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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1961) 20 (4): 559.
Published: 01 August 1961
... Indian Terracotta Art. Edited by O. C. GANGOLY. New York: George Wittenborn, 1959. x, 18. Plates, Notes on plates. $9.00. The value of this publication is in its fifty plates. They illustrate some of the temples of the last three centuries in Bengal. Their walls are covered with carved bricks. Well...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (3): 820–821.
Published: 01 August 1997
...Vijaya Nagarajan Gifts of Earth: Terracottas and Clay Sculptures of India . By Stephen P. Huyler . Middletown, N.J. : Grantha , 1996 . 232 pp. 203 illustrations. $75.00 (cloth). Copyright © The Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1997 1997 820 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1961) 20 (4): 559–560.
Published: 01 August 1961
... Indian Terracotta Art. Edited by O. C. GANGOLY. New York: George Wittenborn, 1959. x, 18. Plates, Notes on plates. $9.00. The value of this publication is in its fifty plates. They illustrate some of the temples of the last three centuries in Bengal. Their walls are covered with carved bricks. Well...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1961) 20 (4): 558–559.
Published: 01 August 1961
... in their home villages, are frequently in a better financial position than the non-migrants, suggesting that the economy of an Indian industrial city is not really able properly to support the factory worker and his family. RICHARD ELLEFSEN San Jose State College Indian Terracotta Art. Edited by O. C. GANGOLY...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2021) 80 (4): 1071–1072.
Published: 01 November 2021
... represented the body. Chapter 3 considers how the reduced sizes and scales of the Han emperors’ and kings’ terracotta armies, compared with the First Emperor of Qin's life-size naturalistic terracotta army, might have delivered the political message of benevolent rule. This material-based methodology thus...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (3): 818–820.
Published: 01 August 1997
... of the divine in India. ELAINE CRADDOCK Southwestern University Gifts of Earth: Terracottas and Clay Sculptures of India. By STEPHEN P. HUYLER. Middletown, N.J.: Grantha, 1996. 232 pp. 203 illustrations. $75.00 (cloth). Lavishly illustrated, Stephen Huyler's Gifts ofEarth: Terracottas and Clay Sculptures...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2011) 70 (4): 1206–1208.
Published: 01 November 2011
... such as Kalhana's Rājataraṅgiṇi to assess the political and other roles of women in early medieval Kashmir. Chapters 6 and 7 consider religious sites in Gujarat, and potentially religious terracotta finds in Mathura and Ahichchhatra (sic). In these two chapters in particular, the authors frequently point out...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2013) 72 (1): 185–187.
Published: 01 February 2013
... popular new attractions include avant-garde art installations and Gettysburg-style battle reenactments, suggesting that the town has embraced a “postsocialist” identity (p. 233). The terracotta warriors museum is a paradigmatic example of a new, post-Maoist narrative. As Davies discusses, museum...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2002) 61 (2): 746–747.
Published: 01 May 2002
... civilized culture in the subcontinent (p. 4). This is considered an important period on two counts: first, for the finds of terracotta figurines, seals, and sculptures which later developed into Hindu iconography; and second, for the large water tanks, which are subsequently associated with the Hindu temple...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2019) 78 (2): 472–474.
Published: 01 May 2019
... as well as biographical details of Khakhar's affiliations with his artistic contemporaries (pp. 200–209). I am less enthusiastic about Khullar's chapter on Subramanyan. Her discussion of Subramanyan's terracotta works, for instance, would have benefited from a closer analysis of the sociopolitical...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1995) 54 (1): 152–160.
Published: 01 February 1995
... in Imperial China . Princeton : Princeton University Press . Falkenhausen Lotharvon . 1990 . “Ahnenkult und Grabkult im staat Qin: der religiöse Hintergrund der Terracotta-Armee.” In Ledderose L. and Schlombs A. , eds., Jenseits der grossen Mauer: der erste Gottkaiser von Qin und seine...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1975) 34 (3): 850.
Published: 01 May 1975
... of a generally impressive group of articles on the historical periods is fittingly enough that by David McCutchion, whose premature death soon after the Conference gave reason enough to dedicate the volume to his memory. His analysis of Bengal temple terracottas, a subject replete with unknowns and resource...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1951) 10 (4): 410–411.
Published: 01 August 1951
... System as a Dynamic Factor in the History of Khorasmia"; chapter 3 (pp. 59-170), "The Tower of Afrig; Types of Settlement in Ancient Khorasmia and Their Relation to Socio-economic History" (starting in Neolithic times); chapter 4 (pp. 173-227), "The Khorasmian Horseman" (coins, terracotta figurines...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1951) 10 (4): 409–410.
Published: 01 August 1951
...), "The Khorasmian Horseman" (coins, terracotta figurines, K'ang-chil [Khorasmian] cavalry). The three studies treat of the following topics: 1 (pp. 231-247), "The Threat of Eutydemus of Magnesia" (he became king of Bactria about 230 B.C 2 (pp. 248-280), "The Tyranny of Abrui; A History of the Social Struggle...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1979) 38 (3): 594–595.
Published: 01 May 1979
..., terracottas, stone sculptures, and rock paintings. These are accompanied by numerous suggestions on new avenues of research and documentation, making the book of greater value to students of archeology than to art historians. Chapters one and seven present the most significant archeological evidence. In his...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1979) 38 (3): 593–594.
Published: 01 May 1979
..., terracottas, stone sculptures, and rock paintings. These are accompanied by numerous suggestions on new avenues of research and documentation, making the book of greater value to students of archeology than to art historians. Chapters one and seven present the most significant archeological evidence. In his...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1999) 58 (2): 566–567.
Published: 01 May 1999
... full-sized stupas. Between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, the Khmer controlled most of Thailand. Their votive tablets usually represented Mahayana deities. They were made of terracotta or metal, such as bronze, lead, silver, or pewter. Most exemplified either the Khmer Angkor Wat (c. 1100-75...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2000) 59 (2): 460–461.
Published: 01 May 2000
... primarily from India, with examples from Nepal, China, and Pakistan, spanning a period of two thousand years and including sculptures in bronze, stone, and terracotta, and paintings on paper, cloth, and board, on loan from collectors and museums in Europe and the United States. ...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2000) 59 (2): 461–462.
Published: 01 May 2000
... and including sculptures in bronze, stone, and terracotta, and paintings on paper, cloth, and board, on loan from collectors and museums in Europe and the United States. 462 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES For those fortunate enough to have visited the exhibit, as well as for those unfortunates who missed...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2002) 61 (2): 745–746.
Published: 01 May 2002
...). This is considered an important period on two counts: first, for the finds of terracotta figurines, seals, and sculptures which later developed into Hindu iconography; and second, for the large water tanks, which are subsequently associated with the Hindu temple. Thus the author traces the development of Hinduism...