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Coral Sea, Midway and submarine actions, May 1942–August 1942
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February 1, 1951
This article was originally published in
The Far Eastern Quarterly
Book Review|
February 01 1951
Coral Sea, Midway and submarine actions, May 1942–August 1942
United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Guadalcanal: the first offensive
United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Okinawa: the last battle
Coral Sea, Midway and submarine actions, May 1942–August 1942
. Vol. IV of History of United States naval operations in World War II. By Samuel Eliot Morison. Boston
: Little, Brown & Company
, 1949
. xxiii, 307
p. $6.00.United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Guadalcanal: the first offensive
. By John Miller, Jr. Washington, D.C.
: Historical Division, Department of the Army
, 1949
. xviii, 413
p. $4.00.United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Okinawa: the last battle
. By Roy E. Appleman, James M. Burns, Russel A. Gugeler, and John Stevens. Washington, D.C.
: Historical Division, Department of the Army
, 1948
. xxii, 529
p. $6.00.Far Eastern Quarterly (1951) 10 (2): 213–215.
William R. Braisted; Coral Sea, Midway and submarine actions, May 1942–August 1942
United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Guadalcanal: the first offensive
United States Army in World War II. The war in the Pacific. Okinawa: the last battle. Far Eastern Quarterly 1 February 1951; 10 (2): 213–215. doi:
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