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Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1953) 12 (3): 348–350.
Published: 01 May 1953
...Edward Schafer Oeuvres Posthumes de Paul Pelliot , Mémoires sur les Coutumes du Cambodge de Tcheou Ta-Kouan . Version nouvelle suivie d'un commentaire inachevé. Paris : Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient , 1951 . Copyright © The Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1953 1953 348 FAR...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1954) 14 (1): 100–102.
Published: 01 November 1954
...Wing-tsit Chan Copyright © The Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1954 1954 La philosophie morale dans le Neo-Confucianisme (Tcheou Touen-yi) . By Chow Yih-Ching . Preface by Paul Demieville. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France , 1953 . xv, 230 . Bibliography, glossary, index...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1958) 17 (2): 270–272.
Published: 01 February 1958
..., Appendix. $5.50. L'auteur reprend ici, avec de nombreuses additions et, entre autres, des traductions de passages du Tou tch'eng hi cheng (1235) et du Mong hang lou (description de Hang-tcheou entre 1241 et 1274) qui sont les bienvenues, un article public en 1937, dans le T'oung pao, sur la description de...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1958) 17 (2): 267–270.
Published: 01 February 1958
... du Mong hang lou (description de Hang-tcheou entre 1241 et 1274) qui sont les bienvenues, un article public en 1937, dans le T'oung pao, sur la description de Hang-tcheou par Marco Polo. II y a joint des notes assez 6tendues sur certains details et certains chapitres du Livre de Marco Polo (poulesa...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1957) 16 (2): 329–332.
Published: 01 February 1957
... du f6odalisme et du capitalisme, le caractere feudal de l'6poque antique (dynastie Tcheou) devient ipso facto suspect, douteux, sujet a caution. II y a cependant une faille dans cette logique formaliste impeccable. La voici. Premierement, conclure a la suite ineluctable et invariable des 6tapes des...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1954) 14 (1): 100.
Published: 01 November 1954
...-Confucianisme (Tcheou Touen-yi). By CHOW YIH-CHING. Preface by PAUL DEMIEVILLE. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1953. xv, 230. Bibliography, glossary, index. 1,200 fr. This first book-length study in any European language on the founder of Neo-Confucianism, Chou Tun-i (1017-1073), begins with a long...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1954) 14 (1): 99–100.
Published: 01 November 1954
... be imagined. University of Pennsylvania DERK BODDE La philosophie morale dans le Neo-Confucianisme (Tcheou Touen-yi). By CHOW YIH-CHING. Preface by PAUL DEMIEVILLE. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1953. xv, 230. Bibliography, glossary, index. 1,200 fr. This first book-length study in any European...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1958) 17 (2): 272–273.
Published: 01 February 1958
... les wa ou wa-tseu, quartiers d'amusement, on en trouve une liste plus complete que celle du Hien-tch'ouen lin-an tche dans le Wou-lin kieou che re'dige' en 1290 par Tcheou Mi,fc.6. JACQUES GERNET University de Paris China and the Cross: A Survey of Missionary History. By CoLUMBA CARY-ELWES. New York...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1969) 28 (2): 445–446.
Published: 01 February 1969
... French transcription 4) Wade-Giles 5) where important a customarily used transcription which does not accord with the official. For example: 1) Leizhow (pen.) 2) characters 3) EFEO Lei-Tcheou 4) Wade-Giles Lei-Chou 5) other heichow. Since these geographical names are not listed alphabetically but by type...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1969) 28 (2): 446–447.
Published: 01 February 1969
...) Leizhow (pen.) 2) characters 3) EFEO Lei-Tcheou 4) Wade-Giles Lei-Chou 5) other heichow. Since these geographical names are not listed alphabetically but by type and location the third section is a concordance which alphabetically lists i, 3, 4 and 5 above. The second part of the dictionary is a listing...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1965) 24 (4): 667–679.
Published: 01 August 1965
.... Thrupp Sylvia , “The City as the Idea of Social Order” in Handlin and Burchard , eds., The Historian and the City ( Cambridge, Mass. , 1963 ), p. 122 . The term “cosmicize” is from Mircea Eliade. 5 Chou-li 43. Cf. Biot , Le Tcheou Li ( Paris , 1851 ) vol. II , pp...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1947) 6 (4): 345–363.
Published: 01 August 1947
... an almost complete change. Instead of inscriptions, iconography, architecture, sculpture, 20 Paul Pelliot (tr.) "M&noires sur les coutumes du Cambodge, par Tcheou Ta-kouan," BEFEO, 2 (April 1902), 123-77. 356 THE FAR EASTERN QUARTERLY etc.,20 there appear chronicles of Cambodia and its neighbors, writings...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1954) 14 (1): i–viii.
Published: 01 November 1954
... Publishing Foundation, Hsien-tai kuo-min chi-pen chih-shih ts'ung-shu [Lienche Fang] China Cultural Publishing Foundation, Hsueh-shu chi'k'an [Lienche Fang] Chow, Yih-ching, La philosophie morale dans le Neo-Confucianisme (Tcheou Touen-yi) [Wing-tsit Chan] Chung-kuo Shih-hsueh-hui (Chinese Historical Society...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1958) 18 (1): 163–181.
Published: 01 November 1958
... relations de la France avec le royaume de Mysore, UP (TU) CHOW Yih-ching [TCHEOU Yi-k'ing], La philosophic morale de Tcheou Touen-yi: aux origines du neo-confucianisme, UP (TU) NEWS OF THE PROFESSION 179 KAO Chung-ju [KAO Tchong-jou], Le mouvement intellectuel en Chine et son role dans la Revolution...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1961) 20 (2): 169–180.
Published: 01 February 1961
..., missionaries and converts were attacked almost incessantly throughout the decade of the sixties. Cf. Adrien Launay, Histoire des missions de Chine: Mission du Kouy-Tcheou , II (Paris, 1908), 74–191, 325–402, 541–89, passim. 3 See de Groot J. J. M. , Sectarianism and Religious Persecution...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1948) 8 (1): 3–33.
Published: 01 November 1948
... . 3 Inscription of Srei Banteay (a.d. 1304), in Le temple d'Içvarapura: les inscriptions et I'histoire (Mémoires archéologique , publiés par 1'Ecole Françhise d'Extreme-Orient) ( Paris , 1926 ), 89 . 2 Pelliot Paul , “Mémoirs sur les coutumes du Cambodge par Tcheou Ta...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1949) 8 (2): 187–202.
Published: 01 February 1949
... (Paris), "Les insignes' en deux parties et l'authenticit£ du Tcheou-li"; Tjan Tjoe Som (Leiden), "On the rendering of the word ti by 'Emperor' "; Mile. Contag v. Winterfeldt (Mainz), "Le Houa yuhou de Che T'ao et sa signification pour la connaissance de l'esprit chinois"; G. Haudricourt (Hanoi), "Comment...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1950) 9 (3): 256–305.
Published: 01 May 1950
... of the Hinduized states of southeast Asia, Far Eastern Quarterly , 7 (August 1948 ), 377 , and Briggs, “Dvāravatī,” 105 –06. 115 Ma Touan-lin, 487-88. 116 Gerini, 524, note. 117 Pelliot , “ Mémoires sur les coutumes du Cambodge, par Tcheou Ta-kouan ,” BEFEO , 2 ( 1902...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1955) 14 (5): 631–655.
Published: 01 September 1955
... to the Bodleian. Bodleian by Anne Hazelton. London [etc.] 1954. library record 4 (1953), 304-13. 77 p. front. CHIN CHIEN. A Chinese printing manual CHOW, YIH-CHING. La philosophie morale [Wu ying lien chu chtn pan ch'ing shih] dans le nio-confucianisme (Tcheou Touen- translated from the Chinese with notes...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1995) 54 (2): 322–346.
Published: 01 May 1995
... 26 . 3 : 308 –13. Porkert Manfred . 1974 . The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence . Cambridge, Mass .: MIT Press . Porkert Manfred . 1979 . Biographie d'un taoiste légendaire: Tcheou Tseu-yang . Paris : Collège de France . Pregadio...