The sharp, subtle, and rich responses of fellow panelists help clarify some of the issues I have been concerned with in this essay. A major one has been to foster and support research that brings to light the numerous relations, axes of interaction, and mobile societies that crisscross Asia and constitute what I am calling Inter-Asia. Over the past decade, my involvement in five Inter-Asia conferences and five rounds of Transregional Postdoctoral Fellowships organized by the Social Science Research Council of New York (SSRC) has demonstrated to me that such phenomena exist in far greater numbers than anyone had imagined at the outset. Those that were contemporary were more immediately visible and well represented at the conferences, while the historical examples tended to surface more in the fellowships. Ironically, fellows convened in workshops expressed delight at meeting fellow travelers in what many felt to be lonely enterprises, laboring along large...
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November 01 2017
Engseng Ho; Response to Responses. Journal of Asian Studies 1 November 2017; 76 (4): 961–962. doi:
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