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Journal Article
Meridians (2022) 21 (1): 265–292.
Published: 01 April 2022
...Raquel Wright-Mair; Milagros Castillo-Montoya Abstract It is already known that one of the ways in which colonialism operates and exerts harm is by dehumanizing Black, Indigenous, and other racially minoritized populations. Less attention has been paid, however, to the ways in which...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (2): 417–438.
Published: 01 October 2024
... the modern human’s names lie. The author argues that the “colored skin,” where the dehumanizing names are marked, is the other cultural technology inseparable from the white mask in constituting the colonial naming structure. By understanding skin technology as external to the embodied self, the author...
Journal Article
Meridians (2016) 14 (2): 46–55.
Published: 01 September 2016
... dehumanizing effects primarily on racialized populations, poor people, and women, and locates these groups in relation to the rise of the world-system. Likewise, it identifies the theoretical contributions made by Afrodescendant Latin American women to decolonial thought, not only in relation to the historical...
Journal Article
Meridians (2023) 22 (1): 94–114.
Published: 01 April 2023
..., he justified his actions: “I used to carry with me a big knife and scare porteadoras with it. They did what I was telling them to do immediately!” (Krichker 2020 : 200). Routinely dehumanizing porteadoras by beating them and constructing them as Others automatically leaves them outside...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (2): 384–391.
Published: 01 October 2024
.... Thus, the persistence of bad faith in the consultations between the Saami reindeer herders at Fosen and the Norwegian government leads to dehumanizing the Saami herders (Gordon 1995 : 8; Normann 2021 ). As Fanon ( 2004 ) noted, the dehumanization of the colonized served as the colonial system’s...
Journal Article
Meridians (2013) 11 (2): 174–204.
Published: 01 March 2013
... of gendered violence by leftist masculine memory, and 3) the problem of how to study and represent sexualized political violence against women without reproducing the same violence and dehumanizing the victims. Scratchingthe Archive Gender violation became a form of punishment, but punishment for what? During...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (2): 297–305.
Published: 01 October 2024
...” present impossibility of escape from paradigmatic dehumanization for those who accept the terms and terminology of the colonizers is carefully unspooled in “De-naming: Unraveling the Sex-Skin and Gender-Mask Technologies in the Colonial Naming Structure.” Chia-Hsu Jessica Chang begins this piece by taking...
Journal Article
Meridians (2018) 17 (1): 150–162.
Published: 01 September 2018
... the dehumanization of Black subjects. Listening for the connections between disparate images of Blackness globally, Campt invites us to imagine a future archive of images created with consent and outside of the shadow of the penitentiary or the colonial mission. In thinking through flight as a metaphor for moving...
Journal Article
Meridians (2022) 21 (1): 207–235.
Published: 01 April 2022
... Twitter doubled the character limit for posts from 140 to 280 in November 2017. 6 Since the 1960s, zombies have been associated with societal fears such as mortality or psychological dehumanization due to consumerism. For Africana people, the fear of zombification has its origins in slave owners...
Journal Article
Meridians (2008) 8 (2): 166–176.
Published: 01 March 2008
... force and this is true for the poorest black family as well as the so-called "middleclass" family. Blackwomen were never afforded any such phony luxuries. Though we have been browbeaten with this white image, the reality of the degrading and dehumanizing jobs that were relegated to us quickly dissipated...
Journal Article
Meridians (2014) 12 (2): 169–195.
Published: 01 September 2014
..., dehumanization, and exploitation. This essay challenges this desire by introducing the possibility of an erotic mapping of slavery and resistance. Tubman's symbolic and iconic status in American history limits exploration of what, if any, role sex and sexuality played in her life as a revolutionary liberator...
Journal Article
Meridians (2016) 15 (1): 166–188.
Published: 01 December 2016
... as currently practiced are JALLICIAJOLLY ON FORBIDDEN WOMBS 169 broken, these acts of terror reveal the dynamic dehumanization reserved for women of color. It is a violence that runs deep, starting from the womb. It jeopardizes their right to live, give birth, parent, and sustain life. It springs from...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (1): 210–234.
Published: 01 April 2024
... was overdue as it arrived in an era in which the American film and TV industry undervalued Native talents and maintained colonial stereotypes of Native Americans (Vassar 2021 ). Indigenous peoples are constantly dealing with the aftermath of colonial dehumanization in the realm of representation...
Journal Article
Meridians (2009) 9 (1): 1–29.
Published: 01 September 2009
... 2004b; Rodriguez 2006, 225-29). As JoyJames argues: Prison is the modern-day manifestation of the plantation. The antebellum plantation ethos of dehumanization was marked by master-slave relations revolving about sexual terror and domination, beatings, regimentation of bodies, exploited labor, denial...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (1): 110–132.
Published: 01 April 2024
..., vary from other contexts of colonialism, for each case of colonization has its own particularities. Settler colonialism is based on the logic of elimination, as Patrick Wolfe ( 2006 ) argues, which renders the dehumanizing colonial discourse into an annihilating and eradicating praxis. It is therefore...
Journal Article
Meridians (2018) 17 (1): 163–183.
Published: 01 September 2018
..., for you abstain from engaging with this society’s historical, systematic, and structural exclusion and dehumanizing,” and thus fail to challenge the system for the deaths of Black women resisters in ways that are meaningful to sociopolitical transformation. But most important, note that when viewed from...
Journal Article
Meridians (2018) 16 (2): 230–237.
Published: 01 March 2018
..., mothers like myself and my sister Rosa Clemente were on the frontline, and that we were also murdered by police and usually forgotten about soon after. I later wanted to put the poem in a physical space, on my own body, to humanize the pain endured by the bodies of oppressed, dehumanized women everywhere...
Journal Article
Meridians (2014) 12 (1): 227–233.
Published: 01 March 2014
... encountering the stigma-induced violence they experience and are often even targeted specifically due to stigma and, relatedly, dehumanization. Further, the stigma that sex workers face guarantees they have few allies who promote their human rights in policy matters. To further reduce self-determination, sex...
Journal Article
Meridians (2004) 5 (1): 226–256.
Published: 01 September 2004
... of violence that emerge in the offscreen lives of each American wife. This parallel format seeks to identify recurring agents of violence, such as patriarchal privilege, capitalist expansion, and dehumanizing forms oflabor, while RUTH L. OZEKI AND TRANSNATIONAL REPRODUCTION 237 attending to the diverse ways...
Journal Article
Meridians (2002) 2 (2): 289–297.
Published: 01 March 2002
... interventions. Perhaps there is no more potent a strategy of dehumanization than to proudly proclaim the accuracy and efficiencyof"smart" weapons systems, and of surgical and technological precision, while rendering invisible the suffering bodies of these peoples as disembodied statistics and mere "collateral...