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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2018) 79 (2): 173–202.
Published: 01 June 2018
...Joseph Luzzi Abstract The dialogue between antimodernist and Romantic elements in the work of the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi fueled his thinking on the crucial issue of italianità , or “Italian identity.” Leopardi wanted to protect what was unique and enduring in Italian culture, especially its...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (1): 123–125.
Published: 01 March 1970
... opinion-for which he is duly praised by G. Singh (p. 148)-that Manzoni has proved to be an unexportable Italian literary product, whereas Leopardi has achieved an ever greater recognition beyond Italy’s shores. There is some truth to this assertion, which indicates a re- versal...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1960) 21 (3): 278–279.
Published: 01 September 1960
.... By ROBERTOWIS. Helsinki : Societi Neo- filologica, Mdnioires de la Socictk NPophilologique de Helsinki, Vol. XXI, 1959. Pp. 158. $2.50. There are few poets ivho have attracted biographers as much as Giaconio Leopardi. His unhappy life, the fascination emanating from his verses and prose...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (2): 187–189.
Published: 01 June 1941
... by Leopardi, is only a translation from the French of Millevoye.” This is not only am- biguous, but erroneous; and it is the more curious because in 1909 he had written to Ah. Guthrie: ‘Tn the editions of my brother’s poems, published by me with notes, the fact about Arnault is men- tioned...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (1): 125–128.
Published: 01 March 1970
...Gita May Victor Brombert. New York: Random House, Studies in Language and Literature, SLL 24, 1968. xii + 209 pp. $2.45, paper. Copyright © 1970 by Duke University Press 1970 NICOLAS J. PEKELLA 125 intense sincerity that Leopardi’s...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1960) 21 (3): 276–278.
Published: 01 September 1960
...{]mr Giaroiiio Lropardi: Sfirdio Biogmfico. By ROBERTOWIS. Helsinki : Societi Neo- filologica, Mdnioires de la Socictk NPophilologique de Helsinki, Vol. XXI, 1959. Pp. 158. $2.50. There are few poets ivho have attracted biographers as much as Giaconio Leopardi. His unhappy life...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (1): 121–123.
Published: 01 March 1970
... product, whereas Leopardi has achieved an ever greater recognition beyond Italy’s shores. There is some truth to this assertion, which indicates a re- versal of the situation that prevailed in the first half or more of the nine- teenth century. Nevertheless, despite Singh’s frequent...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1966) 27 (2): 212–220.
Published: 01 June 1966
... of Reality: Poetic Style in Wordsworth, Foscolo, Keats, and Leopardi. Madison and Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964. xx + 235 pp. $6.50. Geoffrey H. Hartman. Wordsworth's Poetry, 1787–1814. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1964. xii + 418 pp. $8.50. ON COMMENTARY...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1960) 21 (3): 279–280.
Published: 01 September 1960
... biography. As a matter of fact, Wis, who spent so much time collecting documentation, could have written his book even without studying Leopardi’s works exhaustively. He mentions the poems and what they contain, but does not insist on their deep relationship with the poet’s life...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1946) 7 (3): 375–377.
Published: 01 September 1946
... and Leopardi, Marietta Holley’s illustration of the dialect of upstate New York, and the difficulty and the importance of critical reading. This lzst article, by H. R. Huse, while effectively arguing for critical discrimination of words, the strict ideas they stand for, and their connotations...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1946) 7 (3): 374–375.
Published: 01 September 1946
... of science, Theodor Storm’s use of personifications, James Thomson (“B.V and Leopardi, Marietta Holley’s illustration of the dialect of upstate New York, and the difficulty and the importance of critical reading. This lzst article, by H. R. Huse, while effectively arguing for critical...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1961) 22 (2): 215–216.
Published: 01 June 1961
.... Some of the author’s judgments can be condemned as unorthodox, if not heretical. In relation to “the sense of value in the cosmos, and . . . confidence in the dignity of man,” we are told “there was no Leopardi, no Melville, no Thomas Hardy in the eighteenth century.” What then are we...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1967) 28 (2): 252–254.
Published: 01 June 1967
...” (p. 364). In this sense, then, Michelangelo’s poetry does not constitute a break with tradition; it is but a demonstration of that “variable unity” @. 55) that characterizes the whole of Italian poetry up to Leopardi. Only a scholar with Friedrich’s thorough and proverbial knowledge...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1974) 35 (2): 209–211.
Published: 01 June 1974
... (as is usually done in Italy) in an I talian context: Dante, Leopardi, Pascoli, with an occasional side glance at Eliot, Browning, or Donne. Even though Montale’s essential qualities are not the result of literary influences, as Singh continually emphasizes, it would be illuminating if his poetry were...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1960) 21 (1): 93–95.
Published: 01 March 1960
.... The Writings of Eduardo Mallea. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Publications in Modern Philology, Vol. 54, 1959. Pp. 132. $2.50. Wis, Roberto. Giacomo Leopardi : Studio Biografico. Helsinki : Memoires de la SociCttC NCophilologique de Helsinki, Vol. XXI, 1959. Pp. 158. $2.50...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1955) 16 (1): 68–77.
Published: 01 March 1955
... of salvation or survival. Perhaps, too, rain stands for more than mere weather : it stands for utter melancholy, for the longing and the pain experienced in this fiction. And Leopardi’s depiction of Nature as something harsh, unsympathetic, and finally inimical to Man looms large in the background...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1967) 28 (2): 249–252.
Published: 01 June 1967
... not constitute a break with tradition; it is but a demonstration of that “variable unity” @. 55) that characterizes the whole of Italian poetry up to Leopardi. Only a scholar with Friedrich’s thorough and proverbial knowledge of classical literature would have undertaken a task of such magnitude...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (4): 408–418.
Published: 01 December 1947
... omit to recall that Leopardi, writing in 1817, praised Alfieri for sticking to his own views (“tenersi saldo nel buon proposito”) in spite of all the advice tendered to him when he found his style universally condemned. He adds “buon per 1’Alfieri che tenne duro; se non l’avesse fatto, ora...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1974) 35 (3): 333–336.
Published: 01 September 1974
... Angeles: University of California Press, 1973. xi + 183 pp. $12.00. Kogers, Stephen. Classical Greece and the Poetry of Chtnier, Shelley, and Leopardi. Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1974. xi + 233 pp. $9.95. Strauch, Edward H. A Philosophy of Literary Criticism...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1981) 42 (3): 309–312.
Published: 01 September 1981
..., 1981. xiv + 184 pp. $25.00. Cannon, JoAnn. Italo Calvino: Writer and Crztic. Ravenna: A. Longo, L’Interprete, 27, 1981. 117 pp. L. 8.000. Casale, Ottavio M. (editor and translator). A Leopardi Reader. Urbana, Chicago, Lon- don: University of Illinois Press, 1981. xvi + 271 pp. $24.95, cloth...