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Francesco De Sanctis

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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2015) 76 (3): 285–304.
Published: 01 September 2015
...Giuseppe Gazzola Abstract This essay traces the interrelationship between Italian literary canon formation and constructions of national identity in the literary histories of Girolamo Tiraboschi and Francesco De Sanctis. It examines both the ruptures and the continuities between eighteenth...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1958) 19 (1): 87–90.
Published: 01 March 1958
...-are to be commended for having brought to our attention these selected writings on Dante by the great nineteenth-century Italian critic, Francesco De Sanctis. Readers of RenC Wellek’s History of Criticism will have particular cause for gratitude. The essays are prefaced by an introduction of some twenty...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1958) 19 (1): 86–87.
Published: 01 March 1958
... Press, 1957. Pp. xxvii + 164. $4.00. The editors and translators of this book-Messrs. Rossi and Galpin-are to be commended for having brought to our attention these selected writings on Dante by the great nineteenth-century Italian critic, Francesco De Sanctis. Readers of RenC...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (1): 123–125.
Published: 01 March 1970
... in English, Leopardi and the Theory of Poetry (1964). On page 118 a lapsus calami has resulted in attributing to Giovanni Gentile an important thought that was in fact enunciated by Francesco De Sanctis in his essay “Schopenhauer e Leopardi” ( 1858...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1970) 31 (1): 125–128.
Published: 01 March 1970
... and the Theory of Poetry (1964). On page 118 a lapsus calami has resulted in attributing to Giovanni Gentile an important thought that was in fact enunciated by Francesco De Sanctis in his essay “Schopenhauer e Leopardi” ( 1858). NICOLASJ...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1961) 22 (1): 63–78.
Published: 01 March 1961
... on Dante, essays edited and translated by Joseph Rossi and Alfred Galpin (Madison, Wisconsin, 1957), pp. 33-52 ; Francesco de Sanctis, Lezioni sullu Divina Cummedia, a cura di Michele Manfredi (Bari, 1955), pp. 137-47 et passim. These essays, which represent lecture drafts or notes from his Dante...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2006) 67 (4): 419–449.
Published: 01 December 2006
... Obviously, the suppression both of other languages and of dialects, a strategy adopted by Italian historiography itself (consider the influence of these linguistic criteria as formulated by Francesco De Sanctis’s Sto- ria della letteratura italiana), results in an emphasis on the “Italianness...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2018) 79 (2): 173–202.
Published: 01 June 2018
..., including Francesco De Sanctis. 7 Augusto Placanica ( 1989 : 16) charts the complicated history of the text, which was not published until 1906. The actual date of the Discorso’ s composition remains contested. For example, Franco Ferrucci ( 1993 : 82) claims that Leopardi’s “numerose note...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1971) 32 (2): 214–218.
Published: 01 June 1971
...-“the most important work ever to have come from an Italian mind,” according to De Sanctis-as a man has been liked by almost no one, including Kidolfi. No one, that is, except Machiavelli. Whitfield echoes ‘I’offanin on the two men: “Guicciardini is the genuine pessimist about humanity...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2007) 68 (1): 53–85.
Published: 01 March 2007
..., vol. 2, pt. 1, of Tutte le opere, ed. Giovanni Pozzi, 5 vols. (Milan: Mondadori, 1976), 3.156 – 61. For a critique of the overtly allegorical, precious, and abstract nature of Marino’s metaphor see Francesco De Sanctis, Storia della letteratura italiana, ed. Gianfranco Contini (Milan: TEA...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1960) 21 (2): 190–193.
Published: 01 June 1960
... du roniari arthurien en prose vcrs la fin du nioyeii ige, d’aprPs le niariuscrit 112 du fonds franpis de la Bibliothkquc Natioriale. Paris: A. G. Nizet, 1959. Pp. 368. Rcclfern, Joan (translator). Fraiicesco De Sanctis : History of Italian Litcra- turc. Puhlihhcd in Italy as “Storia...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1955) 16 (2): 149–169.
Published: 01 June 1955
.... 3883. de Sanctis, Francesco. La poesia cavalleresca e scritti vari. A cura di Mario Petrini. (Scrittori d’Italia, No. 212.) Bari: G. Laterza, 1954. (Lectures delivered in 1858-59. From Pulci and Ariosto to Gozzi.) Brief notice (anon.) in Belfagor, IX (1954), 236. 1498. Saran, Franz...