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postwar recovery

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Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (2): 11–19.
Published: 01 June 2011
... responsible for the bitter consequences of the ideological divisions that continued to haunt the Greeks after the end of the occupation. To these we may add the complex difficul- ties that delayed postwar recovery. And I should add the worst of all: the irreparable changes in the cultural outlook...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (1): 3–28.
Published: 01 March 2017
.... Sotiris Rizas is director of research at the Modern Greek History Research Center, Academy of Athens, Greece. Copyright 2017 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2017 Italian economy Greek economy Bretton Woods postwar recovery A Stabilization and Development Dilemma: The United States...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (2): 103–106.
Published: 01 June 2004
... “Fascist Reformation.” Italy’s defeat and liberation in World War II, and its postwar recovery, are the sub- jects of Domenico’s third and fourth chapters. Again, in what category did Italy belong? Was it a defeated member of the Axis powers brought down by Mussolini’s miscalcula- tions...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (2): 106–111.
Published: 01 June 2004
... of Mussolini’s fascism and its very complex nature during the ventennio, or what Ital- ians call “the twenty years,” is carefully and thoughtfully discussed throughout his chapter on Italy’s “Fascist Reformation.” Italy’s defeat and liberation in World War II, and its postwar recovery, are the sub- jects...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (2): 112–114.
Published: 01 June 2004
....” The evolution of Mussolini’s fascism and its very complex nature during the ventennio, or what Ital- ians call “the twenty years,” is carefully and thoughtfully discussed throughout his chapter on Italy’s “Fascist Reformation.” Italy’s defeat and liberation in World War II, and its postwar recovery...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2000) 11 (3): 100–115.
Published: 01 September 2000
...—for providing some measure of internal regional stability. Some observers have criticized the Bosniak gov- ernment’s slow postwar efforts to reintegrate ethnic communities or foster means for refugee return, and others had directly accused the government...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2001) 12 (1): 57–80.
Published: 01 March 2001
...-how in postwar Germany and Japan facilitated an economic recovery inconceivable in Soma- lia, Haiti, Bosnia, or Kosovo. Germany also had strong traditions of the rule of law, property rights, and free trade before the Nazi era,92 and Japan’s elite...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (2): 39–58.
Published: 01 June 2013
... Jugoslavija and still legitimately translated “Land of the South Slavs” — ceaselessly seethe anew amid its fractured legacies, rival sib- ling statelets, and tremors ebbing from internal and neighboring nationalists. In unguarded reveries, not a few among the weary postwar throngs sigh for the “good...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2000) 11 (2): 59–77.
Published: 01 June 2000
...; Bor: 1,000 jobless following attack on copper mining plant; Nis: about 1,000 workers idled from damaged tobacco factory; and so forth). FOCUS, a Swiss environmental and humanitarian group, conducted four postwar missions to Kosovo and Serbia proper from June through...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (4): 46–61.
Published: 01 December 2011
.... Government after government attempted to break traditions of paternalis- tic politics and economic corruption, while offering Greeks the functioning political-­economic infrastructure that other Western Europeans enjoyed. Many strong currents shaped postwar Greece: the Greek Civil war of the late...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (4): 5–18.
Published: 01 December 2013
..., the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU may carry a risk of reifying the peace myth still more, thus divorcing European integration even further from much-needed historical scrutiny. Why, then, was the European project started? Part of the answer is, of course, to be found in the postwar push...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (1): 15–26.
Published: 01 March 2011
... to assist you. And the recovery of your economy is a type of assistance to us. . . . We sail in the same boat and we should not try to squeeze the other out. We must keep a bigger picture in mind. Throughout the visit I had raised the issue of Iran’s nuclear program with various senior...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2002) 13 (3): 94–108.
Published: 01 September 2002
... similarity to the postwar European eco- nomic arrangements hardly needs to be emphasized. Still, Goebbels summed up Germany’s continued predicament succinctly: “If Europe can’t exist with- out us, neither can we survive without Europe.”19 Goebbels’s...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (4): 38–54.
Published: 01 December 2010
... of Greece’s biggest companies are either state run or state managed.3 Since the socialists’ rise to power for the first time in Greece’s postwar history, successive governments accused their predecessors of cooking the books to present a rosy financial picture and gather votes. Each government...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (1): 48–72.
Published: 01 March 2006
... relationship was over and that both sides had passed the point of recovery. 16. Hurriyet, 30 June 2004. For more background on the Turkey-US-Israel–American-Jewish rela- tionship see my Turkey’s Relations with Iran, Syria, Israel, and Russia, 1991 – 2000 (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda, 2001), 125 – 65...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2008) 19 (2): 47–81.
Published: 01 June 2008
... every postwar Greek prime minister except George Papandreou, and at least some I considered my friends, still I did not feel comfortable in asking for a political favor for a moral issue and have never raised the subject of my brother with any of them. I insisted in pursuing the matter...