Newar Society brings to the Anglophone world French anthropologist Gérard Toffin's work on the Newars. The book is of extreme importance for Newar studies, and it is also beneficial for other scholars who are interested in Nepal's unique form of South Asian Himalayan culture. Toffin is director of research at the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris and has been conducting research in Nepal for more than thirty-five years. His classic Société et religion chez les Néwars du Nepal (Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1984) is based on research in the village of Pyangaon and the small city of Panauti. Newar Society widens his reach and is founded on a number of different research locations in the Kathmandu and Banepa valleys. As the book's introduction states, the study gives “an overall picture of some of the essential features of Newar society” (p. 6).

Toffin is...

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