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Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (2 (137)): 1–25.
Published: 01 August 2019
...Paul J. D’Ambrosio; Hans-Georg Moeller Abstract Roberto Simanowski’s work reflects on how the internet transforms understandings of ourselves, others, and the world—or our “identity.” Three concepts inform his analysis: instant selves, the idea that algorithms automatically create narratives...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (1 (139)): 57–80.
Published: 01 February 2020
... box of the cinema, the late-night television screen, or the internet. Copyright © 2020 by New German Critique, Inc. 2020 Alexander Kluge installation art media aesthetics montage transmediality Although Alexander Kluge is best known in Germany as a filmmaker, author, and public...
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Journal Article
New German Critique (2015) 42 (1 (124)): 189–201.
Published: 01 February 2015
... theory. © 2015 by New German Critique, Inc. 2015 Internet Jürgen Habermas media theory media transformation public sphere Virtual Ignorance: The Blind Spot in German Public Sphere Theory Lukas Kaelin The public sphere stands...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (2 (137)): 27–34.
Published: 01 August 2019
... notions on photography, and Jean-Luc Nancy’s concept of a “groundless community”—is too broad and perhaps a bit too ambitious. 2 What I did not anticipate is that my perspective would be considered too “narrow in taking into account only certain direct and more readily apparent effects of the internet...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (3 (141)): 59–71.
Published: 01 November 2020
... available on the internet alongside cast lists, synopses, and user responses. Because (amateur) commentaries about film can now be accessed online, film criticism is no longer dependent on the “newspaper of yesterday.” Films and criticism are available virtually at any time, but synopses are identical...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (3 (141)): 45–57.
Published: 01 November 2020
... have always tended to read and engage with criticism (alongside some degree of word of mouth). 27 In the context of this long tradition, the snapshot provided in my 2018 surveys strongly suggests that—even in the age of the digital, the internet, online streaming, review aggregators, media...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2014) 41 (2 (122)): 29–34.
Published: 01 August 2014
... the nature of what these spaces communicate. What we need to do, for example, by engaging with the tradition of critical theory as reconstructed by Miriam, is to develop positions that neither fall into a celebration of the free and liberating Internet nor succumb Gertrud...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2008) 35 (1 (103)): 165–193.
Published: 01 February 2008
... existence can only be imagined rather than known is the uncontrolled and uncoordinated realm of the Internet. Like other utopian new technology gurus inspired by biological theories of emergent behavior, such as bird fl ocks and the collective “memory” of beehives, Bröckers sees the underlying...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2014) 41 (2 (122)): 9–11.
Published: 01 August 2014
...- sylvania Press, 2004). The staggering amount of new historical sources (both texts and films) made available by the Internet calls for renewed reflection on the analytic use of historical information. 3. Kracauer wrote From Caligari to Hitler in a state of traumatic shock at the end of World War II...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (3 (141)): 21–31.
Published: 01 November 2020
..., and on the other, facing the image, a discussion of the work. On the innermost flap, a review that appeared at the time of the film’s release or interview with the director is reprinted. The film critics’ words have staying power: their reviews and interviews, only available for a fleck of time in the pre-internet...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 163–174.
Published: 01 November 2023
... which the “art forms of video, digital, and internet art, each dedicated to a specific medium, are ‘reunited,’ inter- and transmedially”—seems more appropriate ( “Video—the Non-specific Medium,” 32, 34, 35 ). 2. Probably the most important milestones in this regard are the volumes of the new...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2010) 37 (2 (110)): 180–207.
Published: 01 August 2010
... source (or apparatus) generates information. Thus Shannon formu- 23. Perhaps the equivalent today would be the Internet-ready cell phone (i.e., it is both public and private). Sjoukje van der Meulen 191 lates a quantitative concept of information, for which...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 5–24.
Published: 01 November 2023
... Sabine . “ Manufacturing Discontent: John Heartfield’s Mass Medium .” New German Critique , no. 107 ( 2009 ): 53 – 88 . Lovink Geert . “ Essay on Speculative Media Theory (1996) .” In Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture , 22 – 29 . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press , 2002...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (1 (139)): 1–8.
Published: 01 February 2020
...-night television screen, or the internet.” Sabine Haenni opens up entirely new perspectives on Kluge’s aesthetic relationship to the historical avant-garde, urban capitalist modernity, and the cinematic trajectory of time-lapse technique over time through rich analysis of one short film from the late...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 51–60.
Published: 01 November 2023
... or striking physical differences. We do know that the visiting aunts came to Germany from another country, but at no point do we learn where they came from. Readers might know or learn from the internet that Saya is used as a girl’s name in Arabic, and one might assume that the aunts wear headscarves. How...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (3 (132)): 205–224.
Published: 01 November 2017
....” Artforum , April , 194 – 97 , 252–53 . Lotringer Sylvère Cohen Sande . 2001 . French Theory in America . New York : Routledge . Lovink Geert . 2008 . “Whereabouts of German Media Theory.” In Zero Comment: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture , 83 – 98 . New York...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2008) 35 (1 (103)): 83–95.
Published: 01 February 2008
... of the foreign branch of the Russian secret police, the infamous Okhrana, in Paris. The revelation spread like wildfi re. Articles appeared in all major newspapers and on the Internet. The Saint Petersburg historian’s “discovery” could justifi - ably be considered a “sensation,” heralded the Neue Zürcher...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 81–92.
Published: 01 November 2023
... to Jewish victims by means of a simile and other strategies of tentative identification. Petrowskaja further portrays various memory media—including analog media such as records and photographs and digital media such as internet platforms and search algorithms—as a wellspring of similarity. 17...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2024) 51 (2 (152)): 51–78.
Published: 01 August 2024
..., but as an approximation of what might have happened, as captured in the title of the book Maybe Esther . 10 The appropriative moves the narrator makes in relation to her Jewish past as she discovers it are always self-reflexively noticed and then retracted. Her Jewish identity, which she calls “my Internet Jewishness...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2020) 47 (3 (141)): 33–44.
Published: 01 November 2020
... shrunk in daily papers, and positions have evaporated. More and more film reviews simply perform a service function and, in that way, support film business rather than further reflection about cinema. With the coming of the internet, revenue for advertising has collapsed. Lebert, an investigative...