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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1995) 54 (1): 220–222.
Published: 01 February 1995
...Stephen D. Miller Copyright © The Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1995 1995 Heart's Flower: The Life and Poetry of Shinkei . By Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen . Stanford : Stanford University Press , 1994 . xii, 475 pp. $60.00. 220 THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES of deities...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1995) 54 (1): 219–220.
Published: 01 February 1995
.... It is meticulously documented and annotated, as well as indexed to aid the reader in answering every question concerning rice in the context of Japanese society today. FELICIA G. BOCK Oakland, California Heart's Flower: The Life and Poetry of Shinkei. By ESPERANZA R A M I R E Z C H R I S T E N S E N . Stanford...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1989) 48 (1): 3–26.
Published: 01 February 1989
..., panoramic vistas by Nagasaki-school painters, and even a woodblock book depicting famous mountains by Tani Buncho (Santorl Bijutsukan 1978). Some scholars have applied the word shinkeizu retroactively even to pre-Edo painting. Tsuji Nobuo, for example, uses the word shinkei in conjunction...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1995) 54 (1): 222–223.
Published: 01 February 1995
... THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES apprehension of impermanence and emptiness and produced through a process of intense mental concentration" (p. 194). It is impossible here to capture the breadth of scholarship, the excellence of the translations, the fullness of Shinkei's literary life, or the subtleties of his...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1990) 49 (3): 666–667.
Published: 01 August 1990
.... The serious flaws are the relative lack of pictorial analysis and documentation as well as the lack of an art historical overview. In the essay on two prints, titled "Kiyochika's Debut," one identified as Tokyo Edobashi no Shinkei, the other Tokei Godaikyo no ichi Ryogoku Shinkei, Smith gives emphasis...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1990) 49 (3): 665–666.
Published: 01 August 1990
... are the relative lack of pictorial analysis and documentation as well as the lack of an art historical overview. In the essay on two prints, titled "Kiyochika's Debut," one identified as Tokyo Edobashi no Shinkei, the other Tokei Godaikyo no ichi Ryogoku Shinkei, Smith gives emphasis to the theme of "bridging...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1963) 22 (4): 417–432.
Published: 01 August 1963
..., ShQa, and Shinkei, held a contest in which each composed his own verse to go with the following given verse: The flickering flames seen Are but the firefly Hi ka to miyuru wa hotaru narikeri Shua's linked verse was: Amidst the reeds Enfolding the fisher's boat In the dark night. . . . Isaribune tomaru...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1996) 55 (1): 168–169.
Published: 01 February 1996
... aesthetics of the chill and withered made their way into tea and helps one trace the usage of well-worn terms such as wabi and suki. Hirota duly acknowledges that a number of more extensive studies on linked-verse poets such as Shinkei or Sogi have been published since his articles first appeared. Unlike...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2004) 63 (3): 799–800.
Published: 01 August 2004
..., the poet Shinkei (1406 57) characterized it in terms such as withered, shrunken, and cold (p.148), terms which fall rather forbiddingly on modern ears. Keene himself puts it more reassuringly, describing it as quiet, subdued, re ned beauty (p. 95). In the development of all this, so the author...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (4): 1094–1096.
Published: 01 November 1997
... but marvel, in reading Regent Redux, at how this chieftain of the great Fujiwara clan could have been so lacking in the spiritual depth of, for instance, his contemporary, Shinkei, a scholar and poet-priest who lived through the same tumultuous times. ELEANOR KERKHAM University of Maryland Nihonga...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1994) 53 (4): 1263–1265.
Published: 01 November 1994
... with a surprisingly clear denotation of the stylistic and rhetorical boundaries that defined the "conservative" Nijo poetic line in contrast to the "unorthodox" rival Kyogoku and Reizei lines (Carter's terms). By including poets known for their accomplishments in other areas, such as Nijo Yoshimoto, Shinkei, and Sogi...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1994) 53 (4): 1261–1263.
Published: 01 November 1994
... denotation of the stylistic and rhetorical boundaries that defined the "conservative" Nijo poetic line in contrast to the "unorthodox" rival Kyogoku and Reizei lines (Carter's terms). By including poets known for their accomplishments in other areas, such as Nijo Yoshimoto, Shinkei, and Sogi, Carter...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2003) 62 (2): 615–617.
Published: 01 May 2003
... Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (fl. ca. 680 700) and Otomo no Yakamochi (718? 85) to Kyogoku Tamekane (1254-1332) to Shinkei (1406-75) no one has given the same kind of attention to Shinkokinshu or its poets. Robert N. Huey's new book thus truly breaks new ground in Western scholarship. Readers should be aware...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2004) 63 (3): 800–802.
Published: 01 August 2004
... is a certain austerity, a paring down to the least obtrusive essentials. Yoshimasa s contemporary, the poet Shinkei (1406 57) characterized it in terms such as withered, shrunken, and cold (p.148), terms which fall rather forbiddingly on modern ears. Keene himself puts it more reassuringly, describing...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1996) 55 (1): 166–168.
Published: 01 February 1996
... aesthetics of the chill and withered made their way into tea and helps one trace the usage of well-worn terms such as wabi and suki. Hirota duly acknowledges that a number of more extensive studies on linked-verse poets such as Shinkei or Sogi have been published since his articles first appeared. Unlike...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (4): 1092–1094.
Published: 01 November 1997
... as if there is no There there, one still cannot help but marvel, in reading Regent Redux, at how this chieftain of the great Fujiwara clan could have been so lacking in the spiritual depth of, for instance, his contemporary, Shinkei, a scholar and poet-priest who lived through the same tumultuous times. ELEANOR KERKHAM University...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2000) 59 (2): 332–358.
Published: 01 May 2000
...). 342 SABINE FRUHSTUCK venereal diseases. Ignorance of sexual matters was seen by proponents of sex education as directly linked to "neurasthenia" (shinkei suijaku) or "sexual neurasthenia" (seiteki shinkei suijaku), which were repeatedly diagnosed by physicians of middle schools and ascribed to "sexual...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2013) 72 (1): 141–162.
Published: 01 February 2013
... and countermeasures] , ed. Shinkei eisei bunka kyōkai, 139 –65. Tokyo : Shinkei eisei bunka kyōkai . Inekura Satoru . 1950 . “ Hiropon jidō no jittai ” [The predicament of children on hiropon ]. Shakai jigyō 33 ( 2 ): 19 – 25 . Ishii Akio , and Nobuo Motohashi . 1977 . “ Drug Abuse in Japan...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2018) 77 (3): 635–658.
Published: 01 August 2018
..., Shinkei Suijaku, Kamigakari [Various Views on the Spirit in Meiji: Nervous Disease, Neurasthenia, and Spirit Possession]. Tokyo : Iwanami Shoten . Wong Ka F. 2009 . “ Visual Methods in Early Japanese Anthropology: Torii Ryūzō in Taiwan .” In Photography, Anthropology and History: Expanding...
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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2023) 82 (2): 184–205.
Published: 01 May 2023
... of small boya sawagi fires across the city noted that Naha's residents were “fearful” ( ojike tsuita ) and “hypersensitive” ( shinkei kabin ) (“Shichū ni hitama no ōrai,” Ryūkyū shimpo , February 16, 1913), and there were criticisms of the fire service's ineffectiveness (“Shōbō jō no fubin,” Ryūkyū...