Untitled Poster, featuring Shivaji, Rana Pratap, Subhas Chandra Bose (center), Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekar Azad. Purchased in Lucknow, 1998. With permission, J.B. Khanna, Chennai. Author's Collection. See Kama Maclean, “The Portrait's Journey: The Image, Social Communication and Martyr-Making in Colonial India,” in this issue of the JAS.
November has long been a time for big picture writing at JAS, since this is when we traditionally carry a printed version of the Presidential Address delivered at the springtime Annual Meeting of the AAS. Presidents of the Association have the freedom to take any approach they want in their contribution to the issue, but they tend to cast a wide net, thematic and conceptually, while generally focusing on the region they were elected to represent. This year's Presidential Address, K. Sivaramakrishnan's “Environment, Law, and Democracy in India” is no different. It provides a sweeping look at a general...