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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2009) 5 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 March 2009
... and 2005, there were noticeable shift s in apprehensions of the burqa in the Western media. In Fall 2006, burqa images even appeared on the Paris runways and in Vogue fashion spreads. This article charts the burqa’s evolution from “shock to chic” and the process of its commodification in the Western media...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2024) 20 (3): 396–399.
Published: 01 November 2024
... make up a very small proportion of the Moroccan rap industry. For example, she told Vogue Arabia in 2022 that even after collaborating with many popular male rappers who “have never put [her] down,” she receives “sexist and reductive comments” from their fans and critics on a regular basis (Bougrine...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2016) 12 (3): 306–322.
Published: 01 November 2016
...-Assad: A Rose in the Desert .” Vogue , February 25 . gawker.com/asma-al-assad-a-rose-in-the-desert-1265002284 . Dabiq . 2014a . “ From Hijrah to Khilafah .” June 29–July 28 [1435 Ramadan], no. 1 , 34 – 41 . jihadology.net/category/dabiq-magazine . Dabiq . 2014b . “ The Fight against...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2010) 6 (3): 58–90.
Published: 01 November 2010
... OF MIDDLE EAST WOMEN’S STUDIES 6:3 tion of new Islamic style cultures are characterized by connections to international Islamic fashion trends that transcend national or linguistic limitations. Just as fashion-forward consumers in the UK will peruse Vogue Italia for its more avant-garde...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2009) 5 (1): 120–121.
Published: 01 March 2009
... Vogue” is a foray into the fi elds of media studies and pop culture. JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter 2009) © 2009 120 CONTRIBUTORS  121...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2023) 19 (1): 131–139.
Published: 01 March 2023
...-artists-work-aims-to-challenge-stereotypes/ . Noor Nausheen . 2021 . “ Qatar’s Sheikha Reem Al-Thani on Bringing Arab Art and Museums into the Future .” Vogue Arabia , February 3 . https://en.vogue.me/culture/sheikha-reem-al-thani-vogue-arabia-interview/ . Pegrum Emma . n.d...
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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2010) 6 (3): 1–18.
Published: 01 November 2010
... in Islamic Banking and Finance: Rethinking Critical Accounts. Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute 8 (4): 645–67. McLarney, Ellen 2009a Islam in Vogue: Fashioning Afghanistan. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 5 (1): 1–20...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2020) 16 (3): 264–282.
Published: 01 November 2020
... in the treatment of Dom in Egypt. To start with, Dom were constructed in a mirror image of Roma after many Orientalist travelers who ventured into Egypt identified them as “Egyptian Gypsies,” using the term in vogue in Europe at the time. As with European Roma, language was used to uncover their origins, since...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (1): 1–21.
Published: 01 March 2021
... interiors that bring to mind the extravagant fashion photographs one finds in magazines such as Vogue or Vanity Fair . With many images showing women languidly lying about on lavish divans, the photographs also recall representations of North African and Middle Eastern women in nineteenth-century...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2016) 12 (2): 181–202.
Published: 01 July 2016
... applying lotions and nail polish. Some customers engaged silently with their smart phones or leafed through the available fashion magazines ( Vogue , Elle , Cosmopolitan ), while others disregarded the notes on the wall and the more tacit rules of the nail bar, making phone calls to family members...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2018) 14 (3): 268–291.
Published: 01 November 2018
... read glossy magazines from the United States, which arrived months out of date during the war: Good Housekeeping , Redbook , Ladies’ Home Journal , Architectural Digest , Vogue , Glamour , and House and Garden . She also read the International Herald Tribune , which arrived weeks late...
FIGURES | View All (15)
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2023) 19 (1): 50–71.
Published: 01 March 2023
... consumer goods, most of the advertised products are globally circulating luxury items and manifest global capitalism in Egypt. Like comparable, globally available women’s magazines such as Marie Claire , Cosmopolitan , and Vogue , these magazines focus on shaping and improving women’s appearance...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2006) 2 (1): 95–121.
Published: 01 March 2006
... from the sentimental and romantic writ- ings of Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti to detective novels and the innovative stories of Yusuf Idris, who, she recalls, was very much in vogue in the 1950s. Throughout her school days, she continued to read both classical and modern Arabic literature, along...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2011) 7 (2): 27–55.
Published: 01 July 2011
..., and pre-marital sex. Simultaneously she defied vague Turkish cultural notions of marrying a Turkish spouse. Similarly she resisted more traditional Turkish/Arab notions—en vogue in many local communities—whereby families make sure that the husband can support a family (Jerik was just finishing...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2011) 7 (3): 36–70.
Published: 01 November 2011
... the masculinized prerogatives of the state, (post)colonialism, and capitalism. The earlier work of Wendy Brown (1997), V. Spike Peterson (1994, 1997), and Cyn- thia Enloe (1980, 1993), which predated the emergence of the vogue for masculinity, studies returned to the forefront, as these studies...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2006) 2 (1): 1–32.
Published: 01 March 2006
... from conceptions of the informal economy. This term came into vogue in the 1970s to describe and analyze activi- ties that were not enumerated, regulated, licensed, or recognized by the state (Hart 1973; Rakowski 1994; for definitional debates on informality in Egypt see Singer- man 1995...