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Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (1): 81–97.
Published: 01 March 2013
...Kostas Rontos; Luca Salvati; Petros Sioussiouras; Ioannis Vavouras The authors propose a classification of the perceived corruption levels of Mediterranean countries according to key political, economic, and social factors. While relevant empirical research has shown the extent of corruption...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (1): 55–70.
Published: 01 March 2016
...Thanos Catsambas This essay summarizes developments since the outbreak of the Greek economic crisis in 2010 from the perspective of various myths that dominated the public discourse from 2010 to 2016. In the author's view, the perpetuation of these myths, which was partly the result of poor...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (3): 6–37.
Published: 01 September 2016
...George C. Georgiou This essay traces the transfer of private ownership of economic resources from sovereign rulers to the modern nation-state, starting with mercantilism and ending with exclusive economic zones. Nation-states were initially envisaged as bodies that acted on behalf of their citizens...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (1): 29–57.
Published: 01 March 2017
... geopolitics Cyprus question Israeli gas Egyptian gas EU energy Copyright 2017 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2017 Theodoros Tsakiris is assistant professor of energy geopolitics and economics, University of Nicosia. He has served on the board of directors of the Cypriot National Oil and Gas...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2007) 18 (3): 56–71.
Published: 01 September 2007
...Theodore C. Kariotis Theodore C. Kariotis is professor of economics at Towson University, Maryland. Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2007 A Greek Exclusive Economic Zone in the Aegean Sea Theodore C. Kariotis For more than thirty...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (3): 1–18.
Published: 01 September 2009
...J. E. Peterson There have been three economic transformations of the Arab Gulf. Yet the obstacles today remain eerily similar to those of forty years ago. Oil reserves are finite and nonoil resources in the gulf states—minerals, arable land, skilled population, and even capital for some countries...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2009) 20 (3): 51–62.
Published: 01 September 2009
...George C. Georgiou This essay analyzes the economic consequences of the proposed reunification of Cyprus and concludes that, based on the framework presently being negotiated, the much-publicized economic peace dividend will not materialize for the majority of Cypriots. The economic costs...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (3): 26–46.
Published: 01 September 2010
... the greatest importance, but ties with individual Arab countries and Israel have also served useful economic and political purposes. The South Caucasus republics have needed to balance their relations with their neighbors and the major powers in the interests of political and economic security. Matters...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2010) 21 (1): 122–126.
Published: 01 March 2010
... Edward Hale Bierstadt, with the editorial assistance of Helen Davidson Creighton: The Great Betrayal: Economic Imperialism and the Destruction of Christian Communities in Asia Minor . Chicago: Pontian Greek Society of Chicago, 2008. 345 pages. ISBN 978-1-934703-11-3. $35. Originally published...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (3): 26–41.
Published: 01 September 2011
... of Ioannina, Greece, on 8 April 2011. Copyright 2011 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2011 Stavrou: Origins of Global Turmoil and Greek Economic Distress  27 Origins of Global Turmoil...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2003) 14 (1): 95–100.
Published: 01 March 2003
...Theodore C. Kariotis Ralph C. Bryant, Nicholas C. Garganas, and George S. Tavlas, editors: Greece's Economic Performance and Prospects . Washington, D.C., and Athens: Brookings Institution and Bank of Greece, 2001. 618 pages. ISBN 960-87147-0-2. $22.95. Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2003...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (4): 100–114.
Published: 01 December 2004
...Andrew C. Danopoulos; Constantine P. Danopoulos Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2004 Andrew C. Danopoulos is an honors graduate in economics and sociology from the University of California–Davis. Constantine P. Danopoulos teaches political science at San Jose State University. Albanian...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2005) 16 (3): 102–117.
Published: 01 September 2005
...Robert Looney Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2005 Robert Looney is a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,California. US Middle East Economic Policy: The Use of Free Trade Areas in the War on Terrorism Robert Looney We...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (2): 53–71.
Published: 01 June 2006
.... Modernity and Economic Nationalism in the Formation of Turkish Nationalism Cevdet Yılmaz and Mustafa S¸ahin Nationalism is a highly debated concept and does not have a uniform or stan- dard meaning. Adding an adjective before the concept, as we do, may further increase...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2000) 11 (1): 136–140.
Published: 01 March 2000
...Sulayman Nyang Emma C. Murphy: Economic and Political Change in Tunisia . New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. 285 pages. ISBN 0312-22-1428. $79.95. Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2000 Sulayman Nyang is professor of African studies, Howard University,Washington, D.C. MQ 11.1-09...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2001) 12 (4): 62–79.
Published: 01 December 2001
...K. L. Afrasiabi; Yadolah Pour Jalali Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2001 K. L. Afrasiabi is a research scholar at the Braudel Center for the Study of Economics, Historical Systems and Civilizations, State University of New York, Binghamton. Yadolah Pour Jalali is professor of economics...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (3): 131–133.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Danijela Dudley Review Aris Trantidis: Clientelism and Economic Policy: Greece and the Crisis. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2016. 256 pages. ISBN 978-­1-­138-­10140-­1. $145.00 (hardcover). Reviewed by Danijela Dudley. The outbreak of the Greek sovereign debt crisis...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2004) 15 (4): 186–202.
Published: 01 December 2004
...Benjamin Kline Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2004 Benjamin Kline is professor of history at De Amza College, Cupertino,California. The Changing Social Environment of Modern Ireland: Immigration and the Issues of Politics, Economics, and Security...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (1): 102–115.
Published: 01 March 2006
...Kevin K. Frank 2006 Kevin K. Frank is a captain in the US Navy. He served as the senior military intelligence officer in Afghanistan in 2004 and returned to Afghanistan for the elections of September 2005. Democracy and Economics in Afghanistan: Is the Cart...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2000) 11 (3): 100–115.
Published: 01 September 2000
...P. H. Liotta Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2000 P. H. Liotta is the Jerome E. Levy Chair of Economic Geography and National Security at the Naval War College. MQ 11.3-05.Liotta 7/20/00 5:12 PM Page 100 If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another...