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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1996) 57 (2): 197–211.
Published: 01 June 1996
...José Antonio Mazzotti © 1996 University of Washington 1996 The Lightning Bolt Yields to the Rainbow: Indigenous History and Colonial Semiosis in the Royal Commentaries of El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Jose Antonio Mazzotti mong the many studies of El Inca Garcilaso de...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1984) 45 (2): 163–190.
Published: 01 June 1984
...Dwight Eddins Copyright © 1984 by Duke University Press 1984 ORPHIC CONTRA GNOSTIC RELIGIOUS CONFLICT IN GRAVITY’S RAINBOW By DWIGHTEDDINS The most common assumption among the critics of GmuityS Ruin- bow seems...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1979) 40 (1): 88–91.
Published: 01 March 1979
... them and The Rainbow are an important corrective to the general view of those tales. The clarity with which he has organized and presented a large amount of information makes this an excellent guide to some of Law- rence’s finest work...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 253–254.
Published: 01 June 1947
..., in the light of Keats’s later complaint that philosophy will “unweave a rainbow,” are the “rainbow” passages in Thomson’s Spring and Akenside’s Pleasures of Imagination, 11, 126-31. (3) The Opticks gave additional basis for the equation between scientific truth and beauty (“Nor ever yet/ The melting...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 254–255.
Published: 01 June 1947
... Newton and Glover’s A Poem on Newton are familiar poems of the kind. Particularly inter- esting, in the light of Keats’s later complaint that philosophy will “unweave a rainbow,” are the “rainbow” passages in Thomson’s Spring and Akenside’s Pleasures of Imagination, 11, 126-31. (3) The Opticks...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1979) 40 (1): 85–87.
Published: 01 March 1979
... the summer of 1914, after Lawrence had com- pleted Sons and Lovers and three full drafts of The Rainbow. Cushman makes clear the ways in which the collected tales relate to each other and form a unified volume, benefit from Lawrence’s work on The Rainbow, and correct imbalances...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (1): 45–50.
Published: 01 March 1942
...Clark Emery Copyright © 1942 by Duke University Press 1942 OPTICS AND BEAUTY By CLARKEMERY Keats had sufficient reason when he wrote in Lamia: There was an awful rainbow once in heaven: We know her woof, her texture; she...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1972) 33 (2): 140–155.
Published: 01 June 1972
... the novelist Wells failed to become in the love episodes of Tono-Bungay and, soon after, in Ann Veronica (1909): “We know of no active English ‘novelist-today-who has Mr. Lawrence’s power to put into words the rise and fall of passion.”2o The Rainbow, of course, answers point for point...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1966) 27 (3): 359–361.
Published: 01 September 1966
... which, in one way or another, have been stated before. This applies to the present book, too, though H. M. Daleski has some fresh insights to offer, particularly in his attempt to raise Lady Chatterley’s Lover almost to the level of The Rainbow 360...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2008) 69 (3): 391–413.
Published: 01 September 2008
... and punk; and the publication, all in that same year, of such postmod- ernist literary landmarks as Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow, J. G. Ballard’s Crash, and Don DeLillo’s Great Jones Street. In or about 1973, human character changed — anyway, American culture did, according to Killen. My...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1977) 38 (1): 3–20.
Published: 01 March 1977
... “brandishing his thunder’’ (225- 26); below him is Juno “sitting in a Throne” (215); and under her ap- pears the rainbow goddess Iris. Eight female figures near Juno, her “noblest powers” (239), float to the stage on cloud machines and, to re- store complete order, join with the eight men playing...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1995) 56 (3): 327–361.
Published: 01 September 1995
... and exploit her “rainbow” psyche, Naether suggests that a woman does not entirely control her multiple moods: “Into [her correspondence, she] is wont to pour the colorful variety of the many little personalities which, during changing moods and under the nourishing stimulus of surging self-expression...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1966) 27 (1): 33–40.
Published: 01 March 1966
... numerous other references to the prophet in poetry and prose. VIRGINIA R. MOLLENKOTT 39 and Noah’s salvation in the ark, he is able to leave Book XI with a final emphasis on redemption and grace and the new covenant as symbolized by the rainbow...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1966) 27 (3): 358–359.
Published: 01 September 1966
..., with the author’s supposedly new thoughts written above many which, in one way or another, have been stated before. This applies to the present book, too, though H. M. Daleski has some fresh insights to offer, particularly in his attempt to raise Lady Chatterley’s Lover almost to the level of The Rainbow ...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1964) 25 (4): 503–504.
Published: 01 December 1964
... revival,” whose “moral and prophetic vision is most fully and profoundly at work in the Midland novels, where he is most engaged with social realities,” as I say in lines which Goodheart fails to quote. Indeed, Goodheart finds such novels (Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love, Lady Chatter...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1978) 39 (1): 76–77.
Published: 01 March 1978
...! in the sea of life enisled,’ or with the song from the 1960s, ‘I am a rock, I am an island’ ” (p. 26). The Epilogue be- gins, “A sequel to this essay might end with Stephen Dedalus or with mid- night cowboys or with the rocket’s arc in Gravity’s Rainbow” (p. 188). Car- nochan’s net...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1968) 29 (4): 476–478.
Published: 01 December 1968
..., one may include two modern essays: a fine ambitious piece on The Rainbow and Women in Love, by Mark Kinkead-Weekes, which charts the evolution of the novels and also studies their relation to Lawrence’s long essay on Hardy; and Louis Martz’s close study of the presentation of Miriam...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (3): 284–297.
Published: 01 September 1953
... Wirbel entgeht. . . .”17 So the poet again makes a direct appeal to the Lord that the rainbow be cast across his own individual Siindflut (XIV) : the rainbow which is indeed of sunlight, air, water (IV) and is multihued with brightness (IX), but which here carries the signifi- cance...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1983) 44 (2): 178–197.
Published: 01 June 1983
... evident during her 7 New York: Viking Press, 1960, p. 327. Subsequent quotations from Women in Love are taken from this edition. 8 See Keith Sagar, “The Genesis of The Rainbow and Women in Love,” DHLR, 1 (1969), 199. MARY BURGAN 187 love...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2015) 76 (3): 400–403.
Published: 01 September 2015
... the main focus is on seventeen well-known texts, from Uncle Tom’s Cabin to Gravity’s Rainbow , one of the book’s most attractive features is its eclectic range across a wide chronological spectrum. While privileging “individual literary works” exhibiting “unique qualities of craft and vision...