The aim of this anthology of seventeen essays, clearly set forth by the editors' introduction, is “to promote dialogue between Western and Eastern philosophy, and more specifically between Continental philosophy and the Kyoto School” (p. 1). This venture is guided by the conviction that philosophy is ultimately “a quest for liberating wisdom” and not just an academic exercise (p. 15). This book comes as a timely response to today's globalized environment, which is fast becoming one-dimensional, flat, and uniform, and in which human beings are unwittingly reduced to mere “numbers” for the profit of faceless corporations. Facing and acknowledging the present reality, thinkers are looking “deep within,” to “dig down deeper,” in order for “philosophy to recollect and retrieve its original radicality, for human beings, who think while living and live while thinking, the very act of living originally entails the act of philosophizing” (pp. 30–31)—so appeals Ueda Shizuteru (see...

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