Domesticating NATO's War in Kosovo/a: (In)Visible Bodies and the Dilemma of Photojournalism
wendy kozol is Associate Professor and Director of Gender and Women's Studies at Oberlin College. She is the author of Life's America: Family and Nation in Postwar Photojournalism (Temple 1994); and the coeditor (with Wendy Hesford) of Haunting Violations: Feminist Criticism and the Crisis of the ‘Real’ (University of Illinois Press, 2001). She is currently completing another anthology (with W. Hesford) entitled Just Advocacy: Women's Human Rights, Transnational Feminism and the Politics of Representation (Rutgers University Press, forthcoming). Her new research project is Visible Wars and American Nationalism: Militarization and Photography, 1970s to the present.
Wendy Kozol; Domesticating NATO's War in Kosovo/a: (In)Visible Bodies and the Dilemma of Photojournalism. Meridians 1 March 2004; 4 (2): 1–38. doi:
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