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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1945) 6 (4): 500–502.
Published: 01 December 1945
.... HOYTTROWBRIDGE [Jniversity of Oregon Professor Longfellow of Harvard. By CARLL. JOHNSON. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, 1944. Pp. xii + 112. $1.00. This monograph is Number 5 in the series of Studies in Literature and Philology published by the University of Oregon...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (2): 149–170.
Published: 01 June 2014
...Heather Murray W. J. Alexander, trained at London and Johns Hopkins and appointed in 1889 by the University of Toronto as one of the first dedicated professors of English literature in Canada, was well positioned to direct the new discipline of English literary studies across the country and at all...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (2): 193–214.
Published: 01 June 2014
... professor of literature at the University of Sydney (and a figure central to the direction of the humanities academy in Australia), taught Victorian literature, including Browning, from the 1890s. MacCallum’s public lectures, like his pedagogy, aimed to convert a primary obstacle for many readers...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (2): 199–208.
Published: 01 June 1953
...HAAKON M. Chevalier Copyright © 1953 by Duke University Press 1953 ANDRE MALRAUX: THE LEGEND AND THE MAN By HAAKONM. CHEVALIER Professor W. M. Frohock’s Andrk Malraux and the Tragic Imagi- nation‘ is, as the publisher’s release announces, the first...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1955) 16 (3): 275–278.
Published: 01 September 1955
... is Professor Wright’s Art and Sd- stance in George Mercdith. The emphasis here is on the art which gives form and meaning to the substance of Meredith’s work. Professor Wright sets the scene in Chapter I, which describes the poet’s world. Then the comic spirit moves on to the scene...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (2): 247–250.
Published: 01 June 1951
.... The resume of M. B. Ellis’ analysis which follows here must be short and thus necessarily suffers from some oversimplification, but a review which is an analysis of an analysis can do full justice neither to Rousseau’s system nor to M. B. Ellis’ penetrating study of it. Professor Ellis divides...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (4): 499–501.
Published: 01 December 1951
.... MARSHALLW. STEARNS Hunter College The Populace in Shakespeare. By BRENTSSTIRLING. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. Pp. 203. $3.00. Professor Stirling’s The Populace in Shakespeare begins with a chapter called “Literature and Society : Some Current Problems.” Here he...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1940) 1 (4): 570–572.
Published: 01 December 1940
... drama and draiiiatists extensive commen- tary exists in the major languages. Though a number of studies on certain Scandinavian novelists are available in English, there is no solid work on this important literary field. In Six Scandina.z~iatz Nozelists Professor Alrili Gustafson has made...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1954) 15 (3): 274–275.
Published: 01 September 1954
...Haldeen Braddy Arthur K. Moore. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1951. Pp. x + 255. $4.00. © 1954 University of Washington 1954 274 Reviews new ideas set forth by the authors, I shall end by quoting Professor Lawrence’s apt words, which fit...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (3): 319–322.
Published: 01 September 1953
... aveugles. Edition critique par ROBERTNIKLAUS. Geneve : Librairie Droz ; Lille : Librairie Giard, Textes litteraires franqais, 1951. Pp. lxiii + 123. Professor Niklaus’ critical edition of Diderot’s Lettre sur les aveugles is a valuable addition to the series of the Textes litteraires...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1952) 13 (2): 212–213.
Published: 01 June 1952
... contradictions, antitheses, dilemmas, and of his Janus nature, that one fears the new study might be an attempt to divide Diderot’s two- fold personality once more. Fortunately, Professor May takes visages in the sense of aspects and does not claim to solve the complexity of Diderot’s thought...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1944) 5 (1): 119–120.
Published: 01 March 1944
..., and E. N. S. THOMPSON.Stanford University Press, 1941. Pp. viii + 339. $3.50. This collection of thirty-one essays in literary history is in plan and content an appropriate tribute to Professor Hardin Craig on the occasion of his retirement from Stanford University. The volume...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1944) 5 (1): 118–119.
Published: 01 March 1944
..., and E. N. S. THOMPSON.Stanford University Press, 1941. Pp. viii + 339. $3.50. This collection of thirty-one essays in literary history is in plan and content an appropriate tribute to Professor Hardin Craig on the occasion of his retirement from Stanford University. The volume...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1944) 5 (2): 246–247.
Published: 01 June 1944
...; these pages represent a significant contribution to those interested in the poet. In addition there are ten appendices on varied subjects ranging from other “recollections” by Percy Withers and Professor F. W. Oliver, to “Housman and the N. E. D.” (G. B. A. Fletcher), “Dates of Housman’s Poems...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (2): 345–349.
Published: 01 June 1942
... Yale University Press, 1941. Pp. 221-330. $3.00. Professor Feuillerat has made two interesting contributions to Baudelairean studies during the past year ; in the first, a little volume amusingly bound in pink and blue, he has pieced together the story of the mysterious Marie...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1940) 1 (1): 121–124.
Published: 01 March 1940
... wide currency and, among other things, were largely responsible for a revaluation of the prevailing estimate of Goethe. After twenty-one years as professor of ecclesi- astical history at Harvard, it was entirely fitting that on his request President Eliot should call him to occupy a full...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (3): 366–368.
Published: 01 September 1951
... College History of the Pre-Romantic Novel in England. By JAMES R. FOSTER.New York : The Modem Language Association of America, Monograph Series XVII, 1949. Pp. xi + 294. $4.50. Professor Foster observes that the aim of his monograph “is to give an account of the pre-romantic...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1954) 15 (3): 273–274.
Published: 01 September 1954
... Tales. By WILLIAMWITHERLE LAWRENCE. New York: Columbia University Press, 1950. Pp. ix + 184. $2.50. Chapters on Chaucer. By KEMPMALONE. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1951. Pp. vii + 240. $3.50. In his introductory chapter Professor Lawrence tells us that “the object...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1956) 17 (1): 76–77.
Published: 01 March 1956
... to be close to that of the Rambler of ten years later. Professor Hoover makes some progress in defending the “Debates” against the charge that they are all monotonously glazed in the same stately and abstract manner of expression. But if this substantial book leaves anything to be desired...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (2): 253–255.
Published: 01 June 1943
... considerable incidental value to anyone really interested in psychological linguistics. The book is well pro- duced and has been carefully proof-read; I have noted however a surprising De BeZZo GaZZicum (p. 60). But any attentive reader will wish that Professor Pollock had followed in his footnotes...