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Syrian crisis

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Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2018) 29 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 March 2018
...Evaghoras L. Evaghorou In recent years, the eastern Mediterranean has been characterized by instability and intense competition among states and nonstate actors. This is mainly because of the Syrian crisis, the terrorist activity of the Islamic State in Syria, the competition over energy sources...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (3): 49–66.
Published: 01 September 2015
... and Tehran are the nuclear dispute with Iran and the Syrian crisis. Turkey’s stance on the nuclear dispute is not very different from the EU’s. While Ankara does not wish to see a nuclear Iran next to its borders, it strongly opposes a military solution. Turkish leaders believe that a military...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (1): 95–104.
Published: 01 March 2014
... the Mediterranean coast to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. As the Syrian crisis deepens, it is likely that the political fallout along the fault line and outside it will increase. For policy planners in the West who are deter- mined that no direct external involvement in the Syria civil war is feasible...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (1): 1–11.
Published: 01 March 2013
... that “some Western countries” had hindered and even “sabotaged” the dip- lomatic process by pushing for regime change in Syria.15 His comment was clearly directed at Washington and its NATO allies, who have repeatedly demanded that Assad step down. The solution to the Syrian crisis must be solely...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (2): 85–104.
Published: 01 June 2014
... East and also to the view of Turkey held by Middle Eastern popula- tions. In this connection, the Syrian crisis has been critical because Syria was the most visible actor in terms of Turkey’s altered foreign policy approach to the Middle East. Turkey’s relations with Syria had been the very model...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (4): 64–86.
Published: 01 December 2017
..., these common threats have increased dramatically since the beginning of the current Syrian crisis. The rise and spread of groups like the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS) and the destabilization of the region as a result of policies undertaken by regional actors like Iran have created conditions...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (3): 94–116.
Published: 01 September 2015
... regime, but Turkey rejected such a possibility. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the need to cooperate with Turkey on the Syrian crisis was a major motive behind Israel’s apology for the Mavi Marmara attack. Herb Keinon, “Syria Crisis Necessitated Turkey Apology...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (1): 116–132.
Published: 01 March 2006
... and impatience in the United States. Notwithstanding temporary diversions and the Iran-Iraq war, Kuwait crisis, British-American invasion of Iraq, or Lebanese-Syrian crisis, the resolution of the Palestinian conflict will be the central component to peace in the Middle East. 130 Mediterranean Quarterly...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2015) 26 (4): 89–109.
Published: 01 December 2015
... of the United States, 1955– 1957, vol. 13, Near East: Jordan-­Yemen [hereafter FRUS 1955–57, v13], 645–6, “Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia,” 27 August 1957. See also David Lesch, “The Saudi Role in the American-­Syrian Crisis of 1957,” Middle East Policy 1, no. 3...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (1): 5–21.
Published: 01 March 2016
... into the Syrian crisis, it is difficult to imagine a scenario wherein the conflict is ended absent a diplomatic accord involving the participation of at least two of the three distant global powers listed here (the United States and Rus- 23. See Mark N. Katz, “Russia: Conflicting Aims, Limited Means...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2007) 18 (2): 37–60.
Published: 01 June 2007
... Harris Syrian president Bashar al-Asad’s determination in August 2004 to force an extended Lebanese presidential term for his ally Émile Lahoud inaugu- rated a multifaceted crisis in the Levant. Bashar mistakenly assumed that he could railroad the West and the Lebanese into accepting a fait...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (1): 99–116.
Published: 01 March 2017
... Perry and Laila Bassam, “Syria Kurds Seize Town from Islamic State near Its ‘Capital,’ ” Reuters, 23 June 2015, www.reuters.com/article/us -­mideast-­crisis-­syria-­idUSKBN0P316F20150623. 27. Tom Wyke, “Kurdish Forces Declare Syrian City of Hasakah Liberated from ISIS,” Daily Mail, 2 August...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2013) 24 (3): 1–5.
Published: 01 September 2013
... of the Mediterranean Quarterly — demonstrate how inter- connected the world is, especially with respect to issues that evolved from the Mediterranean region. The civil war in Syria appears intractable as ever in 2013, with relatively low interest in Washington in supporting the Syrian rebel forces — rebels...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (1): 1–2.
Published: 01 March 2017
...Magnus Nordenman Copyright 2017 by Mediterranean Affairs, Inc. 2017 From the Managing Editor Magnus Nordenman At the time this issue of the Mediterranean Quarterly went to press, the civil war in Syria raged, with Aleppo having fallen in the face of a combined assault by Syrian...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2014) 25 (4): 107–123.
Published: 01 December 2014
.... Public participa- tion is a precondition for social acceptance of public policy decisions.”27 25. Mercy Corps, “Water Scarcity and the Syrian Refugee Crisis,” 9 March 2014, www.mercy corps.org/articles/jordan/water-scarcity-­ and-­ syrian-­ refugee-­ crisis.­ 26. Aryn Baker, “Will Syria’s...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2016) 27 (2): 67–88.
Published: 01 June 2016
...-­greek-­island-­syrians#.VphWilMrKL4. 20. Michelle Kambas, “Volunteers Fill Aid Void in Greek ‘Crisis within a Crisis Reuters, 16 August 2015, www.reuters.com/article/us-­europe-­migrants-­volunteers-­idUSKCN0QL0IH20150816. Lamb: The Gates of Greece  75...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2006) 17 (4): 1–12.
Published: 01 December 2006
.... In other words, readers of Mediterranean Quarterly since 1989 would not be very surprised that Lebanon today seems headed backward into the civil strife it thought it had surmounted after the Taif Accords were imple- mented in Beirut, under Syrian suzerainty, in the early 1990s. For the sake...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2011) 22 (4): 62–79.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Hafizullah Emadi The Baath Party has ruled Syria with an iron fist since the 1960s, curbing civil liberties and imprisoning and executing anyone who dared oppose its rule. A major anti-Baath struggle erupted in the 1980s as Syrians rebelled, trying to topple the repressive regime. The ruling party...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2000) 11 (4): 117–139.
Published: 01 December 2000
... and defense minister. In Septem- ber 1970, during the Jordanian civil war, Israel forced Syria not to intervene in the crisis on behalf of the Palestinians. The defeat of 1973 was a major embarrassment for the Syrian president. In 1982, Assad experienced defeat...
Journal Article
Mediterranean Quarterly (2017) 28 (2): 1–3.
Published: 01 June 2017
... between the twin challenges of massive migration brought on by the Syrian Civil War and other areas of instability and the ongoing Greek financial crisis. Tina Mavrikos-­Adamou’s essay, “Immigration Law and the Politics of Migration in Greece,” traces the legal framework of immigration back...