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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1973) 32 (4): 740–741.
Published: 01 August 1973
...Oliver B. Pollak The Pagoda War: Lord Dufferin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Ava: 1885–6 . By A. T. Q. Stewart . London : Faber and Faber , 1972 . 223 pp. Illustrations, Chronology, List of Burmese Names, Glossary, Notes and Sources, Index. £3.00. Copyright © Association for Asian...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1981) 40 (4): 811–812.
Published: 01 August 1981
...Ulrich Wiesner The Nepalese Pagoda: Origins and Style . By Ronald M. Bernier . New Delhi : S. Chang , 1979 . xx, 219 pp. Plates, Bibliography. Rs 125. Copyright © Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1981 1981 BOOK REVIEWS SOUTH ASIA 811 discussion is poorly integrated...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1987) 46 (2): 415–417.
Published: 01 May 1987
... this Japanese genre and to explain why it is a genre. Her ideas will have to be taken into consideration by scholars who wish to continue this exploration. KAREN BRAZELL Cornell University Pagoda, Skull, and Samurai: Three Stories by Rohan Koda. Translated by CHIEKO IRIE MULHERN. Rutland, Vt., and Tokyo...
Published: 01 November 2017
Figure 7. Statue carver at work near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar. Photo by Laurel Kendall. More
Published: 01 February 2008
Figure 3. The Baiguang Temple. Funds still wait to reconstruct this pagoda in front of the temple's main hall. (Photo by the author) More
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2011) 70 (4): 1083–1105.
Published: 01 November 2011
... on the other; and third, to raise an alternative understanding to predominantly state-centered perspectives on Theravada Buddhism. Field-based observations on the young charismatic Phu Taki and his community, as well as on the practice of pagoda worship called Duwae that has hitherto been undocumented...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2023) 82 (1): 96–119.
Published: 01 February 2023
... these productive collaborations from the past can animate intersectional forms of activism in the present. Furthermore, the article explores how Patricia Powell, as a queer Caribbean writer, uses her novel The Pagoda to perform the same work as the map in creating a counterhistory that gives voice...
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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1981) 40 (4): 810–811.
Published: 01 August 1981
... University of Edinburgh The Nepalese Pagoda: Origins and Style. By RONALD M. BERNIER. New Delhi: S. Chang, 1979. xx, 219 pp. Plates, Bibliography. Rs 125. Ronald M. Bernier's The Nepalese Pagoda is a "survey of Himalayan temple design" (p. xx). The first two chapters are introductory. Chapter 3 describes...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1972) 31 (3): 717–719.
Published: 01 May 1972
... the fields stretching around Pagan, filled with their vast array of temples and temple ruins, without being staggered by the pious enthusiasm which must have engendered these brick and stone pagodas as well as the multitude of now-lost wooden structures which must once have existed among them. We tend...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1970) 29 (4): 987–988.
Published: 01 August 1970
... description of still another pagoda: Readers of this narrative are probably tired of pagodas before now. But in Burma people do get tired of pagodas, and the report would scarcely convey a just impression of the extent to which the country is overlaid with them, if it did not communicate a little of the same...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1952) 11 (2): 207–218.
Published: 01 February 1952
... to interpret the style of the remaining buildings the Kondo, pagoda, gateway, and cloister corridors as the most genuine Asuka. From a chapter in Haruyama's book giving the most recent history of the controversy, I find that immediately before the war a new, ingenious compromise was being proposed by one...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1970) 29 (4): 985–987.
Published: 01 August 1970
... the following footnote (p. 184) to a detailed and rather tedious description of still another pagoda: Readers of this narrative are probably tired of pagodas before now. But in Burma people do get tired of pagodas, and the report would scarcely convey a just impression of the extent to which the country...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1979) 38 (4): 671–688.
Published: 01 August 1979
... in some of them), see the following collections by the Burma Home Department: Inscriptions collected in Upper Burma , 2 vols. ( Rangoon : Supt. Govt. Print. , 1900 , 1903) ; Inscriptions copied from the stones collected by King Bodawpaya and placed near the Arakan Pagoda, Mandalay , 2 vols...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2015) 74 (3): 782–784.
Published: 01 August 2015
... of the Buddha (the Bo tree, a parasol, an empty throne), visual references to monks and pagodas, and symbols of the donation itself, especially the parasol that usually accompanies Burmese pagoda donations. Weavers often include images of the donor's specific birthday beast and astrological signs, as well...
Journal Article
Far Eastern Quarterly (1953) 12 (2): 149–162.
Published: 01 February 1953
... as teachers in local monasteries were non-political and dependent on the alms of the pious for their support,1 The distinguished Sayadaws, or abbottseminarians, who presided over the larger monasteries and pagoda shrines, gained their posts, in part at least, through nomination by religious officials...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2022) 81 (1): 172–173.
Published: 01 February 2022
... was considered normative” (p. 48). In chapter 3, Luo shows how the boundary between fantasy and reality dissolved as the White Snake was released to the Chinese cultural imagination after the sensational fall of the Leifeng Pagoda in 1924. During this period, the avant-garde, the commercial, and the popular...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1959) 19 (1): 67–71.
Published: 01 November 1959
... an expiatory victim and then sink or burn this and all the other Engr lish merchant ships" (p. 84). No evidence is offered to substantiate these observations. Another example concerns the case of a pagoda. 2 This is not quite in keeping with what was said by Liang Ting-nan", the president of the academy. Liang...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1993) 52 (2): 441–442.
Published: 01 May 1993
..." designers of the early seventeenth century, Zhang Lian (Zhang Nanyuan), a slightly younger contemporary of Ji Cheng's. This garden receives a passing mention with an illustration of the "borrowed view" of the Longguang pagoda, but it is a view taken over the rooftop of the buildings instead of the famous...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1972) 31 (3): 719–722.
Published: 01 May 1972
... and, characteristically, the author does it justice with over 250 illustrations, showing not only many sculptures, but numerous views, plans, and diagrams. The largest pagoda in Pagan, it is one of the most lucid and striking in terms of the inherent symbolism of its structure and its plan. Rising in gleaming white tiers...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1963) 22 (2): 155–167.
Published: 01 February 1963
... of all sacred objects pagodas, images of the Buddha, the banyan tree inhabited by the village nat spirit, the Buddhist monastery we perceive that interaction with the supernatural is part of the entire celebration.6 In the past, writers have speculated upon the possibility that all of this behavior...