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urban renewal
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1-20 of 38 Search Results for
urban renewal
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Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (1): 71–96.
Published: 01 March 2016
...Sultan Tepe Many of the urban renewal projects (URPs) in consolidating democracies are not market-led projects but rather projects initiated by the state and implemented by the private sector. Promising to improve urban poor regions with URPs poses unique challenges and opportunities to residents...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (1): 1–4.
Published: 01 March 2016
... of Turkish national politics is the essay by Sul-
tan Tepe, “Urban Renewal Projects and Democratic Capacities of Citizens,”
which examines Turkish political life at the grassroots level by comparing the
renewal projects of two Istanbul neighborhoods and the roles played by both
the state government...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2012) 23 (1): 104–106.
Published: 01 March 2012
... on decision
making over natural and cultural resources, revealing a conglomerate of forces at work
and giving voice to those actively resisting imposed urban development, governance,
and community identities in often David-and-Goliath-like battles.
The volume is greatly influenced by the late...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2012) 23 (1): 106–110.
Published: 01 March 2012
... on decision
making over natural and cultural resources, revealing a conglomerate of forces at work
and giving voice to those actively resisting imposed urban development, governance,
and community identities in often David-and-Goliath-like battles.
The volume is greatly influenced by the late...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (1): 12–37.
Published: 01 March 2013
Egypt’s growing population and high rate of urbanization have led to a surge
in electricity consumption. In 2008 the Egyptian government announced
an ambitious plan to satisfy 20 percent of total electricity generation from
renewable energy sources by 2020.
Significant discoveries in the late...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2008) 19 (4): 91–110.
Published: 01 December 2008
... to leverage China's involvement to enhance their development. Whether Chinese interest and involvement brings the danger of renewed exploitation without accompanying sustainable development depends on the extent to which African countries are able to take advantage of the opportunities of this growing...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (3): 49–66.
Published: 01 September 2015
...-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.
Like Iran, Turkey is trying to diversify its energy mix. In addition to uti-
lizing its significant renewable energy potential (particularly hydropower),
Ankara plans to use nuclear power. In late 2014 the Environment and Urban-
ization Ministry approved the environmental...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (4): 100–114.
Published: 01 December 2004
... capita gross national product doubled in less than a
decade, from about six thousands dollars in the late 1980s to more than
thirteen thousand in 2002.4 Education levels went up and so did urbaniza-
tion, upward mobility, and expectations. Educated and urban Greeks refused
to accept agricultural...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2003) 14 (2): 21–45.
Published: 01 June 2003
urbanization will be the norm throughout the region. In 1925, for
example, 80 percent of human population was located in rural areas;
in 1995, only 52 percent remained in rural locales—and the expecta-
tion remains that this trend toward urbanization will continue.3
• Climate change...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (4): 88–99.
Published: 01 December 2004
permits is more than 150,000. Annually, the total number of those seeking
asylum in Turkey is around 5,000. While the fl ows of external emigration
and immigration are taking place, Turkey also experiences mass internal
migration, with thousands of people coming from rural to urban areas each
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (2): 26–39.
Published: 01 June 2009
... problems in the region argue for a more concerted approach, embracing United Nations, European Union, and national initiatives—and a more “singular” approach to shared challenges. Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2009 Pamela Lesser is a Washington-based consultant on urban and environmental planning...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (1): 95–104.
Published: 01 March 2014
... they have a powerful bargaining hand over Cyprus.
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frustrated at the failure of the
Western world to intervene effectively in Syria, and at the same time, is under
domestic pressures for political reform, caught between the demands of the
urban middle classes...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (4): 107–123.
Published: 01 December 2014
..., and Israel (three hundred cubic
meters), are far below this benchmark. To put these numbers in context,
Sweden has twenty thousand cubic meters of renewable water per person
per year.2
In the year before the Syrian uprising, over a quarter of a million Syrian
farmers were forced off their lands...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (1): 97–116.
Published: 01 March 2015
... and wage rate. The
Chinese people have every reason to worry over whether their education and
skills can satisfy the need of the knowledge-and-innovation-oriented econ-
omy, given the current 260 million migrant workers and around 300 mil-
lion peasants that will likely flow into urban areas...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (3): 65–85.
Published: 01 September 2006
... “use of
renewable natural resources,” increased by 80 percent. This 80 percent is 20
percent more than the capacity of the earth to renew itself.5
The only reason this ecocidal development goes on largely unchallenged
is because of corporate tyrannies. Those who control the world...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (4): 45–63.
Published: 01 December 2014
.... The assembly decided to do away with the
national workshops, a vast make-work project that provided employment for
unemployed urban lower classes and was perceived as a recruiting ground for
the Paris mob. As a result, the workers rose in June 1848 and were crushed.
After the June Days the revolution...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (1): 82–98.
Published: 01 March 2017
... minorities, the seeds of a sectarian war were sown.
Syria’s independence restored centuries of Sunni hegemonic dominance
that exacerbated minority resentment. Much of the Alawi population toiled
in Sunni-owned estates or worked for the urban classes. Syria’s parliamen-
tary politics of the 1950s...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (3): 102–128.
Published: 01 September 2013
... Africa. The Inter-
national Coffee Agreement (ICA) is discussed, including how smallholder
producers were affected when the ICA was not renewed. Finally, fair trade is
analyzed as a plausible alternative that might benefit smallholder producers
more than free trade...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (2): 113–137.
Published: 01 June 2009
... country, connected to Northern, South-
ern, Central, and Eastern Asia. The urban coastal areas of the country have
experienced phenomenal economic expansion since the 1980s (often double-
digit growth). China is now the world’s second-largest economy after the
United States, and it has become...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (2): 57–75.
Published: 01 June 2011
by senior active-duty staff officer Colonel Dursun Cicek. The plan aimed to use various means to
undermine public support for the AKP by discrediting and framing the government and the highly
influential Gulen movement, a global educational network for Turkish-nationalist-Muslim renewal...