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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1941) 2 (2): 344–345.
Published: 01 June 1941
... di F. M. Trevisani, con notizie sulk vita e sulle opere dell‘autore a cura di MicheEe De Fi1ippi.s. University of California Publications in Modern Philology, Volume 21, No. 4, pp. 277-376. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1940...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1957) 18 (2): 158–160.
Published: 01 June 1957
...G. Giovannini Bice Chiappelli. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1956. Pp. 130. [Introduction by Mario Praz.] Copyright © 1957 by Duke University Press 1957 158 Reviews I1 pensiero religioso di Shelley, con particolare riferimento alla “Necessity...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1940) 1 (3): 419.
Published: 01 September 1940
...D. P. Rotunda S. Singleton Charles Modena: Soc. Tip. Modenese, 1940. Copyright © 1940 by Duke University Press 1940 D.P. Rotunda 419 Nuovi Canti Carnascialeschi del Rinascimento con un Appendice : Tavola generale dei Canti...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2024) 85 (2): 235–237.
Published: 01 June 2024
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (1): 133–135.
Published: 01 March 1942
... and arbitrary; too much is said too neatly. There are, for example, three influential forces ; the travel literature con- tains six elements. The reader is at first uneasy and then argumen- tative. He wonders why there couldn’t be four forces or seven ele- ments; he wants qualification or explanation...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (3): 418–421.
Published: 01 September 2013
...). In chapter 3, which treats the Homeric textual tradition and Lucretius’s subtle impact on literary historians, Passannante’s primary point of reference is Bacon, who remarks in The Advancement of Learning that “the verses of Homer con- tinued twenty-­five hundred years, or more, without the loss...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1952) 13 (4): 405–408.
Published: 01 December 1952
... Teresa’ y asi lo cita Romera-Navarro? llevando a1 lector incauto a1 borde de confundir a este Padre Yepes con Juan de Yepes o sea San Juan de la Cruz), a quien identificaremos mejor llamindole Padre Diego de Yepes, prior de San Lorenzo del Escorial y obispo de Tarazona, en su Vida, virtudes y...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1981) 42 (2): 153–165.
Published: 01 June 1981
...-century Jesuit encyclopedist, admired Boi- leau’s variety, grace, and lack of pedantry, and observed that “el singu- lar merito de Boileau consiste en aquel luminoso giro que sabe dar a sus preceptos, con que 10s hace nuevos y verdaderamente instructivos, y en aquel ayre picante, que hace que el...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1956) 17 (2): 104–110.
Published: 01 June 1956
... to the Duke of Osuna, Quevedo described the exhibition of splendor on the part of the Spanish nobility at Burgos : Siguese la grandeza de las bodas de la reyna de Francia, dejando aparte la grandeza del seiior duque de Lerma, que fuC igual a1 Qnimo con que haze todas sus cosas (no cuento...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1968) 29 (3): 289–296.
Published: 01 September 1968
... ferrado casco de 10s corceles, el ronco son de 10s atambores y el metilico choque de las armas. Temblando 10s ecos, repiten 10s libres cantares de 10s campamentos, y el noc- turno grito de alarma de 10s vigias. Aqui, a1 pie de tu altar, arde una hoguera alimentada con 10s tallados...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1948) 9 (2): 165–176.
Published: 01 June 1948
... and philosophy. In his essay en- titled El espiritu de la aristocruciu, which appeared in 1924, Giilvez reveals how strong is his belief in the power of heredity as a deter- mining force : Per0 iquC es la aristocracia? Creo definirla con una sola palabra: distinci6n. Se equivocan quienes...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1942) 3 (3): 407–415.
Published: 01 September 1942
..., is, as in Othello (and indeed in the CEdipus), the price still necessarily paid for a superbly ironical contretemps such as that when the Queen, who, though married, had never known love, rushes to Constance, apparently for con- firmation of the news, but really to tell her what love is like, bid...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1980) 41 (1): 21–37.
Published: 01 March 1980
... que lo coronan, como son sus causas, sus efectos, atributos, cali- dades, contingencias, circunstancias de tiempo, lugar, modo, etc., y cualquiera otro terniino correspondiente; valos careando de uno en uno con el sujeto, y unos con otros, entre si; y en descubriendo alguna...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1968) 29 (1): 106–108.
Published: 01 March 1968
... + 368 pp. $10.00, cloth; $3.95, paper. I1 sottoscritto ha giP troppe volte afEermato il carattere autonomo del- l’opera poetica buonarrotiana (ultimamente nella Introduzione alle Rime, Bari, 1967) per non sentirsi ora necessitato, non foss’altro che per coerenza con la propria tesi (tesi...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1968) 29 (2): 241.
Published: 01 June 1968
...-Carlo: Editions Regain, 1965. 219 pp. Con el titulo Le Genre dramatique ha esmto Robert Champigny un interesantisimo libro de ensayos sobre diversos aspectos del teatro, cuya finalidad, segh se nos aclara en las notas que encabezan el libro, no es otra sino la de servir a aquellm...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (4): 516–519.
Published: 01 December 1970
... grupo 10s estudia globalmente y s610 durante parte de su vida y de su obra, dividiendo la suya en cinco capitulos, introducci6n y epilogo. La introduccih expone la relaci6n de esos poetas entre si y con sus predecesores mis ilustres: Kubh Dario, Miguel de Unamuno, Antonio Machado y Juan...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1951) 12 (4): 473–486.
Published: 01 December 1951
... isfuggirh, a chi abbia qualche familiarith con lo stile galileiano, che in parecchi punti della lettera surriferita non vi si riscontrano tutte le qualith che lo caratterizzano, e che perfino alcune parole non sono del vocabolario galileiano. (p. 59) As editor of the national edition...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2003) 64 (3): 349–376.
Published: 01 September 2003
... destinado a los ojos de las polillas y a las manos amarillentas del tiempo que se sienta a leer en el fondo de las viejas gavetas. . . . Indiscreta y piadosa, antes de lanzar mi diario a todos los juicios lo retocó con esmero. [The supposed author of that new Iphigenia...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1943) 4 (2): 177–183.
Published: 01 June 1943
... that the grand style is that which portrays “personas graves, Res excellentes.” Con- tinuing, he lists gods, heroes, kings, generals and “great citizens”* among the eminent characters for which this style is to be used. Lnfe- rior characters, for which a lower style should be used, are sailors...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1996) 57 (2): 289–303.
Published: 01 June 1996
... for an unrecognized or ignored national identity. The book presents itself, or is framed as, terribly serious, highly entertaining, and slightly naughty. The story is familiar yet exotic: the Cinderella myth of the poor girl redeemed by the love of an honest man. The woman whose body con- firms the reality...