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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (2): 157–160.
Published: 01 June 1943
... appeared, he had lifted himself from obscur- ity to fame. While so doing he attacked de Pure, Boursault, and Quinault, but not Boyer or de Vise; he made special mention of Cor- neille’s Attila, but not of his Swtorius; he praised Alexudre, but not Andromaque. Why he made these selections may...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 228–234.
Published: 01 June 1947
..., Racine avait projeti d’icrire une Alceste et une Iplzige‘nie en Tauride qui venaient tout droit d’Euripide. En effet, si I’on peut admettre que l’idke d’AZceste ait pu lui ttre suggirie par l’opkra qu’en avait fait Quinault en 1674,30le sujet d’lphigknie en Tauride n’avait, en revanche, it6...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1948) 9 (1): 74–89.
Published: 01 March 1948
... them to be at least as good as Moli6re. (See P. Mkl&se,Le Thbdtre et Ze public h Pa& sous Louis XW,1659-1715 [Paris, 19341, p. 195 and p. 193.) Dancourt and Beau- bourg both retired in 1718, and were succeeded by the Quinault brothers, Quinault I’aink and Quinault-Duf resne, who held...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 146–150.
Published: 01 June 1947
... so deeply that he had been able to publish a fairly satisfactory English imitation in 1654,2 and . . . the contemporary French serious plays of the two Corneilles and of Quinault. . . . From among those earlier English source dramas Professor Clark singles out, with two others...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1958) 19 (1): 53–59.
Published: 01 March 1958
... with each other’s works-Poquelin, as we know, frequently acted in Cor- neille’s plays. One might well suspect, therefore, that if someone were to set out with a grim determination to collect “internal evi- dence” on the subject of MoliCresque links with Quinault, Bois- robert, or Rotrou...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (1): 27–47.
Published: 01 March 1943
... les F&cheux, le ballet du Mariage Forck, la Princesse &Elide, L’Amour Mkdecin, comkdie- ballet, Mklicerte-pastorale hkroique !-le Sicilien, les Amants Mag- nifiques, Psychk (en collaboration avec Corneille, Quinault, et Lulli), presque tout Pourceaugnuc, et pour finir: La Comtesse d’Escar...