Chuck Wooldridge's City of Virtues explores the nexus of urban space and literary commemoration in nineteenth-century Nanjing. Each chapter centers on an individual or a cluster of men who left their mark—literally or figuratively—on the city. The unifying thread that Wooldridge identifies over the course of this volatile century is a shared embrace of utopia by reformers and radicals. Wooldridge grounds the borrowed concept of utopia within the Chinese context by using it to identify a kind of religious zeal that undergirded both elite activism and the Taiping social movement. Key to all utopian visions in nineteenth-century China, Wooldridge argues, was the restorative force of virtue—which he joins to the neo-Confucian concept of qi, and which could be located in places or persons. The result is a thoughtful book linking urban history to the ritual and literary representation of space, while also contributing to scholarship on the Taiping civil...
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Book Review|
November 01 2020
City of Virtues: Nanjing in an Age of Utopian Visions
City of Virtues: Nanjing in an Age of Utopian Visions
. By Chuck Wooldridge. Seattle
: University of Washington Press
, 2015
. 242 pp. ISBN: 9780295741741 (paper).
Andrea S. Goldman
Andrea S. Goldman
University of California, Los Angeles
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Journal of Asian Studies (2020) 79 (4): 1003–1004.
Andrea S. Goldman; City of Virtues: Nanjing in an Age of Utopian Visions. Journal of Asian Studies 1 November 2020; 79 (4): 1003–1004. doi:
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