Orhon Myadar's book is one of the few scholarly English-language works on Mongolia and its nomadic image written by a native scholar. Born in Bulgan Province in northern Mongolia, Myadar went to university in Ulaanbaatar and today works as a political geographer at the University of Arizona in the United States. This is her first monograph. Consisting of seven chapters, including the introduction and conclusion, Mobility and Displacement explores the popular image of Mongolia as a land of nomads.
Having grown up in rural Mongolia during the socialist period, Myadar has firsthand knowledge and experience of this system. However, the book, including the chapters on socialism and postsocialism, is not based on ethnography. The primary sources used are books and articles by Western and Mongolian scholars, including Myadar's own articles, as well as reports by international organizations (World Bank, Asian Development Bank) and Western media outlets (BBC, Associated Press). The...