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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (4): 517–540.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Jasper Bernes The early poems of John Ashbery must be read, in part, as a meditation on the plight of labor, particularly white-collar labor, in the postwar United States. Beginning with a very early poem, “The Instruction Manual” (1956), and its exploration of the ambiguous class position of white...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1981) 42 (1): 65–84.
Published: 01 March 1981
...David Fite Copyright © 1981 by Duke University Press 1981 1 I mention or quote from the following volumes by Ashbery: As We Know (New York: Viking Press, 1979); The Double Dream of Spring (1970; rpt. New York: Ecco Press, 1976); Houseboat Days (New Yorl: Viking Press, 1977...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1993) 54 (1): 121–132.
Published: 01 March 1993
... Birnbaum and Bill Viola? Whose fiction as social practice is an index to the experience of African-American women, Toni Morrison’s or Terri McMillan’s? And whose language exemplifies the aporias of postmodern culture?John Updike’s?John Cage’s?John Ashbery’s?John Ash’s? If all of the above...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2017) 78 (4): 554–557.
Published: 01 December 2017
... in the age of the brain), from Merrill’s “ways of asserting the aesthetic freedom that can arise from the powerlessness of the self in the face of the forces that constrain it” (167)—forces both lyrical and material—to John Ashbery’s “enduring conviction that the fullest, most credible depictions of mental...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1992) 53 (2): 227–245.
Published: 01 June 1992
... and revitalize past poetic tradition. “That’s where Orpheus made his mistake,”Ashbery comments drily, in his brilliant poem “Syringa.”SORe- creating in modern parlance the thoughts of Eurydice as she is about to fade back into the underworld, he continues, “No use standing there like a gray stone toga...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 135–139.
Published: 01 March 2013
... : Harvard University Press . Sontag Susan . 1966 . “ Notes on ‘Camp.’ ” In Against Interpretation, and Other Essays , 275 – 92 . New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux . Vincent John Emil . 2007 . John Ashbery and You . Athens : University of Georgia Press . Reviews Chance...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 115–117.
Published: 01 March 2013
.... For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively marginal until recently) Bar- bara Guest — has been a fixture in chronologies of postwar American poetry and poetics. Ashbery and, more recently, O’Hara have fared the best in terms...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 118–121.
Published: 01 March 2013
.... For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively marginal until recently) Bar- bara Guest — has been a fixture in chronologies of postwar American poetry and poetics. Ashbery and, more recently, O’Hara have fared the best in terms...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 121–125.
Published: 01 March 2013
.../00267929-1892789­ The New York School Poets and the Neo-­Avant-­Garde: Between Radical Art and Radical Chic. By Mark Silverberg. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. xii + 281 pp. For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 126–129.
Published: 01 March 2013
.../00267929-1892789­ The New York School Poets and the Neo-­Avant-­Garde: Between Radical Art and Radical Chic. By Mark Silverberg. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. xii + 281 pp. For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 129–132.
Published: 01 March 2013
.... For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively marginal until recently) Bar- bara Guest — has been a fixture in chronologies of postwar American poetry and poetics. Ashbery and, more recently, O’Hara have fared the best in terms...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2013) 74 (1): 132–135.
Published: 01 March 2013
.../00267929-1892789­ The New York School Poets and the Neo-­Avant-­Garde: Between Radical Art and Radical Chic. By Mark Silverberg. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. xii + 281 pp. For many years the New York School of poets — John Ashbery, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler, and (relatively...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2007) 68 (4): 586–589.
Published: 01 December 2007
... of Washington. His publications include Hart Crane: After His Lights (2006); a volume of essays edited with Nancy Perloff, Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow (2003); and articles on such contemporary poets as John Ashbery, Susan Howe, Tom Raworth, and Rosmarie Waldrop. Reviews Dice, Cards...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1988) 49 (3): 262–284.
Published: 01 September 1988
... “here” into an absence emblematic of the distance between signifiers and the signified. 3 “The New Transcendentalism: The Visionary Strain in Merwin, Ashbery, and Am- mons,” ChiR, 24, no. 3 (1973): 29. 262 EDWARD HAWORTH HOEPPNER...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 391–393.
Published: 01 September 2005
... Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study, Charles Altieri does the same for its interdisciplinary methodology in his Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry.3...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 393–396.
Published: 01 September 2005
... 407 poetics” through their written responses to cubist, futurist, and surrealist painting and that Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 396–399.
Published: 01 September 2005
... 407 poetics” through their written responses to cubist, futurist, and surrealist painting and that Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 400–403.
Published: 01 September 2005
... 407 poetics” through their written responses to cubist, futurist, and surrealist painting and that Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 404–406.
Published: 01 September 2005
... Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study, Charles Altieri does the same for its interdisciplinary methodology in his Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry.3...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2005) 66 (3): 406–410.
Published: 01 September 2005
... Ashbery responded similarly to abstract expressionism and later American art movements (24). If Perloff sets a precedent for the transnational aspects of such a study, Charles Altieri does the same for its interdisciplinary methodology in his Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry.3...