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Submission Guidelines

Meridians is a peer-reviewed, feminist interdisciplinary journal whose goal is to provide a forum for the finest scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in US and international contexts. The journal is a venture of Smith College.

Recognizing that feminism, race, transnationalism, and women of color are contested terms, Meridians engages the complexity of these debates in a dialogue across ethnic and national boundaries, as well as across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the academy. The goal of Meridians is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to contemporary definitions of feminisms in the explorations of women's economic conditions, cultures, and sexualities, as well as the forms and meanings of resistance and activist strategies.

Meridians seeks to publish work that is grounded in the particularities of history, economics, geography, class, and culture; that informs the contradictions and politics of women's lives; that illuminates the forms and meanings of resistance, migration and exile, and artistic expressions; that provokes the critical interrogation of the terms used to shape activist agendas, theoretical paradigms, and political coalitions; and that is substantive and readable, as well as relevant and useful to researchers, educators, students, and practitioners.

The Editor of Meridians invites submissions of scholarly essays, personal interviews, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, and photo-essays, as well as political manifestos, position papers, and archival documents of continuing interest. Submit manuscripts online at For detailed submission guidelines, please visit

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