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1950s Germany

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Journal Article
New German Critique (2021) 48 (2 (143)): 177–204.
Published: 01 August 2021
... dubious. Yet he refused the label of Spenglerian, insisting in his famous criticism of German efforts to deal with the Nazi past, “Do not mistake my fragmentary and often rhapsodic remarks for Spenglerism.” 6 Speaking against Spengler in the Germany of the 1950s, Adorno saw the economic miracle...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2012) 39 (3 (117)): 109–133.
Published: 01 November 2012
...Mary Nolan This article examines how the Federal Republic of Germany responded to leftist political dissent, protest, and violence by constructing it as extremism and criminalizing forms of opposition and protest. This occurred during the outlawing of the Communist Party of Germany in the 1950s...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2017) 44 (1 (130)): 75–86.
Published: 01 February 2017
... occupied by the Red Army. During the 1950s the Khrushchev government restituted collections from East Germany and western Poland. However, millions of artworks and books were kept in secret depositories until the beginning of perestroika. The problem of so-called cultural trophies provoked heated...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (2 (137)): 117–149.
Published: 01 August 2019
... of a deeper problem in the history of the midcentury Left: a succession of radical new lefts arose out of periodic frustration at institutionalized politics. This article explores the missing link between Germany’s antifascist and antiauthoritarian new lefts: the so-called left socialists of the 1950s...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2015) 42 (3 (126)): 91–114.
Published: 01 November 2015
... for the early postwar years. © 2015 by New German Critique, Inc. 2015 motion pictures Weimar Germany 1950s Germany genre Nazism In the Horror Mode? Weimar Flashbacks and Generic Hybridity in 1950s West German Cinema Jaimey Fisher In her...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2022) 49 (2 (146)): 161–186.
Published: 01 August 2022
... of Lang as re-émigré director by Volker Schlöndorff, who worked briefly as his assistant in the late 1950s. See Schlöndorff, “Stranger,” 47 . Van Eyck, whose early-1930s departure from Germany, subsequent Hollywood career, and postwar return roughly parallel some of Lang’s trajectory, fittingly embodies...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2021) 48 (1 (142)): 181–209.
Published: 01 February 2021
... Leitkultur discourse, against an other who is perceived to be trapped by history. Then I interrogate the “freedom from history” narrative envisioned by postwar German ordoliberalism, a local version of neoliberalism devised to cater to the economic and political needs of 1950s Germany. This freedom from...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2011) 38 (1 (112)): 135–153.
Published: 01 February 2011
...” in the postwar schools—particularly in the sphere of textbooks—has been marginalized.16 This article investigates several of the most popular history textbooks pub- lished in the 1950s and 1960s to illuminate subtle changes in the treatment of Germany’s recent past. Despite several problematic...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2015) 42 (3 (126)): 69–90.
Published: 01 November 2015
... these already existing elements. The conservatism behind the glass bead game aptly represents the post- war situation in West Germany. For many years the dominance of Gruppe 47, and of its major writers Heinrich Böll and Günter Grass, obscured the fact that during the late 1940s and most of the 1950s...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2010) 37 (2 (110)): 209–227.
Published: 01 August 2010
..., Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures (New York: Abrams in association with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art [LACMA], 2009), 224–39. It is reprinted here with the permission of LACMA. The artworks mentioned in the essay are easily accessible in the catalog. German Painting in the Cold War...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2007) 34 (2 (101)): 157–185.
Published: 01 August 2007
... and guilt, a feat that must have been of special appeal to postwar German audiences. 19. The men of the Dienststelle Blank, who were charged with building up a new military in West Germany in the 1950s, acted in accordance with “the Prussian military reformers of the years 1807–1813.” The Prussian...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2016) 43 (2 (128)): 55–82.
Published: 01 August 2016
.... 1992 . The Environmental Movement in Germany: Prophets and Pioneers, 1871–1971 . Bloomington : Indiana University Press . Engels Jens-Ivo . 2003 . “Von der Sorge um die Tiere zur Sorge um die Umwelt: Tiersendungen als Umweltpolitik in Westdeutschland zwischen 1950 und 1980.” Archiv für...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2015) 42 (3 (126)): 1–7.
Published: 01 November 2015
... Church in the western regions of Germany—and the CDU-led establishment of a so-called social market economy after World War II. It was no coinci- dence, Chappel claims, that CDU leaders hailed the robust performance of their country’s economy (from 1950 to 1954 a growth rate of 8.2 percent...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2011) 38 (1 (112)): 1–7.
Published: 01 February 2011
... 1950s context of the highly contentious issue of negotiations with Konrad Adenauer’s Germany over “reparations” payments. ...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2024) 51 (1 (151)): 1–31.
Published: 01 February 2024
..., transparent, and ethereal. It was the idiom that prevailed throughout the late 1940s and early 1950s, despite the challenges of its construction amid a dearth of the constituent materials steel, glass, and concrete. Transparency and openness were concepts central to the construction of the new federal Germany...
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Journal Article
New German Critique (2011) 38 (1 (112)): 155–180.
Published: 01 February 2011
... nach dem Ende,” 24.   9. Robert Moeller sees both periods as sequential and outlines the paths that “allowed both German states to move from war to post-war and from post-war to a Cold War” (“The Politics of the Past in the 1950s: Rhetorics of Victimization in East and West Germany,” in Germans...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2019) 46 (3 (138)): 207–233.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Eric Rentschler Abstract The film essays Verfluchte Liebe deutscher Film (2016) and Offene Wunde deutscher Film (2017), coscripted and codirected by Dominik Graf and Johannes F. Sievert, survey the postwar history of genre cinema in the Federal Republic of Germany and take stock of the present...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2023) 50 (3 (150)): 93–107.
Published: 01 November 2023
...—or, perhaps, situational—future of critique that would fully “integrate” Germanists with immigrant backgrounds. West Germany’s (re)construction boom of the 1950s had one main goal: to restore order by housing people with a combination of centralized and decentralized measures. These included...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2009) 36 (3 (108)): 1–38.
Published: 01 November 2009
...Roland May In August 1944 Turkey severed diplomatic relations with Germany. Despite the order to leave the country immediately, some five hundred German citizens refused to return to their homeland. Among them was one of the most prominent German architects of those years: Paul Bonatz (1877–1956...
Journal Article
New German Critique (2015) 42 (3 (126)): 115–143.
Published: 01 November 2015
... (A Way to the Heimat, later titled Petka). The different versions of the script indicated that the pro- tagonist “finds love, friendship and a place in his Heimat,” and his “Heimat is Germany.” See Ralf Schenk, “Mitten im Kalter Krieg, 1950 bis 1960,” in Schenk, Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt...