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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (2): 307–314.
Published: 01 June 1942
... Quarterly RR Romanic Review SP Studies in Philology ZRPh Zeitschrif t fur romanische Philologie 2375. Barnstein, Aenne. Die Darstellungen der hofischen Ye,- kleidungsspiele im ausgehenden Mittelalter. Munchen diss. Wiirz- burg : Triltsch, 1940...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1940) 1 (2): 129–174.
Published: 01 June 1940
.... Ackermann, A. S. E. “King Alfred in the Danish Camp.” [Similar story in Geoffrey.] N & Q, CLXXVII (1939), 137. 1778. Adams, Robert D. W. A Tristan Bibliography. Univ. of Southern California diss., 1935. 1779. Adolf, Helene. “Der Eingang zu Wolf rams Parzival.” Neophil., XXII (1937...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (2): 225–231.
Published: 01 June 1943
... of the Fairy Mis- tress Romances on Spenser‘s “Faerie Queene.” Univ. of Illinois M.A. diss., 1939. Not printed. 2451. Gilson, Etienne. The Mystical Theology of St. Bernard. [Appendix on St. Bernard and Courtly Love.] Translated by A. H. C. Downes. (The French edition is Paris, J. Vrin, 1934...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1950) 11 (2): 156–163.
Published: 01 June 1950
... : A Ulivier n’andava e Ricciardetto, E disse : il nostro Rinaldo 8 gii armato, Ch’aspetta a la battaglia Antea nel letto. (XVI, 57) Or the delightfully invefted description when a giant hurls a rock at Orlando: Tanto ch’Orlando bisognb schermisse...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (2): 293–305.
Published: 01 June 1941
...” -with other French Epics and Mediaeval Genres. Co- lumbia diss. New York, 1940. 1823. Brereton, Georgine. Des Grantz Geanz. Oxford, 1937. Rev. by Arthur Langfors in LGRPh, LXI (lPIo), 105-106. 2287. “Some Grammatical Changes made by TWO Continental Revisers of the Anglo...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1946) 7 (2): 221–240.
Published: 01 June 1946
... in PVolfranzs Werk. Frankfort diss., 1942. Typewritten. 2492. Brown, Arthur C. L. The Origin of the Grail Legend. 1943. Additional rev. by Tom Peete Cross in MLQ, VI (1945), 353-355. 2596. . “The Esplumoir and Viviane.” Speculum, xx (1945), 426-432. 2493. Brugger, E. “ ‘Der Schone...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (2): 165–182.
Published: 01 June 1951
...), 249-250. 3202a. Finlay, Sister Mary Germaine. Joseph of Arimzthea and the Grail. (Columbia diss., 1950.) Microfilm Abstracts, XI ( 1951) , 110- 112. 3202b. Fleck, H. C. “The Story of Parsifal.” Etude, LXVIII (April, 1950), 9-11. 3087. Flutre, L.-F. “Etudes sur le Roman de...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (2): 279–292.
Published: 01 June 1941
... this character has been, and suggest in addition several unsolved problems. Our author was almost en- tirely forgotten until towards the middle of the eighteenth century,14 l2 H. Lerche, Sfudien zu den deufsch-evangelisclten Psalmendichtungen des 16. Jalzrhunderts (Breslau diss., 1936), p. 45...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (3): 421–438.
Published: 01 September 1941
... in der deutschen Literatur (Diss., Frankfurt, 1934), ecclesiastical drama of the 14th and 15th centuries. 18 0. Thulin, Johannes der Taufer im geistlichen Schauspiel des Mittel- alters und der Ref ormationsaeit (Leipzig, 1930). W. Emrich, Paulus im Drama, “Stoff- und...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1946) 7 (3): 329–336.
Published: 01 September 1946
..., Vv. 5 f. Weitere Stellen bei Walter de Gruyter, Das deutsche Tatplied (Leipziger Diss., Leipzig : Hirschfeld, 1887), S. 30. 13. Man verbessere die Stelle so : “Ich warne,” als6 der whter sprach in sorgen. 15. Die Liebenden furchten die dr6. Bruno von Hornberg, HMS, 11, 67a, Str. I1 [,2,9...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (2): 163–183.
Published: 01 June 1953
... Literatur Camb. J. Cambridge Journal Cowzp. Lit. Comparative Literature Cult. Neolat. Cultura Neolatina Deu. Viertel. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Gei stesgeschich te Diss. A bs. Dissertation Abstracts...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (2): 337–338.
Published: 01 June 1942
...Donald Cornu Donald M. Berwick. Philadelphia: The College Offset Press, 1941. Pp. 170. (Princeton diss.). Copyright © 1942 by Duke University Press 1942 Bren ts Stirling 337 the title essay, there are important conclusions in it which bear...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1944) 5 (4): 481–486.
Published: 01 December 1944
..., Friedrich Ludwig Schroder als Bearbeiter englischer Dramen (Zurich diss., 1919), pp. 54-58. 6 Otto Rub, Dus Burgtheater . . . (Wien, 1913), p. 16. 6 Joseph Wolter, Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm GroBmann . . . (Koln diss., 1901 ) , pp. xxiii, xxxviii, xlix. 1C. A. H. Burkhardt, Das Repertoire des...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (2): 356–360.
Published: 01 June 1942
...). The Evolu- tion of Balzac’s Comhdie humzinc. University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. vii + 441. $5.00. Gaudin, Lois S. Les Lettres Anglaises dans L’Encyclop6die. New York: privately printed, 1932 (Columbia diss Pp. i + 256. Harvey, Howard Graham. The Theatre of the Basoche. The contri...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (1): 67–82.
Published: 01 March 1942
... (Strassburg diss., 1907). 21 Anatole de Montaiglon, Recueil gknkral et complet des fabliaux du XZZZe et XZP sitcles, I11 (Paris, 1878), !-29. 22 Ernst Friedlander, Das Verzezchnts der Ritter der Artustaf elrunde im Erec des Hartmann von Aue verglichen mr’t dem bei Crestien de Troyes und bei...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (2): 243–252.
Published: 01 June 1947
... Romances.” (Vanderhilt diss., 1943.) (Sir Trisireiii, Ywain and Gawain. ) Abstract in Bulletin of Vanderbilt Uiiizrcrsity, Abstract of Theses, XLV, 11 (August 1, 1945), 13-14. 2775. Edelnian, Nathan. Attitudes of Sezmtcciztlz Cmtz!ry France toward flze Middle Ages. New York : Kings Crown Press...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (3): 503–504.
Published: 01 September 1942
... of an idea. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1942. Pp. ix + 271. $3.00. Silver, Maurice. Girhert de Mes According to MS B. Test and variants of lines 8879-10822, followed by a study of the noun declensional system. Privately printed, 1942. (Columbia diss. ) Pp. 212...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1984) 45 (2): 107–122.
Published: 01 June 1984
... both the destruction of Jerusalem and the ultimate dispersal of the Jews.6 Thus in The Lanterne ofLijt, a work remarkably sympathetic to the Jews, it is stated: “God sent his See, for example, John Patrick Banks, “Speculum Devotorum: An Edition with Corn- mentary,” diss., Fordham...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (3): 391–392.
Published: 01 September 1943
..., Cuba: Molina and Company, 1942. Pp. 36. GENERAL Critical Studies in Arnold, Emerson and Newman. [Introduction by Joseph E. Baker.] Iowa City : University of Iowa, 1942 (diss Contents: The Stoicism of Matthew Arnold, by John Hicks; Emerson’s Americanism...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (4): 609–610.
Published: 01 December 1941
.... It is not listed by, 1 Page 56 of the Brett-Smith edition (1921). 2A Study of Shelley’s “Defence of Poetry,” Its Origin, Textual His- tory, Sources, and Significance (Amsterdam Diss., 1937), p. 102. 81 am indebted to Miss Mary Kessi for this reference. 4 Shelley e Dante (Milan...