The Journal of Asian Studies wishes to correct the error appearing on pages 467 and 468 which gives an incorrect listing of the Executive Membership of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. The list should read: Kun Chang, University of California; Theodore Chen, University of Southern California; J. Y. Chih, Indiana University; Albert Dien, Columbia University; Rulan Pian, Harvard University; Hugh Stimson, Yale University; Maurice Tseng, San Francisco State College; John Tsu, Seton Hall University; John Young, University of Hawaii; James Wrenn (Secretary), Brown University; Adele Rickett (Journal Editor), Philadelphia University.
The book entitled Advanced Chinese, by John DeFrancis, was incorrectly given in the last November issue as being published by Harvard University Press of Cambridge. The book was published by Yale University Press of New Haven.
David Pong, co-reviewer with Jack Gerson of the book entitled China's Struggle for Naval Development 1839–1895, published in the last November issue, was incorrectly listed as David Fong.