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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 51, Number 3 (153)
November 2024

About the Journal

New German Critique has been a prime mover in shaping the discipline of German studies. For thirty years it has sought to define the meanings of "cultural studies" and to draw on the rich tradition of German theory as intrinsic to the shaping of those meanings.
—James Rolleston, Duke University

Widely considered the leading journal in its field, New German Critique is an interdisciplinary periodical that focuses on twentieth- and twenty-first-century German studies and publishes articles on a wide array of subjects, including literature, mass culture, film, and other visual media; literary theory and cultural studies; Holocaust studies; art and architecture; political and social theory; and intellectual history and philosophy. Established in the early 1970s, the journal has played a significant role in introducing US readers to the Frankfurt School and remains an important forum for debate in the humanities and the social sciences.

The publication of New German Critique is made possible by funding from Cornell University’s College of Arts and Sciences and the support of Cornell’s Department of German Studies.


Paul Fleming, Brad Prager

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