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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2008) 69 (1): 141–165.
Published: 01 March 2008
... style. The simultaneity of modernism and postmodernism is a clue to the interpretation of Chinese fiction of the 1980s and 1990s. Postmodernist exuberant fabulation, partly inspired by Gabriel García Márquez and partly by traditional Chinese fiction, can be found in fiction by Mo Yan, Yu Hua, and Han...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2008) 69 (3): 391–413.
Published: 01 September 2008
... of a number of topological signatures of cultural practices and products also datable to 1966, among them the rediscovery of meta (self-reflection, recursiveness, strange loops) and the opening of paraworld spaces. These topological signatures constitute the building blocks of a postmodernist poetics. ©...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2008) 69 (1): 187–194.
Published: 01 March 2008
... by investigating Chi- nese postmodernist literature and by suggesting that postmodernism’s appearance in China does not quite match its appearance in the West, for historical and cultural reasons. Modern Language Quarterly 69:1 (March 2008) doi 10.1215/00267929-2007-031  © 2008 by University...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1998) 59 (4): 497–509.
Published: 01 December 1998
... in a complete, systematic way. If, as Simpson says, postmodernism valorizes anecdotes at the expense of the historical and the scientific, then the anecdotal now performs a func- tion very different, even at the ideological level, from its function in the eighteenth century. The postmodernists...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1994) 55 (1): 111–114.
Published: 01 March 1994
... in Catholic fictions that have been overlooked by their “overtly skeptical and secular context” (11)- read Protestant country. While the majority tradition has promoted spiritual angst as the human condition, Catholic writers have been more flexible “and more willing, especially in the postmodernist...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1986) 47 (2): 194–197.
Published: 01 June 1986
... and a postmodernist poetics. Fineman’s approach is not unlike that of his colleague Joel Altman in reviewing and reviving much of the frequently disregarded Tudor drama: he grounds poetics (as Aristotle did) in rhetoric, but rhetoric of a special kind, that of epideixis, or praise. This will come...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1989) 50 (3): 279–282.
Published: 01 September 1989
... interest and misses the chance to explore 7uhy Shelley, rather than any of his contemporaries, evolved a postmodernist philosophical perspective between 1816 and 1822. Finally, despite Hogle’s efforts to keep Shelley in the romantic period, the mixing of deconstructive terminology with idioms...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1993) 54 (1): 121–132.
Published: 01 March 1993
... the study of literary history, however we define it, operates under particular temporal and practical constraints, which texts command our attention, which are expendable, and which of their features do we privilege? For me, as a critic of modernist and postmodernist literature, the last area...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1982) 43 (2): 181–185.
Published: 01 June 1982
... University Press, 198 1. 189 pp. $15.00. When and where does a poem happen? Skirting the no-man-fathomed abyss of deconstructionism and postmodernist hermeneutics, K. M. Wheeler provides a Coleridgean way of understanding if not of answering such ques- tions, in a suggestive and original study...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2021) 82 (3): 345–369.
Published: 01 September 2021
..., overarching ahistorical truths were subject to intense and skeptical scrutiny. For many postmodernists, the death of truth led to an endless deferral of constructed meaning and a perpetual game of semantic play. Contemporary authors of biofiction acknowledge and even accept postmodernism’s deconstruction...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1993) 54 (2): 263–284.
Published: 01 June 1993
... name for the suspense. It may be mistaken because its proponents want to claim under its banner an utterly new state of affairs. Linda Hutcheon appears not to join their ranks when in her widely cited Poetics of Postmodernism she professes her “typically postmodernist” acceptance...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2017) 78 (4): 517–538.
Published: 01 December 2017
... that Atkinson’s novels, usually considered postmodernist, actually demonstrate the legacy of modernist literary form in the contemporary period. The status of modernism as an aesthetic category or a formal style rather than a rigid historical period has been one of the most frequently debated questions...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2018) 79 (3): 245–247.
Published: 01 September 2018
... theoretical issues in the Chinese context, such as postmodernism and its critical and creative reception in China, Derridean deconstruction, Edward Said’s orientalism, Fredric Jameson’s Marxist-postmodernist theory, the crisis of comparative literature and the rise of world literature, and parallel elements...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2007) 68 (2): 305–329.
Published: 01 June 2007
... postcolonial and postmodernist implications that assume full meaning in relation to the nature of a nation-state that has been run by global capital since President Jama¯l ‘Abd al-Na¯s.ir’s death in 1970. Its indirect reference to the ensuing Sa¯da¯t era, with its open-door policy and departure from...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1999) 60 (2): 223–249.
Published: 01 June 1999
... or Terry Eagleton, or whether it rep resents consciousness itself, as it does for such postmodernists as Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida, and Slavoj i iiek, remains a fundamental issue that separates contemporary literary criticisms.9 Embedded in the debate is the issue of freedom and moral...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2015) 76 (4): 530–533.
Published: 01 December 2015
... of these novels with attention to nonfiction texts such as Mornings in Mexico (1927) and Lawrence’s works on the unconscious, Fantasia of the Unconscious (1922) and Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (1921). Bataille (here sometimes a modernist, sometimes a postmodernist) is represented by a micronarrative...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1982) 43 (2): 179–181.
Published: 01 June 1982
... the no-man-fathomed abyss of deconstructionism and postmodernist hermeneutics, K. M. Wheeler provides a Coleridgean way of understanding if not of answering such ques- tions, in a suggestive and original study of five of Coleridge’s major poetic achievements. When we first confront a poem...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2018) 79 (1): 1–24.
Published: 01 March 2018
... a kind of modernist/postmodernist experiment with the form of Hamlet ). But the rough-and-ready, unbuttoned attitude generally characteristic of Moretti’s prose yields an unexpected result: the critic as artist, evincing an aestheticism that aligns with the modernism and the postmodernism that Moretti...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2012) 73 (3): 255–268.
Published: 01 September 2012
... studied with the same intensity or carried the same cachet as their modernist or postmodernist counterparts. To say as much is not to contend that postcolonial studies simply came down on the “wrong side” of the realism- versus- modernism divide, or that it would have been a more radical...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1993) 54 (1): 1–6.
Published: 01 March 1993
... that have inspired MLQ subsequent critical movements have typically resisted that quest. The aesthetic methods of the New Critics, the formal cate- gories of both neeAristotelians and structuralists, deconstruction’s cri- tique of metaphysics since Plato, the postmodernist praise...