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Charles Churchill
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1-20 of 41 Search Results for
Charles Churchill
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Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2019) 80 (1): 75–97.
Published: 01 March 2019
...Zsolt Komáromy Abstract The conversational style of William Cowper’s poetry owes much to the influence of Charles Churchill. Despite this connection, the two poets occupy different niches in literary history: Churchill is remembered as a practitioner of the declining tradition of satirical poetry...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1979) 40 (4): 403–411.
Published: 01 December 1979
..., 1978. xvii + 285 pp. $17.50. Thomas Lockwood. Post-Augustan Satire: Charles Churchill and Satirical Poetry, 1 750-1 800 . Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1979. 198 pp. $17.50. Clive T. Probyn. Jonathan Swift: The Contempora Background . New York: Harper 8c Row, Barnes & Noble...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1984) 45 (3): 297–301.
Published: 01 September 1984
... copybook.
Carretta closes his study with Charles Churchill, and for that puzzling but
talented character, as fbr Pope, the role of political satirist seems too con-
fining and one-sided. At times “political satire” is the very name to give
Churchill’s productions, or parts of them...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (4): 470–472.
Published: 01 December 1953
... of Thomas Dekker. Vol. I. Cam-
bridge: At the University Press, 1953. Pp. xviii + 469. $7.00.
Brown, Wallace Cable. Charles Churchill, Poet, Rake, and Rebel. Lawrence :
University of Kansas Press, 1953. Pp. 240. $4.00.
Doran, Madeline. Endeavors of Art: A Study of Form in Elizabethan Drama...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1974) 35 (2): 201–204.
Published: 01 June 1974
... of satirists, but the
lines seen in context are plainly directed against Charles Churchill, and the
poem itself, a mock-heroic in five cantos, is savagely and unabashedly satiric.
And Abbott, who is said to “ascribe a secondary role to satire” (p. 182) and to
be “happiest about satire when...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1979) 40 (2): 213–216.
Published: 01 June 1979
... pp. $19.00.
Linder, Cynthia A. Romantic Imagery in the Novels of Charlotte Bronte. New York:
Harper & Row, Barnes 8c Noble Import Division, 1978. 138 pp. $21.00.
Lockwood, Thomas. Post-Augustan Satire: Charles Churchill and Satirical Poetry,
1750-1800. Seattle and London: University...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1964) 25 (3): 375–380.
Published: 01 September 1964
... A.
Clair, “A Note on Milton’s ‘Arianism’ ”; L. P. Goggin, “This Bow of Ulysses”;
George McFadden, “Dryden and the Numbers of His Native Tongue”; Wil-
liam F. Cunningham, Jr., “Charles Churchill and the Satiric Portrait”; John
W. Crowther, Jr., “Pope’s Defense of Theology, Philosophy...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1967) 28 (2): 213–228.
Published: 01 June 1967
..., the central conflict between
Charles and his father has to do with Charles’s wanting to get money
from him; Mr. Ryder wins, just as Colonel Blount had done, through
curious means. One of Blount’s favorite devices was to change his...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1947) 8 (1): 53–64.
Published: 01 March 1947
... with extra syllables, and striking uses of alliteration and
special syntactic constructions. Johnson was not an innovator in
form, as was, for example, his contemporary Charles Churchill. But
as all of these Prologues reveal, in whole or in part, Johnson
turns the technically traditional...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1955) 16 (1): 88.
Published: 01 March 1955
...E. H. Eby Tabb Hazelrigg Charles. New York: Bookman Associates, 1953. Pp. 226. $4.00. Copyright © 1955 by Duke University Press 1955 88 Reviews
clearly emerges is, however, the extent to which this “pure” and “mystical” poet
marked in his work...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1962) 23 (1): 95–96.
Published: 01 March 1962
.... Skelton and Satire. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1961. Pp. 326. $6.50.
Hook, Frank S., and John Yoklavich (editors). Dramatic Works of George
Peele: Edward I and The Bottle of AIcaaar. Vol. I1 of The Life and Works
of George Peele, Charles Tyler Prouty, General Editor. New Haven...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1959) 20 (2): 133–144.
Published: 01 June 1959
... to Shakespearelso touched the re-
121Dissertution on Comedy (London, 1750), p. 15.
122 See XI (June, 1761), 494; XI11 (Feb., 1762), 157-58.
12s Murphy was accused by Charles Churchill (Apofogyf of being an author
for the Rarieur. This was denied and seems improbable because Murphy was
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (1): 112–115.
Published: 01 March 2014
...Cassidy Picken Cassidy Picken is a PhD candidate in the Department of English at the University of Chicago. Liberal Epic: The Victorian Practice of History from Gibbon to Churchill . By Adams Edward . Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press , 2011 . x + 322 pp...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (1): 103–106.
Published: 01 March 2014
... even by the standards
of the time. Johnson devotes a subchapter to Plus ultra, the boastful emblem
of the unprecedented empire of Charles V; its phrasing echoes phrasing
110 MLQ March 2014
used by Quintilian (ultra fidem, ultra modum) in defining...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (1): 106–111.
Published: 01 March 2014
... even by the standards
of the time. Johnson devotes a subchapter to Plus ultra, the boastful emblem
of the unprecedented empire of Charles V; its phrasing echoes phrasing
110 MLQ March 2014
used by Quintilian (ultra fidem, ultra modum) in defining...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (2014) 75 (1): 115–118.
Published: 01 March 2014
... even by the standards
of the time. Johnson devotes a subchapter to Plus ultra, the boastful emblem
of the unprecedented empire of Charles V; its phrasing echoes phrasing
110 MLQ March 2014
used by Quintilian (ultra fidem, ultra modum) in defining...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1952) 13 (1): 126–128.
Published: 01 March 1952
.... $1.50.
Thompson, Lawrence. Melville’s Quarrel with God. Princeton : Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1952. Pp. 475. $6.06.
Walcutt, Charles Child. The Romantic Compromise in the Novels of Winston
Churchill. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Contributions in Modern
Philology, No. 18...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1954) 15 (1): 94–96.
Published: 01 March 1954
.... Eisenhower. Foreword by Winston
S. Churchill. Webster Groves, Mo. : International Mark Twain Society ;
London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1953. Pp. 26. $2.00.
Allen, Don Cameron. The Harmonious Vision : Studies in Milton’s Poetry.
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1975) 36 (3): 318–320.
Published: 01 September 1975
... peremptoriness of a Red Queen or an Alice, Kath-
leen Blake begins her stimulating study of Lewis Carroll by omitting Charles
Dodgson from her examination. This relegation of the discontented Oxford
don to the shadows he seemed to want to live in allows Blake to throw all
her light on the writer...
Journal Article
Modern Language Quarterly (1953) 14 (3): 235–252.
Published: 01 September 1953
... times and by Pope only a few decades before.
For example, Characters by Francis Gentleman and Perils of Poetry
by James Scott, both in 1766, could have omitted the subtitle of
epistle without suffering any alteration. Many epistolary satires in
decasyllabic couplets stemmed from Churchill’s...