Greg Marinovich, a Pulitzer Prize – winning South African photojournalist, provides us with a mesmerizing and unforgettable narrative of the events surrounding the August 2012 Marikana Massacre, which occurred during a strike organized and led by Lonmin- employed platinum mine rock drill operators (RDOs). The massacre occurred when the state intervened to suppress the strike after conflicts between the striking workers, the trade union (which did not support the strike), and the Lonmin security and local police resulted in violence. This narrative and the color photography included in the book should become required reading in undergraduate and graduate courses on globalization and international labor studies. The book was first published in South Africa and won the Alan Paton Prize for nonfiction in 2017. It is to the credit of MSU Press’s editors that the book has been republished in its “African History and Culture” series, along with a helpful contextual...

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