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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1991) 50 (4): 972–974.
Published: 01 November 1991
...Thomas E. Fricke Order in Paradox: Myth, Ritual, and Exchange Among Nepal's Tamang . By David H. Holmberg . Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 1989 . xvi, 265 pp. $29.95. Depicted Deities: Painter's Model Books in Nepal . By M. L. B. Blom . Groningen, The Netherlands : Egbert...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1984) 43 (4): 697–722.
Published: 01 August 1984
...David Holmberg Abstract Every religious system in Nepal, including that of the Tamang, is multifaceted and has numerous practitioners. Without apparent contradiction, western Tamang simultaneously engage Buddhist lamas who preside over elaborate rites of death, sacrificial lambu who propitiate...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1984) 43 (4): 627–628.
Published: 01 August 1984
... studying this newspaper as a component of the comparative history of the press in East Asia. Ritual Paradoxes in Nepal: Comparative Perspectives on Tamang Religion DAVID HOLMBERG Pages 697-722 Every religious system in Nepal, including that of the Tamang, is multifaceted and has numerous practitioners...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1987) 46 (1): 71–88.
Published: 01 February 1987
...) Hitchcock John T. 1965 . “ Sub-Tribes in the Magar Community in Nepal. ” Asian Survey 5 : 207 –15. Höfer András . 1979 . The Caste Hierarchy and the State in Nepal: A Study of the Mulukiv Ain of 1854 . Innsbruck : Universitätsverlag Wagner . Höfer András . 1981 . Tamang Ritual Texts...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2021) 80 (1): 206–210.
Published: 01 February 2021
...,” and because the NRN “mostly focuses its activities on Nepal” neglecting “ the welfare of diaspora Nepalis themselves” (p. 465). The outmigration of the Tamang, the subject of Kathryn March's contribution, has been late, and its consequences extreme. Forty percent of village households are now headed by women...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2004) 63 (4): 1127–1128.
Published: 01 November 2004
... of the art. Today, we may conservatively identify thirty-seven branches of Tibeto-Burman, out of which this volume covers only eighteen: Bodish, Tshangla, Tamangic, Kiranti, Newaric, Magaric, Lepcha, rGyal-rongic, Ba¯i, Sinitic, Lolo-Burmese, Qia¯ngic, Kachinic, Brahmaputran, Meithei, Karenic, Kukish...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1977) 36 (3): 584–586.
Published: 01 May 1977
.... Hofer's second contribution, on Tamang shamans, and Alain Fournier's description of shamans' activities in his article on the Sunuwar both concern practitioners called by the Tibetan name bon-po; although this does not prove anything, no unprejudiced investigation of these notably nonisolated cultures...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1981) 40 (4): 824–825.
Published: 01 August 1981
... and mobility; public authority; the role of the state; and the effects of recent (1951) legislation. One appendix focuses on the place of ethnic Tamangs (Hofer's specialty) within the hierarchy, and the other deals with cow-killing. The bibliography lists both Nepalese and European sources. Nepal's society...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2004) 63 (4): 1128–1130.
Published: 01 November 2004
.... Magaric is represented by Kham. Three sketches are provided of Kiranti languages: the Belhara dialect of Athpahariya, Chamling (misspelled Camling and Hayu. Tamangic is represented by Tamang, Chantyal, and Nar-Phu. Newaric is represented by Dolakha¯ and Kathmandu Newar, with the name of the language...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2001) 60 (1): 258–260.
Published: 01 February 2001
.... However, if one is looking for generalizations about the relationship between spatial concepts and cultural constructs, one must be able to penetrate the intricacies of Western Tamang oral ritual texts and the geomorphic locative case system in Rai grammar, for example, and be willing to overlook a kind...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1991) 50 (4): 969–972.
Published: 01 November 1991
... conflicts. BETH ROY San Francisco, California Order in Paradox: Myth, Ritual, and Exchange Among Nepal's Tamang. By DAVID H. HOLMBERG. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989- xvi, 265 pp. $29.95. Depicted Deities: Painter's Model Books in Nepal. By M . L. B . B L O M . Groningen, The Netherlands: Egbert...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1967) 26 (5): 255–257.
Published: 01 September 1967
.... 1, No. 1 (October RAI, C. D. The Tamang Lama. Bulletin of 15, 1963), 13-15. Tibetology 3, no. 3 (Nov. 1966), 29-31. GOODALL, MERRILL R. Administrative change in ROSE, LEO E. Nepal in 1965: focus on land re- Nepal. (In: Braibanti, Ralph, ed. Asian bu- form. AS 6 (Feb. 1966), 86-89. reaucratic systems...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1981) 40 (4): 825–826.
Published: 01 August 1981
... changed those internal structures and customs over time? And how much has the law influenced ethnic solidarity? Hofer suggests that "the sanctioning of caste identity has probably had a reinforcing effect upon . . . ethnic identity" (p. 150), but, aside from a brief discussion of the ethnic Tamangs...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1957) 16 (5): 874–875.
Published: 01 September 1957
.... 270 p. EVANS, CHARLES. Kangchenjunga climbed [by] Charles Evans and George Band. Geographical journal 122 (Mar. 1956), 1-12. maps. FURER-HAIMENDORF, CHRISTOPH VON. Ethnographic notes on the Tamangs of Nepal. EA 9 (Mar-Aug. 1956), 166-77. GNOLI, RANIERO [ed.] Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1999) 58 (3): 863–865.
Published: 01 August 1999
... with geographic regions: central Nepal (David N. Gellner on Newars, Alan Macfarlane on Gurungs, and Ben Campbell on Tamangs); the Tarai (Claire Burket on Maithilis, Christian McDonaugh on Tharus); east Nepal (N. J. Allen on Thulung Rais, Andrew Russell on Yakhas, and Martin Gaenszle on Mewahang Rais...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1977) 36 (3): 586–587.
Published: 01 May 1977
... of groups he turned up that were previously unknown in ethnographic literature. (The footnotes to this article are missing.) As Frank points out, categories such as "Tamang," etc. (which appear in half of these articles' titles) often appear to be more or less fictional on the ground, although Nepalese...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1983) 42 (3): 695–697.
Published: 01 May 1983
... sociocultural systems: the Chetri and Brahmans, the Newars, and the Tamang. Borgstrom's thesis is that Nepalese social structure is characterized for the most part by personal rather than corporate relations. Of particular importance are the patron-client relations in which resources are mobilized and favors...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2002) 61 (3): 833–860.
Published: 01 August 2002
..., the Muluki Ain both enacted and expressed Jang Bahadur's continuing definition of Nepal as a morally and politically Hindu state. In this way, it has been argued, it initiated the process of "domination by inclusion" that Theravada Buddhists and others protest today (Tamang 2000, 15). When the end of Rana...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2000) 59 (3): 788–790.
Published: 01 August 2000
... are not specialized in Thakali matters? Vinding does not compare his materials with that of neighboring groups (except occasionally in footnotes). But since the Thakali are closely related to the Gurung and Tamang in the east, the Magar in the west, and also to the Tibetan-speakers in the north, there are various...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2001) 60 (1): 256–258.
Published: 01 February 2001
.... However, if one is looking for generalizations about the relationship between spatial concepts and cultural constructs, one must be able to penetrate the intricacies of Western Tamang oral ritual texts and the geomorphic locative case system in Rai grammar, for example, and be willing to overlook a kind...