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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1949) 10 (2): 236.
Published: 01 June 1949
...Jean David Walter T. Secor. New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University, 1948. Pp. xi + 256. $3.00. Copyright © 1949 by Duke University Press 1949 REVIEWS Paul Bourget attd the Nouvelle. Par WALTERT. SECOR.New York: King’s Crown Press...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (2): 247–250.
Published: 01 June 1951
.... Just as the University of Michigan is now considered a Mecca for linguistic endeavor, so too its press has become an outstanding organ of linguistic publications. CARROLLE. REED University of Washington Julie or La Nouvelle Hkloise...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1961) 22 (4): 351–356.
Published: 01 December 1961
...Ralph W. Baldner Copyright © 1961 by Duke University Press 1961 ASPECTS OF THE NOUVELLE IN FRANCE BETWEEN 16CO AND 1660 By RALPHW. BALDNER Critics of seventeenth-century prose fiction have applied the term nouvelle more or less...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1957) 18 (3): 199–205.
Published: 01 September 1957
...R. W. Baldner Copyright © 1957 by Duke University Press 1957 THE iVOUVELLES FRANCAISES OF SEGRAIS By R. W. BALDNER The Nouvelles francaises, ou les Divertissement$ de la Princesse Aurilie, published by Jean Regnault de Segrais in 1656, are gener...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1944) 5 (1): 3–25.
Published: 01 March 1944
... dans le Mercure, dans les Mkmoires de la Socikt6 inzpkriale des antiquaires de France ( 1854). Paris, Dumoulin, in-8". * 1680-1798 (Gazette de Leyde) Nouvelles extraordinaires de divers endroits. Leyde, in-4' (J. A. de la Font, Etienne Luzac...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1957) 18 (2): 107–112.
Published: 01 June 1957
... emphasis, in midstream as it were, and becomes a lyrical apotheosis of love. Gobineau’s idealization of love, most cogently depicted in Les Plkiades, published in 1874, can be traced back as far as 1847, the date of the nouvelle “Mademoiselle Irnois.” Already in that work the concept that true...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1949) 10 (2): 236–237.
Published: 01 June 1949
...Bernice Udick Gonzalez Martinez Enrique. Editorial Stylo, Mexico, 1948. Pp. 229. 5 pesos. Copyright © 1949 by Duke University Press 1949 REVIEWS Paul Bourget attd the Nouvelle. Par WALTERT. SECOR.New York: King’s Crown Press, Columbia University...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (2): 250–252.
Published: 01 June 1951
... of the synthesis. Precisely because La Nouvelle Hkloise is the work in which Rousseau describes his ideal and his solution of the problems he saw, Rousseau’s importance for modern times and his significance in the history of ideas are less poignantly revealed in La Nouvelle Hkloise than...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (2): 245–247.
Published: 01 June 1951
... University of Washington Julie or La Nouvelle Hkloise: A Synthesis of Rotuseads Though4 (1749-1759). By M. B. ELLIS.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1949. Pp, Xxvii + 209. $3.85. The fundamental conviction underlying M. B. Ellis’ analysis of La Nouvelle Hkloise is implied in the title...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1961) 22 (4): 345–350.
Published: 01 December 1961
... to Rabelais elements found in three tales of Le Grand Parungon des nouvelles nouveZZes.l Henri Clouzot proposed that Nicolas de Troyes in three instances had borrowed from PantugrueZ.2 More recently the same theory of deliberate borrowings has been reiterated by Marcel de...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1949) 10 (3): 404–405.
Published: 01 September 1949
... devrait constituer la somme d’une nouvelle manitre de penser dans laquelle le sens de “philosophe” Jean David 405 ne signifie plus la relation entre la personne humaine et I’univers mais le rapport entre cette personne et la sociiti...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1958) 19 (3): 262–270.
Published: 01 September 1958
... belonged to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester). The Bibliothltque de 1’Arsenal in Paris has a finely illustrated fifteenth-century copy of Cent Nouvelles, No. 5070 (395 folios, with 100 miniatures, formerly in the library of the Dukes of Burgundy),18 written by the scribe Guillebert de Mets. A manu...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1963) 24 (1): 99–103.
Published: 01 March 1963
... of the characters are not always sound. He does not even mention the descriptions of nature and the original country scenes, and he completely ignores the great stylistic beauty of the work. As Daniel Mornet has said, Grimm’s criticism of La Nouvelle Hkloise is “souvent fausse, grossiitre et plate.”3...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2011) 72 (4): 439–460.
Published: 01 December 2011
... begin. This is the spectacle conjured in the reader’s mind by the play-­text for Le théâtre de Neptune en Nouvelle France, by the poet, historian, and travel writer Marc Lescarbot. Published in Les muses de la Nouvelle France An earlier version of this essay was presented at a Medieval...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (3): 379–390.
Published: 01 September 1942
...,” entre 1840 et 1860, et a juste titre, il mkrite sa place dans le mouve- ment intellectuel et littkraire des annkes 1850. Le rCalisme de la “Sinckritk dans l’art” tire son nom de la devise de Champfleury : “Je ne reconnais que la sinckritk dans l’art.”l Cette nouvelle kcole littkaire, nie...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1946) 7 (1): 35–42.
Published: 01 March 1946
... formula occurs in a work by Segrais, Les Nouvelles frangaises ou les Diver- tissements de la princesse Aurklie. This collection was published in 1657, at a time when the long heroic romances were beginning to lose favor and were giving way to the short psychological novel, or nouvelle...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1962) 23 (3): 217–224.
Published: 01 September 1962
..., September, 1960. 1 Cf. “Une Voie pour le roman futur,” Nouvelle Nouvelle Revue Fraqcpise, IV (1956)’ 77-84 ; “Le RCalisme, la psychologie et l’avenir du roman,” Cd;que, XII, Nos. 111-112 (1956), 695-701, which discusses the argument and the impli- cations of Nathalie Sarraute’s famous collection...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1962) 23 (3): 225–228.
Published: 01 September 1962
... Fifth Avenue, New York City. Beres resold the copy; its present location and owner are unknown. “(3) A finely executed Des Cas manuscript, showing nine minia- tures, is reported to be in a private collection in New York (No. 35 in the William S. Glazier collection). Cent Nouvelles...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1969) 30 (4): 535–544.
Published: 01 December 1969
.... L‘idCe est dans I’air depuis que Thdophile Gautier, aprks Baudelaire, et pr6fapnt en 1869 la nouvelle Cdition des Flews du ma2, a chant6 la beaut6 chatoyante du style particulifh-eaux Cpoques de decadence. Le mot a dt6 ramass6 par des journalistes. Depuis, Verlaine l’a repris...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1999) 60 (1): 113–119.
Published: 01 March 1999
... terms, a nouvelle can be seen both as a “center-enhancing” and a “route-enhancing” map of language while, at the same time, its descrip tive means are invested into every available fragment of expression. The resulting equivalence of intensity can also confer upon it a grid...