) 49 (1 (145)): 41–66.
Published: 01 February 2022
... in West Berlin. The second takes the topic of pop and op art head-on in a discussion led by Blumenberg for the research group Poetik und Hermeneutik. In neither does Blumenberg offer anything like a working theory of contemporary art, but his lecture enacts a performative contemporary reading of Valéry’s...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (1 (148)): 59–82.
Published: 01 February 2023
... than being conceived as a singular event marking the end of the world in its given form, catastrophe is to be located in its persistent continuity—the simple fact that “things ‘go on like this.’” This article traces the origins of this thesis to an earlier text: a 1923 manuscript that Benjamin wrote...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 93–107.
Published: 01 November 2023
...Yuliya Komska Frequently, to be an immigrant is to be submerged in one’s new physical and institutional settings, to be inside without feeling like an insider. The position is at odds with critique, which is traditionally predicated on distance. This article attempts to undo the contradiction...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2022) 49 (2 (146)): 161–186.
Published: 01 August 2022
... like television. [email protected] In his 1951 book Minima Moralia , first circulated among the German Jewish émigré community in Los Angeles and found in Lang’s private library, Adorno already drew a parallel between “the hypnotic power exerted by things occult” and the “totalitarian terror...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2010) 37 (2 (110)): 73–94.
Published: 01 August 2010
...David L. Pike Like all of the great modernist cities of Europe, Berlin had a venerable and highly developed underground infrastructure: sewers, service tunnels, subways. But unlike the Paris sewers, the London Tube, or the Roman catacombs, the German capital was not identified in any mythic...