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Published: 01 August 2024
FIGURE 1 Structure of the Sangha Organization in Myanmar according to official Ma Ha Na website. The website uses the alternative spelling samgha rather than the standard sangha . http://www.mahana.org.mm/en/the-samgha-organization-of-different-levels/the-structure-of-the-samgha-organization More
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1998) 57 (4): 949–978.
Published: 01 November 1998
... and terrains. If we speak of these peoples as oriented toward the surfaces of their times and places rather than as oriented toward an imagined unifying depth, we will shift the effects of our ideological intent upon the archive away from the figurations both of univocal national narratives and of multivocal...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1985) 44 (3): 491–519.
Published: 01 May 1985
...Chad Hansen Abstract Pre-Han philosophical tradition did not address issues for which the concept of truth was central. Classical Chinese philosophy had virtually no metaphysical theory. The theory of language was mainly pragmatic. The semantic doctrines that were developed focused on terms rather...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2016) 75 (4): 1031–1039.
Published: 01 November 2016
...Shampa Biswas Abstract With Asia as its backdrop, Alfred McCoy's paper gives us a story of the rise of US hegemony after World War II. Using “military bases” rather than wars as a metric of imperial power, the paper traces the geopolitics of imperial expansion (and sometimes retraction) through...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2016) 75 (3): 575–594.
Published: 01 August 2016
...Hong Liu; Gregor Benton Abstract This essay takes issue with the idea that the trade in remittance letters ( qiaopi 侨批) was a modern form of “transnational capitalism” that relied on trust in a system of impersonal rules rather than “a distinctive form of ‘Chinese capitalism’” dependent on cultural...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2016) 75 (2): 363–386.
Published: 01 May 2016
... to the nascent PRC loomed large, long-standing ethnic stereotypes were perceived as a vulnerability to national security and targeted for reform through new policies of state multiculturalism. Thus, rather than portraying minorities as exotic, erotic, and primitive, early PRC dance constructed minorities...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1972) 31 (3): 515–537.
Published: 01 May 1972
...). Rather, the slow rate of growth was due to the smallest number of children ever born to women in the village (mean of just over three), resulting from a high age at first birth (24.6 years) and a relatively low age at last birth (35–37 years). The low age at last birth, added to a statistically biased...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1945) 4 (2): 140–147.
Published: 01 February 1945
...Pauline Crumb Smith Abstract In any appraisal of educational methods and progress in the Philippines, it is wise to bear in mind the fact that the essential purpose of the educational system has been, since 1901, political, rather than cultural. This is not said in any spirit of criticism...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1950) 9 (3): 231–244.
Published: 01 May 1950
...Ralph J. D. Braibanti Abstract In a political tradition conditioned to stress personal aspects of government administration rather than rule of law, the scope and the nature of executive power assume great significance. Government under men rather than government under law presumes intentional...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1951) 11 (1): 31–34.
Published: 01 November 1951
... preoccupied with chronology and itemizing but rather with formulating the larger regularities within which events have occurred. The question they ask is the kind that social scientists rather than historians are likely to phrase. It is, however, a question of such a high level of generalization that few...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2003) 62 (1): 43–70.
Published: 01 February 2003
... explains, is not a shortage of critics but, rather, a plethora who are content to operate within the “epistemological and cultural space” defined by the development discourse itself. Yet, he goes on in a subsequent work, “[t]he alternative is, in a sense, always there” (1995, 223), if not in the work...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2010) 69 (1): 181–203.
Published: 01 February 2010
..., the author shows how “man” and “law” not only play roles in legitimizing one or another form of rule, but also help formulate questions about the interaction between individual effort and institutional influence. Viewed from this theoretical rather than historical angle, the debates become important not only...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2014) 73 (2): 493–516.
Published: 01 May 2014
..., a rather modern and Western notion, but because he viewed imperial subjecthood as predicated upon military conscription and being children of the emperor. I examine the removal of the Okinawan women, Nakamura Kame and Uehara Ushi, from the display, amidst a larger debate where competing visions of imperial...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1964) 23 (S1): 5–20.
Published: 01 June 1964
... behavior no less than with its hopes and beliefs. These papers are not intended to give a systematic coverage of the two religions; each is rather a systematic analysis of a certain part of the religion as practiced. The emphasis is on structure and process more than on description and content. The gods...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1969) 28 (4): 685–692.
Published: 01 August 1969
...Hans-Dieter Evers Abstract Studies on social and political change tend to emphasize factors promoting change rather than factors maintaining or reenforcing an existing or a “traditional” social and political system. Among the topics studied from this point of view in Ceylon are the “disintegrating...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1974) 33 (4): 515–522.
Published: 01 August 1974
...George McT. Kahin Abstract As one long preoccupied with American foreign policy and its impact on Asia, particularly Southeast Asia, I should like to talk to you about a problem that has been with us for a rather long time but whose dimensions have in recent years become considerably more extensive...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2018) 77 (1): 107–122.
Published: 01 February 2018
...K. W. Taylor Abstract The Vietnamese story about the arrival of Buddhism and the building of the first Buddhist temples in what is now northern Vietnam contains no distinctively Buddhist content, but rather is a tale of thaumaturgy, the worship of trees and of rocks, and rainmaking. This essay...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1952) 12 (1): 43–46.
Published: 01 November 1952
... through MSA to improve matters. Consequently Mr. Paauw's paper is perhaps more easily discussed against the analysis put forward by Mr. Wolf rather than the other way about. III. COMMENTARY NORMAN S.BUCHANAN University of California, Berkeley Ml. Paauw's paper on Chinese government expenditures during...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1967) 26 (4): 589–610.
Published: 01 August 1967
...Andrew Fraser Abstract The Osaka Conference of January 1875 usually receives rather scant attention in political histories of modern Japan. To some extent this is justified, since of the two important results of the Conference, Itagaki's reconciliation with the government proved shortlived...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1967) 26 (4): 559–574.
Published: 01 August 1967
... countrymen to view this as the common shame of China's four hundred millions, rather than the shame of one or two persons alone. Wang struck a similar chord in another piece in which he argued that since the interests of all members of society were linked together, people should look upon the whole...