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Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (3): 109–112.
Published: 01 September 2011
..., Byzantium and the Myths of Venice . Washington, DC : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection , 2010 . 296 pages. $60 . ISBN 978-0884023609 (hardcover) . Copyright 2011 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2011 Reviews Henry Maguire and Robert S. Nelson, Eds...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (2): 114–118.
Published: 01 June 2010
...Marijan Gubic Monique O'Connell: Men of Empire: Power and Negotiation in Venice's Maritime State . Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2009. 264 pages. ISBN 978-0-8018-9145-8. $55.00 (hardcover). Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2010 Marijan Gubic is the minister and deputy...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (2): 118–121.
Published: 01 June 2010
... Monique O’Connell: Men of Empire: Power and Negotiation in Venice’s Maritime State. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2009. 264 pages. ISBN 978-0-8018-9145-8. $55.00 (hardcover). Reviewed by Mari- jan Gubic. The city-state of Venice is enjoying a veritable resurgence of interest...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (2): 121–124.
Published: 01 June 2010
.... Reviews  115 Reviews Monique O’Connell: Men of Empire: Power and Negotiation in Venice’s Maritime State. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2009. 264 pages. ISBN 978-0-8018-9145-8. $55.00 (hardcover). Reviewed by Mari- jan Gubic. The city-state...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (3): 112–115.
Published: 01 September 2011
... Reviews Henry Maguire and Robert S. Nelson, Eds.: San Marco, Byzantium and the Myths of Venice. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2010. 296 pages. $60. ISBN 978-­0884023609 (hardcover). Reviewed by Constantine A. Pagedas. “This was Venice, the flattering...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (3): 115–118.
Published: 01 September 2011
... : Editura Militara , 2010 . 736 pages . ISBN 978-9733208365 (hardcover) . Copyright 2011 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2011 Reviews Henry Maguire and Robert S. Nelson, Eds.: San Marco, Byzantium and the Myths of Venice. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (4): 27–44.
Published: 01 December 2014
... Diplomacy  31 In June 1980, the EC gathered in Venice to establish a coherent Middle East policy. Throughout the summit, oil and arms were the primary economic considerations influencing the British delegation’s approach toward political declarations concerning the Middle East. The North Sea oil...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (1): 145–146.
Published: 01 March 2009
... in global commerce, agriculture and politics was on the wane. The author devotes much attention to the twin city-states of Venice and Genoa and their resilience at the twilight of the Mediterranean’s power due to a steady infusion of silver and the increasing salience of manufacturing. Venetian...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (1): 147–150.
Published: 01 March 2009
... a holistic, integrated view of the Mediterranean region during the period when the region’s importance in global commerce, agriculture and politics was on the wane. The author devotes much attention to the twin city-states of Venice and Genoa and their resilience at the twilight of the Mediterranean’s...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (1): 151–154.
Published: 01 March 2009
... during the period when the region’s importance in global commerce, agriculture and politics was on the wane. The author devotes much attention to the twin city-states of Venice and Genoa and their resilience at the twilight of the Mediterranean’s power due to a steady infusion of silver...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (1): 111–113.
Published: 01 March 2014
..., or redoubt, for the eastern Med- iterranean, and Cypriot history reflects this fact. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, Cyprus has been under the control of the major powers of the day, stretching from the Byzantine Empire and French crusaders to Venice, the Ottomans, and later the British Empire...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (1): 113–117.
Published: 01 March 2014
..., for the eastern Med- iterranean, and Cypriot history reflects this fact. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, Cyprus has been under the control of the major powers of the day, stretching from the Byzantine Empire and French crusaders to Venice, the Ottomans, and later the British Empire. These occupying...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (4): 93–96.
Published: 01 December 2010
...] empire into Muslim Africa and Asia during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries” as chronicled by its histo- rians. But his methodology goes well beyond his impressive command of this literature to (1) an interpretation inspired by Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, with the famous otherness...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (4): 97–100.
Published: 01 December 2010
... of Iberian [Spanish and Portuguese] empire into Muslim Africa and Asia during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries” as chronicled by its histo- rians. But his methodology goes well beyond his impressive command of this literature to (1) an interpretation inspired by Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (4): 19–42.
Published: 01 December 2013
... their activities, the Hospitallers, alongside Western Christian powers includ- ing France and eventually Venice, mounted a naval crusade, which by 1334 had cleared the Aegean of pirates, at least temporarily.17 13. Lane-Poole, 8; J. L. Anderson, “Piracy and World History: An Economic Perspective on Mari...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (1): 77–93.
Published: 01 March 2009
... to their final destination in Venice, stopping along the way in coastal cities of Alba- nia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy. The symposium culminated in the signing by Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Bartholomew of the Venice Declaration on the Environment, a document on environmental ethics...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2012) 23 (3): 63–81.
Published: 01 September 2012
... David Agreement of 1978, and the second oil cri- sis that emerged after the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the nine member states of the EC issued the Venice Declaration on 13 June 1980, which repeated their call for a “comprehensive solution” to the Israeli-­Arab conflict and com- mitted the EC to work...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2012) 23 (1): 104–106.
Published: 01 March 2012
... of Venice as a child. The Great Sea was both familiar and revealing—a mix of oft-heard old stories and fascinating new ones. As I read this book, absorbing the perspective of thousands of years of history, played out on the same streets I have walked that were once peopled by my antecedents, it made...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2012) 23 (1): 106–110.
Published: 01 March 2012
... of Venice as a child. The Great Sea was both familiar and revealing—a mix of oft-heard old stories and fascinating new ones. As I read this book, absorbing the perspective of thousands of years of history, played out on the same streets I have walked that were once peopled by my antecedents, it made...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (1): 5–25.
Published: 01 March 2015
...,” China.org.cn, 1 November 2013, 11/01/content_30468580.htm. Fardella: China’s Debate on the Middle East and North Africa   19 to Rotterdam and Venice) and the Maritime Silk Road (from Quanzhou in Fujian to Nairobi and then Venice).41 The WANA region, and the Middle East in particular...