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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1984) 43 (4): 723–733.
Published: 01 August 1984
... of the Pollen of the Neolithic Site at Pan-p'o near Sian ,” K'ao-ku , no. 9 (1963): 520 –22. Ho Ping-ti . 1969 . “ The Loess and the Origin of Chinese Agriculture ,” American Historical Review 75 , no. 1 : 1 – 36 . Ho Ping-ti . 1975 . The Cradle of the East: An Inquiry into the Indigenous...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1982) 41 (3): 513–518.
Published: 01 May 1982
... to light more evidence of rice cultivation, including evidence that indicates the presence of rice cultivation in the second millennium B.C. (Yasuda and Kim 1980). The team found rice pollen in a peat layer at Pangojin in Ulchu in southeastern Korea, which yielded a C14 date of 400 B.C. (2350 ± 100 bp {TH...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1970) 29 (2): 363–371.
Published: 01 February 1970
... have yielded skeletal material and pollen 1Elwyn L. Simons, "Some Fallacies in the Study of Hominid Phylogeny," Science, vol. 141 (1963), 879-889. CONTEMPORARY ASIAN ARCHEOLOGY 365 profiles that confirm the presence of man at this site during the Second Glacial stage. New fossil fragments discovered...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1981) 40 (4): 745–746.
Published: 01 August 1981
... irrigation works with total cultivated area. Although pollen analyses eventually may reduce our ignorance, no one is currently able to gauge total cultivation in the thirteenth century, and it would be best to acknowledge this. The whole thrust of my argument has been against elaborate projections from...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1962) 21 (2): 254.
Published: 01 February 1962
... manner from the bottom to the top of the section, like pollen-grains in a peat deposit. Potsherds are then treated quantitatively as a 'graph of ceramic chronology' under descriptive terms ('Jangal Coarse Painted' or 'Quetta Wet and the results presented to us as archeology (even the most ardent...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1989) 48 (3): 630–631.
Published: 01 August 1989
... or sheep and the stabilization of human demand). The Green Archipelago does leave a few relevant questions unanswered. What was the extent and composition of Japan's virgin forests? Geographers and archaeologists have performed pollen analyses that could be used to describe the lost forests. What were...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1982) 41 (3): 511–512.
Published: 01 May 1982
.... The first article, by Kim Won-yong, puts the rice discoveries in historical perspective and discusses previous hypotheses about the origin of rice in Korea and their theoretical underpinnings. He then details the discoveries of rice grains and rice pollen in various sites, and assesses the quality...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1989) 48 (3): 631–633.
Published: 01 August 1989
..., and a modification in land-use rights), and ecology (no goats or sheep and the stabilization of human demand). The Green Archipelago does leave a few relevant questions unanswered. What was the extent and composition of Japan's virgin forests? Geographers and archaeologists have performed pollen analyses that could...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1962) 21 (2): 254–256.
Published: 01 February 1962
... and consistent manner from the bottom to the top of the section, like pollen-grains in a peat deposit. Potsherds are then treated quantitatively as a 'graph of ceramic chronology' under descriptive terms ('Jangal Coarse Painted' or 'Quetta Wet and the results presented to us as archeology (even the most ardent...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1982) 41 (3): 545–548.
Published: 01 May 1982
... for this rice cultivation would seem to indicate that rice agriculture spread directly from China to Korea. The acidity of Korean soil tends to destroy early evidence of domestication of plants and animals. Water flotation and pollen analysis could have been applied by Kim and his students in earlier studies...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1962) 21 (2): 252–254.
Published: 01 February 1962
... archeological small finds accumulate in the strata in which they are found in a purely mechanistic and consistent manner from the bottom to the top of the section, like pollen-grains in a peat deposit. Potsherds are then treated quantitatively as a 'graph of ceramic chronology' under descriptive terms ('Jangal...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1969) 28 (2): 339–355.
Published: 01 February 1969
... Westropp, fearing lest he lose the man whom he considered his ablest native subordinate, strongly recommended Ranade for the position of Joint-Judge of Thana. An- 42 Pollen to Gokhalc, October 25, 1903, Gokhale Correspondence, V, 203-18. 4 3 G. K. Gokhale, The Late Mr. Justice Ranade (Bombay, 1903), pp. 1...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1980) 39 (2): 291–325.
Published: 01 February 1980
... in determining just where the new cropping patterns appeared and the extent of the fields affected. The written sources are of limited use here; more precise answers will have to await the findings of agricultural archaeology, pollen analysis, and even aerial photography. 16 For draft animals in the Song, see...