As I began writing this introduction, the Commonwealth of Virginia became the thirty-eighth state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a milestone arriving thirty-eight years after the 1982 deadline for its ratification. Having finally met the two-thirds of the states bar, the ERA could in theory become the twenty-eighth amendment to the United States Constitution (Rankin and Crary 2020). In fact, that is politically unlikely given that the GOP’s current dominance of the Senate and utter unwillingness to sanction their president was made evident when, as I was finishing this introduction, the U.S. Senate acquitted the forty-fifth president of the United States of the impeachment charges brought against him by the House of Representatives (LeBlanc 2020; Spillar 2020). This president is the same man whom more than two dozen women have publicly accused of sexual assault, and who has a long history of bragging about “moving...

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