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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (2): 139–156.
Published: 01 June 1943
... for their testimony about the public affairs of their time. But two such works, Partonopeus de Blois and Gautier #Arras’s Evades, do suggest that their authors wrote with political intent, one against, the other for, the elevaiion of a low-born man to power. It is probable that Partottopeus makes allusion...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1940) 1 (3): 333–338.
Published: 01 September 1940
..., Roman des Romans, Floire et Blancheflor, La Bible de Hugues de Bed. This tendency towards overlapping seems destined to continue in the future. Among forthcoming editions are two of: Erec et Enide, Partonopeus de Blois...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1968) 29 (2): 245–251.
Published: 01 June 1968
.... Deschamps, Nicole. Louis Himon: Lettres a sa famille. Montreal: Les Presses de 1’UniversitC de MontrCal, 1968. 219 pp. Gildea, Joseph, O.S.A. (editor). “Partonopeu de Blois”: A French Romance of the TweEfth Century. Vol. I. Villanova, Pa.; Villanova University Press, 1967. viii + 482 pp...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 243–252.
Published: 01 June 1947
... of Tristram, 2792. Nibelungen, 2807. Partonopeus de Blois, 2804. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, 2807. Parzival, 2663. Perceval, 2750,2804. Vengeance Raguidel, 2800. Peredur, 2822. Vita Merlin;, 2797, 2802. Perlesvaus, 2769, 2809. Vortigern, 2788. Philip...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (2): 205–219.
Published: 01 June 1942
... si celui-ci n’a pas confondu halle avec le latin medieval hala qu’on trouve en 1183 d’aprcs Du Cange. HEUREUX. Godefroy, Compl., IX, p. 573a, a relevk la forme euros dans Partonopeus de Blois, 2327, mais dkji dans le Spon- sus, 88, on trouve l’antonyme malaureas. MERIDIENNE...