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Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2014) 58 (2): 103–154.
Published: 01 October 2014
.... Part I provides an account of the rules that generate phonological words and phrases in German, the principles that determine the normal placement of stress in words and phrases, and motivations for the abnormal placement of stress. Part II looks at higher-level, facultative structures in prosodic...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2013) 57 (2): 321–371.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the seemingly incompatible agential theories of Edward T. Cone, who heard music’s agencies as obligatory and hierarchically nested, and Fred E. Maus, who clarified the poietic function of such agential ascriptions while stressing their provisional, ad hoc, and often ephemeral nature. After arriving...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2017) 61 (2): 201–242.
Published: 01 October 2017
... of units stressed through sonic and contextual criteria, thus providing insight into the syntactic elements of the musical language and indicating listening and analytic strategies for this music. Copyright © 2017 by Yale University 2017 Pierre Boulez Domaines transformational theory composing...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2010) 54 (2): 311–324.
Published: 01 October 2010
... in the speech
of nonnative speakers). Indeed, rhythm studies in linguistics were long
dominated by typological concerns: such apparently dissimilar languages as
English and Thai purportedly share a tendency toward isochrony between
stresses, while languages such as Spanish and Hindi...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2001) 45 (2): 457–469.
Published: 01 October 2001
... 1) how specific musical events
are ordered, 2) how they are grouped together to create musically signif-
icant patterns (e.g., themes, progressions, phrases, and so on), 3) how long
or short these patterns may be, and 4) why some patterns are stressed and
others are not. Advances are generally...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2016) 60 (1): 23–50.
Published: 01 April 2016
beat; (3) pokok, which contains one note every two beats; and (4) jegogan, which
contains one note every four beats (Tenzer 2000b, para. 2.2).7
Tenzer (2000b, paras. 2.3–2.4) further explains:
In each stratum . . . points of stress...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2000) 44 (2): 451–485.
Published: 01 October 2000
but these are somewhat out of phase with each other. There are, then, no
clearly drawn boundaries that would be articulated by all formal princi-
ples underlying the work.14 Moreover, the music would first seem to
greatly stress some structurally subordinate elements over the primary...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2020) 64 (2): 203–240.
Published: 01 October 2020
.... He apparently recognizes his own con- ceptual idealization, for he adds an important caveat to his call for a positive theory of Romantic form. Vande Moortele (2013: 424) stresses that such a theory must also avoid losing track of the ongoing relevance of earlier norms and conventions, presumably...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2012) 56 (2): 293–298.
Published: 01 October 2012
The focus on a single, relatively well-circumscribed topic within each
chapter facilitates comparison of analytical strategies, for as Damschroder
stresses, there was by no means a single, unified nineteenth-century ana
lytical practice. Rather, the multiplicity of approaches and their potential...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2013) 57 (1): 87–118.
Published: 01 April 2013
... Schulenberg .” Music Theory Online 2/7 . . ———. 1996c . “ More on Handel and the Hemiola: Overlapping Hemiolas .” Music Theory Online 2/3 . . ———. 1998 . “ Stress and Counterstress...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2000) 44 (1): 81–99.
Published: 01 April 2000
... this
sketch with Beethoven’s music and fleshes out the analysis on the basis
of Riemann’s commentary, which reads as follows: “The first subphrase
up to m. 5 is nothing but an expanded thesis. Mm. 5–6 give a complete
cadence with the stress on IV; the same follows in mm. 6–8, again with
the stressed lower...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2006) 50 (2): 181–210.
Published: 01 October 2006
... above I have stressed the significance of the theoretical perspective for
musical analysis, it seems appropriate now to explicate the theoretical point
of view of this study. I have three broad perspectives: formal, harmonic-linear,
and, lacking a better term, temporal. In the first, I follow...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2013) 57 (2): 433–449.
Published: 01 October 2013
... developments bind “Forme” and “Périforme,” and even the shared assess-
“strangely at odds with his aesthetic ideals,” but the ments of postwar composition that bind “‘ . . . Auprès et
author still stresses Boulez’s resolute faith in the series au loin’” (1954), “Recherches maintenant” (1954...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2000) 44 (2): 261–322.
Published: 01 October 2000
beats and tempo, intensity is one of the elements of rhythm and can vary
its effects infinitely.16
For Fétis, the aesthetic accent is a qualitative (stress) accent that affects
the surface rhythm of the music and is subject to interpretive creativity.
Because the aesthetic accent (nuance...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2012) 56 (2): 169–223.
Published: 01 October 2012
... . Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . Honavar V. de la Higuera C. . 2001 . “ Introduction: Grammatical Inference .” Machine Learning 44 : 5 – 7 . Hopcroft J. E. Ullman J. D. . 1979 . Introduction to Automata Theory...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2003) 47 (2): 305–323.
Published: 01 October 2003
... André Cam-
pra’s and Antoine Blanchard’s tenures at the Chapelle Royale. (It is indeed
one of their favorite cadential progressions.)
Some other composers in the service of Louis XV even felt the need
to stress further Lalande’s cadential gesture by adding a major ninth to
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2003) 47 (1): 125–154.
Published: 01 April 2003
..., but this is not obviously
true.) Stress accents can be a factor in the perception of meter, but they are a rela-
tively minor one; consider the case of organ or harpsichord music, where no stress
accents are possible but meter can still be quite readily inferred.
19. The end of the consequent phrase features...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2022) 66 (2): 189–222.
Published: 01 October 2022
... the work's unity and cohesion—is considered and critiqued in Carpenter 1988 : chap. 28, which focuses on Mazel's structural analysis. Here, I concentrate on the expressive/topical component in Mazel's study, which, I should stress, is just one of many musical parameters in play. 14 Mazel’ argues...
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Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (2024) 68 (1): 194–199.
Published: 01 April 2024
... and practices might well be a promising portent, in these days of emotional stress” (qtd. on 139). In Gribenski's words, “Graves explicitly designated the international context as justification for broadcasters’ project to tune the world” (139). In other words, figures such as Graves helped justify a hegemonic...
Journal Article
Journal of Music Theory (1999) 43 (1): 135–163.
Published: 01 April 1999
... stressed by
Krebs: this turn lasts but three measures; and it is positioned in the mid-
dle of a larger fifteen-measure unit firmly anchored on both sides in the
tonic, mm. 58–61 and 65–72. The C≥ inflection, accompanying a mo-
mentary question in the text, provides only a fleeting threat, immediately...