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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2020) 79 (2): 367–402.
Published: 01 May 2020
...Tobias Benedikt Zürn Abstract Writers in the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) apparently experienced writing in weaving terms. Such an imaginaire of writing as weaving was probably fully manifested in the first or second century BCE and crystallized in the coining of literary terminologies...
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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2018) 77 (3): 775–777.
Published: 01 August 2018
... for Asian Studies, Inc. 2018  2018 Empreintes du Tantrisme en Chine et en Asie Orientale: Imaginaires, Rituels, Influences [Traces of Tantrism in China and East Asia: Imaginaries, Rituals, Influences] . Edited by Vincent Durand-Dastès . Mélanges Chinoise et Bouddhiques 32. Leuven : Peeters...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2024) 83 (4): 829–858.
Published: 01 November 2024
... and mutual influence among the global entertainment industry, print media, and their consumers worldwide. More important, it reveals that as China's mass media and reading public joined in a global imaginaire that enfreaked the Chinese as a race, they were not merely incorporated by this discourse; they also...
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Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (2): 500–501.
Published: 01 May 1997
... (1200 53), and his mental world. This mental universe or imaginaire stretched far beyond Keizan's local context, and Faure structures his description of that extended universe around a series of topics that form the chapters of this book as well as the second level at which it can be read, namely...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (2): 501–503.
Published: 01 May 1997
... whom it can be asked: "Is he not a double-faced being who plays a double game: a skeptic and a believer; an intellectual and a thaumaturge?" (p. 273). Rather than dissolving these doublings and tensions, the imaginaire encompasses them. At times the imaginaire embraces China, India, the medieval...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2011) 70 (1): 286–287.
Published: 01 February 2011
... from the moral challenges faced by these villagers in their everyday lives, Pandian tracks the complex interplay of a precolonial Tamil ethic imaginaire with colonial projects of policing and “Kallar Reclamation,” and the development agendas of the postcolonial Indian state in forming the moral...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1997) 56 (2): 499–500.
Published: 01 May 1997
...), the third generation successor to DSgen (1200 53), and his mental world. This mental universe or imaginaire stretched far beyond Keizan's local context, and Faure structures his description of that extended universe around a series of topics that form the chapters of this book as well as the second level...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2014) 73 (1): 236–238.
Published: 01 February 2014
... of the Tibetan empire in the mid-ninth century, and their enduring legacy in the Tibetan Buddhist imaginaire . The many shades of ritual violence discussed in this book include demon subjugation in temple building and stūpa construction, “tantric war magic” used against invading Mongol armies (p. 132...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2003) 62 (3): 811–834.
Published: 01 August 2003
... of interpretation for the cosmopolitan discourse of Theravada Buddhism, by which I mean the changing body of texts and images that have moved through Buddhist cultures of Asia? How does the imaginaire (to invoke both Bernard Faure's work on Zen and Steven Collins's work on the Theravada)2 of the Pali literary...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2008) 67 (3): 1106–1108.
Published: 01 August 2008
... government molded the Indic social imagination toward the creation of appropriate sentiment though “progressive” changes in the built landscape—a public imaginaire structured by the colonial state—and that this is the premier model of modern urbanism. While I have disagreed elsewhere with the premise...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2011) 70 (1): 301–303.
Published: 01 February 2011
... in 1990. Finally, Erik W. Davis candidly discusses his histoire imaginaire conversations with Chandler in the course of writing his essay, in which he points out that “Cambodian literature has a tendency to kill off its mothers” (p. 229) before turning to real and historical or narrative examples which...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2023) 82 (4): 693–695.
Published: 01 November 2023
... and rebirth, explained the hows and whys of history through karmic mechanisms, and contended with doctrinal ambiguities within the Buddhist karmic imaginaire but also with pre-Buddhist Chinese events and understandings of fate. “Prophecy,” the fourth chapter, investigates historians' instrumentalizing...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2013) 72 (4): 1027–1030.
Published: 01 November 2013
... the watershed moment for scholarship in the field. 16 For the first time, Collins's book is offered a serious rebuttal. Collins used the term “Pali Imaginaire” as a way of thinking about the Theravāda comprehensively in the premodern period as a “relatively stable mental universe in a changing material...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2019) 78 (4): 869–881.
Published: 01 November 2019
... War II to “ideological imaginaires” that, significantly, replaced the preceding patterns—especially in the West—moving from pragmatic alliances to ideological justifications through ostensibly shared values. These “ideological imaginaires” sharply distinguished one group from the other and tried...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2020) 79 (2): 546–551.
Published: 01 May 2020
... preserved by a Buddhist monastic lineage whose canonical literature, written in the Pali language (a derivative of Sanskrit), is regarded as a sacred repository of truth, a repository that has been the genesis for an enduring interpretive literary and philosophical ‘imaginaire’ and a repertoire of ritual...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1966) 25 (5): 168–170.
Published: 01 September 1966
.... plates (part col.) (Les Imaginaires, GOUR, CLAUDE GILLES. Institutions constitution- KRASA, MILOSLAV. Das Lacheln von Angkor. nelles et politiques du Cambodge. Paris, Dalloz, Fotografien von Jan Cifra. [Prague] Artia 1965. 448 p. (Les Systemes de droit contem- [1963] 215 p. chiefly plates, maps. porains...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1957) 16 (5): 828–831.
Published: 01 September 1957
..., BERNARD PHILIPPE. Angkor: (Spoken English textbooks) hommes et pierres. Reportages photo- SPAUDING, SETU. Research on communication through printed materials. Burma Research Society. Journal 39 (1956), graphiques de Jacques Arthaud. Grenoble, Paris, Arthaud, 1956. 232 p. (Coll. Les imaginaires) 127-58...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (1957) 16 (5): 823–828.
Published: 01 September 1957
...), graphiques de Jacques Arthaud. Grenoble, Paris, Arthaud, 1956. 232 p. (Coll. Les imaginaires) 127-58. HAMBURGER, LUDWIG. Thailand's two sleep- SWORD, GUSTAP. Light in the jungle; life story of Dr. Ola Hanson of Burma. Chi- ing nations. New leader 39 (Jan. 9, 1956), 10-13. cago, 111., Baptist Conference Press...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2011) 70 (1): 141–170.
Published: 01 February 2011
... transformations in the local societies, but it left an indelible imprint on the imaginaire —the way the locals conceived their life world and the possibilities of reformulating it (cf. Kaviraj 1997 , 13). The Ao Naga cosmology, for instance, recounted how a creator deity called Lizaba flattened the plains...
Journal Article
Journal of Asian Studies (2006) 65 (4): 669–690.
Published: 01 November 2006
... interchangeable, and from very early times ships of the dead are a recurring motif in Southeast Asia s indigenous art (Ballard et al. 2003, p. 394 97; Glover 1986, p. 42; Manguin 1986, pp. 193, 196). A striking example of this imaginaire is found on the cover of a well-preserved burial jar discovered in a cave...