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Journal Article
Meridians (2007) 7 (2): 71–100.
Published: 01 March 2007
...Silvia Schultermandl Abstract In Nora Okja Keller's Comfort Woman (1997), the Korean American protagonist reconciles with her Korean heritage through the act of spreading her mother's ashes. This essay looks at Keller's use of a “language of the body” that protests against rape and other forms...
Journal Article
Meridians (2016) 15 (1): 40–64.
Published: 01 December 2016
....” During meetings, discussions ranged from popular culture and political events to everyday experiences with racism, sexism, and other burning topics that need sisterly advice. Eventually the group became a place where members not only supported and leaned on each other’s shoulders for comfort, but also...
Journal Article
Meridians (2003) 3 (2): 20–24.
Published: 01 March 2003
... I can be only through reflexivitycan I be who I am not who you need me to be through subjectivity I can take my oppression I can name it and claim it and try to resist remaining an occupied territory because I wasn't just miseducated sister lauryn my generation came of age colonized comfort didn't...
Journal Article
Meridians (2000) 1 (1): 119–120.
Published: 01 September 2000
... breath until a machine stabilized her breathing and breathed for her. Breathed her back into life, a more or less comfortable sleep. At four in the morning Father summoned his daughters to be at her side. When Mother awoke she had nothing to report to us. There was no news of the afterlife, just a timid...
Journal Article
Meridians (2021) 20 (1): 193–217.
Published: 01 April 2021
... Yeong-hye, he notes that after a strong resistance, her face eventually turns blank “as though she were a ‘comfort woman’ dragged in against her will, and I was the Japanese soldier demanding her services” (30). Here, the reference to comfort women—groups of Korean women who were forced into sexual...
Journal Article
Meridians (2024) 23 (1): 52–81.
Published: 01 April 2024
... : University of Minnesota Press . Chuh Kandice . 2003 . “ Discomforting Knowledge; or, Korean ‘Comfort Women’ and Asian Americanist Critical Practice.’ ” Journal of Asian American Studies 6 , no. 1 : 5 – 23 . Cohen Cathy J. 1997 . “ Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical...
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Journal Article
Meridians (2020) 19 (S1): 149–154.
Published: 01 December 2020
... my cool and blinking back tears. she opened her arms before she asked “do you want a hug?” a big white woman, and her embrace was the kind only people with the warmth of flesh can offer. i wasn’t about to say no to any comfort. “my brother’s in the navy,” i said. “and we’re arabs.” “wow, you got...
Journal Article
Meridians (2002) 2 (2): 254–258.
Published: 01 March 2002
..., a woman was crying in a car parked and stranded in hurt. i offered comfort, extended a hand she did not see before she said, "we're gonna burn them so bad, i swear, so bad." my hand went to my head and my head went to the numbers within it of the dead iraqi children, the dead in nicaragua. the dead...
Journal Article
Meridians (2016) 15 (1): 290–299.
Published: 01 December 2016
... to acknowledge marginalized experiences that are often outside of their own comfort zone. I recognize that I am often a source of discomfort for students because I am a woman of color at the front of the classroom-a feat many of my students have not seen previous to my class-who encourages them to confront...
Journal Article
Meridians (2003) 3 (2): 5.
Published: 01 March 2003
... the whispering the soft love calls you to this knife for love for love all night it is the one breast comforting the other Reprinted from BlessingtheBoats:NewandSelectePdoems1988-2000, with permission of author and Boa Editions, Ltd. ©2000 by Lucille Clifton. [Meridians:feminismr,ace,transnationalism2003, vol. 3...
Journal Article
Meridians (2003) 3 (2): v–x.
Published: 01 March 2003
... potentially offer a ground that in its ability to shift, to stretch to another's reality, to recognize and take in that which is not recognizably or comfortably what or who we (the readers) might assume ourselves to be, a ground which does not shift, a safe ground for exchanges that may be confrontational...
Journal Article
Meridians (2001) 2 (1): 127–129.
Published: 01 September 2001
... your children who are being shuffled from foster home to relatives seeking your face and comfort your children i hear crying at nights during the day all the time their eyes a hunger no food can satisfy sister why have they locked you up why are they working you for less than a dollar a day without...
Journal Article
Meridians (2013) 11 (2): 27–28.
Published: 01 March 2013
... of the mountain, we soothe our children, comfort our husbands, we wail or hum or watch. We shape our days, our days shape us. 4 Here's a photo of us as four coppery brown pigtailed girls holding hands. What did we know then? What did we believe? 5 African violets for the eldest , blackthorn roses for the middle...
Journal Article
Meridians (2004) 4 (2): 102–108.
Published: 01 March 2004
... in the abstract. Both government officials and their most radical critics are equally comfortable claiming the term, often, of course, to advance disparate agendas. But the overall goodwill that attaches to human rights only runs skin deep, since few are actually acquainted with either its specific principles...
Journal Article
Meridians (2018) 16 (2): 295–307.
Published: 01 March 2018
... woman shared individual accounts of how bele had enriched her life spiritually and emotionally, by avowing the dance's therapeutic functions. Most of them agreed that there are times when bele is the perfect remedy for relieving stress and tension and making one feel comforted through emotionally trying...
Journal Article
Meridians (2010) 10 (1): 77–80.
Published: 01 September 2010
... by Smith College. All rights reserved. 77 Even her own children can't get it right. She wants them to celebrate both; they remember nothing. Instead they send cards on Mother's Day folding her inside pastel envelopes that seal her midnight howls at Japanese soldiers pulling comfort from the skirts...
Journal Article
Meridians (2020) 19 (S1): 166–168.
Published: 01 December 2020
.... Only then would I slash its lovely body into one million thin black cotton rag sheets just your uncompromising size. I’ve even touch it on its limbs fingers begging forgiveness, give as much comfort to it as I could, while trying to explain the necessaryness of its impending death; me...
Journal Article
Meridians (2003) 3 (2): 17–19.
Published: 01 March 2003
... appeared growing peaceful in its thousand-year-old natal plot. Look it right in its round rough ancient eyes and confess away, tell it straight to its woody face, my about-to-do deed. I've even touch it on its limbs fingers begging forgiveness, 18 NIKKY FINNEY give as much comfort to it as I could, while...
Journal Article
Meridians (2022) 21 (2): 397–412.
Published: 01 October 2022
...? Why would she tolerate his chronic despondency? And how did that fit into her plan? My mother’s fear about my father’s death motivated her prayers for years: she prayed that my father finds comfort, that he forgives hurt, and that he lets go of what he cannot control; in other words, that he dies...
Journal Article
Meridians (2011) 11 (1): 98–105.
Published: 01 September 2011
... a heart attack; she even offered us her heart pills, and she invited us to stay with her. We calmed her down and declined the invitation. We had to get going. We walked either in the middle of the road or far from the hillside. Joelle stopped to look at a wounded child, offering some words of comfort...